Swallowed in Grief, Healed by Time

Live Moves On, Can't Stay The Same

Frank read the letter after he gently took it from my hands. Needless to say he was very speechless and couldn't say a word. Well, at first anyway. After a few moments he got over the shock and started to tell me that I needed to tell Braden. Then we needed to tell Matt and Brian together. Ha! Brian hates me enough as it is, why on earth would I put him in a position to hate me more? It's not like I want to make his life that much harder. Besides, I think they are better off thinking that their Angel is out there alive somewhere.

"Elise, they need to know," Frank protested.

"Mom said that it was my choice. Matt asked me the other day whether I was related to Angel so clearly they are still looking for her and it's still a close topic. I can't tell them that she died," I responded.

"Then just give them the letter. It explains everything in her words," Frank argued.

"Look, mom gave me this choice and she's expecting me to do what I feel is right and currently I don't feel that telling them is right. Besides, Brian doesn't like me anyways so he won't want anything to do with me," I told Frank.

"What do you mean Brian doesn't like you?" Frank asked softly.

"He just doesn't like me. He has another daughter already so he's perfectly fine without me. It's not like I'm taking his chances of being a father away because he's already got that," I told Frank.

"Brianna Elise, what right do you have to decide that for him?" Frank asked.

"My mother gave me that right and I chose not to say anything. I don't even want to tell Braden," I told Frank.

"Because you know that he will want to tell Brian and Matt," Frank pointed out. "He wants to know who his father is, he always has."

"I know," I whispered looking down at the ground.

"Elise just give them a chance. I promise they are nothing like Aaron," Frank said.

"I'm not afraid of Aaron," I snapped.

"Baby girl I saw what he did. You have every right to hate and fear him," Frank whispered.

"Frank I'm fine," I told him harshly.

"You had nightmares most of the first night," Frank whispered.

"So?" I questioned.

"You don't look like you've gotten much sleep since then either so I can only assume more nightmares are keeping you up," Frank whispered. "Elise honey, this man hurt you in the worst way possible. I understand that. I have no idea how much you're going through right now and I'm not going to pretend that I do. But I really think that it would help you through all of this if you at least gave them a chance. Or at least give Matt a chance."

"If I tell Matt then he's just going to run off and tell Brian," I told Frank. "I can't tell either one of them."

"Secrets don't make friends," Zacky said as he came up behind us. "What aren't we telling Matt and Brian? I want to know."

"Nothing," I snapped at him.

"Elise," Frank warned. "Be nice."

"Look, I don't want them to know. Why is that so hard for you?" I asked getting angry at the situation.

"Because they should know," Frank responded slowly raising his voice. "For crying out loud they are the only family you have left and right now you need a family."

"I don't need anyone," I screamed at Frank as I stood up.

"I've heard the nightmares," Frank hissed as he grabbed my arm to prevent me from leaving. "I know that they are still happening because you haven't gotten barely a wink of sleep since this tour started. Braden comes to me every morning with a story of how you woke him during the night. Hell, Johnny even noticed it and said something to Gerard. You need a family right now to help you through this. Your mother gave you that family and now you just want to ignore it. The very last line in that letter begged you to give them a chance. That was her final request and now you are going against it."

"I can't tell them," I told Frank with tears running down my face.

"Then I'll tell them baby girl. Either way they need to know and you need them," Frank said pulling me into a tight hug.

"Um, mind explaining what's going on?" Zacky asked as he sat down beside us.

"Where's the letter baby girl?" Frank whispered.

"Why do we have to tell them?" I asked.

"Because they can help," Frank said gently pulling the letter from my hands. "They want to help."

"They don't give a shit Frank, they are rockstars for crying out loud," I protested.

"What the hell? What do you think I am? You think that I don't care?" Frank questioned. "That's no excuse and you know it. Stop being so stubborn."

"She gets that from her father," Zacky said reading over the letter.

"I know," Frank replied rolling his eyes. "It all makes sense now."

"What do you mean?" Zacky questioned.

"Well, both of the twins are musically inclined and Elise here is a killer at guitar. Braden prefers the drums but is decent on guitar. Elise is very stubborn and has a bit of an ego. She's also very sarcastic and witty," Frank said. "Braden is much more laid back unless it's something to do with Elise. That's about the only thing that really gets him anymore."

"Ahh, so Elise is Brian and Braden is Angel," Zacky said smiling over at me.

"I still don't like this idea," I told them both.

"Honey it's for the best and you know that," Frank said hugging me tightly.

"But Brian hates me," I whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Zacky asked. "Since when has Brian hated you?"

"Last night he and I got into a fight," I whispered. "He walked off not happy and hasn't spoken to me since."

"Well, considering you are an exact copy of him he's going to have to get used to it," Zacky smiled. "You're going to fight a lot I think. You're way too much alike."

"Do we really have to tell them?" I whispered. "I can just tell Matt and tell him not to tell Brian."

"Except that won't work. Matt knows how much Angel meant to Brian so if it has anything to do with her then he's going to let him know. Besides, Matt wouldn't keep a father from his children either," Zacky said.

"He already has a daughter though," I stated.

"Who's to say that he can't have two? Besides Angelica is not technically his daughter," Zacky said. "You are his blood, she's not."

"Adopted or not she's still his," I said.

"She's not been adopted by him either. Her mother, Michelle, and Brian used to date but broke up when she was pregnant. They never got back together but Brian helped Michelle raise Angelica," Zacky told me. "He loved Angel though and would want to know that he had kids with her. Especially if that's all we have left of her."

"But he doesn't need me," I protested weakly.

"I think he does," Zacky whispered looking in my eyes. "I think you both need each other more than you'll admit."

"I don't need anyone," I protested.

"Alright Mini Syn," Zacky laughed as he handed the letter back to me. "Let's go find the guys."

"Don't call me that," I told him.

"You are so much like him," Zacky chuckled.

"Shut up, no I'm not," I protested. "I am nothing like him."

"If you say so," Zacky said as Frank gently pushed me up and grabbed my hand gently. "Let's go."

"Now?" I questioned.

"Well, if we wait till later they will be in the middle of doing things," Zacky replied. "So now would be the best time."

"Later sounds perfect," I said.

"Come on girly, let's go get your brother and tell him everything then we'll go talk with Matt and Brain," Zacky said.

"Can we just tell Matt and let Matt tell Brian everything?" I questioned.

"Sweetheart, Brian isn't going to do anything," Zacky said as he turned around and stopped right in front of me. "Why are you afraid of him?"

"I just don't want him to think that he has to take care of me. I'll be fine on my own," I whispered looking down at the ground.

"Honey, you are his daughter. His flesh and blood and he needs to know so he can take responsibility," Zacky whispered reaching out and pulling my chin up. "Give him a chance, for your mom if no one else."

"For mom then," I whispered.

"Yeah," Zacky whispered as he pulled me into a tight hug. "For Angel."

Maybe, just maybe, this will all work out alright.
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AHHH I save Avenged in concert last night and it was amazing :D they didn't do an encore though :( *tear*. But it was still really really good. Oh and Matt's wife was there :D yes, he said wife and it made me happy. they finally got married

hope you like the update :D