Raindrops, Paintdrops ; Art School Confidential

My parents met in the late 60's while tripping on acid. They claim they knew they were soulmates from the moment they saw each other; I claim it was the drugs.

I guess I was destined to end up at a liberal arts school with parents like these; I never guessed it would turn out like this.
  1. "*** it, man."
    Sophie's first day in her dorm, thousands of miles from home, and she is welcomed by a drunk derelict man.
  2. Good Morning, Freshmen.
    Welcome to the first class; and the first psycho teacher.
  3. Scorin' digits
    moping in the library has it's benifits.
  4. Book Run
    Delivering books for strangers. Could it be any worse?
  5. Unexpected Visitor