Sunshine and The Rain

Sunshine and The Rain 1

“How cliché.” Christa said aloud as clicked closed the link of the story she was reading. Rolling her eyes she decided to check her myspace for new messages or comments. Pouting as there were no more, since it had only been 20 minutes since she had last checked she got up and decided to be more productive with her time. She cleaned, a common past time for her especially when she was bored. She liked to know where things were. She hated dirt. So cleaning was a good thing.

Looking at the clock Christa realized she had to be at work soon, so readied herself for that and went off to finish her day. Work progressed without much excitement. And Christa was thrilled when the clock reached 10pm meanings she could leave.

She walked to her car turning her cell off silent and reading her recent texts. She giggled at a few of them and then on the last one sighed. It was from Martin. He claimed to really like her but always seemed to be too busy for her. He kept playing with her emotions, wooing her into false hopes. Sending mixed signals to her she was frustrated and had sworn off guys, at least for the time being, or so she told everyone. She secretly still hoped someone would come and sweep her off her feet, but she had been making it just fine thus far why depend on some chauvinistic man. She even had an ex that told her she may want to try for girls, but she knew she couldn’t swing that way.

So Christa kept herself busy being strong and independent giving off that air of strength that almost intimidated and scared off men. It worked for her in a sense but in another it caused problems. She was also very juvenile at times and probably one of the most honest people you would ever meet, well except for her secret, which she told no one. Nor did she ever intend to tell anyone. Living with a secret is tough work, but not impossible if you play your cards right.

Christa got in her car turned up the heat since it was freezing out and blasted the radio she needed to chill out after her emotions went out of whack. She decided maybe a drive was in order. She liked to take drives to clear her head and well get in touch with herself. Arriving at an open field Christa grabbed an extra hoodie out of the car to keep warm and walked to the middle of the field and sat down to meditate.

Christa awakened with a start. She had fallen asleep in the field and was freezing. She had no clue as to the time. She also had a very strange feeling like she was being watched. She knew that meant trouble. It could mess up many things not only involving herself but many. She quietly stood and scanned her surroundings. It was still dark. It was probably sometime between 12-1am. She shook with a chill from the cold. She looked but did not see anyone so she quickly sprinted to her car and blasted the heat to regain feeling to her extremities. She cursed at herself for sleeping and not at all calming her nerves or solving anything.

More than not solving anything Christa had added problems to herself. As there was someone who watched her, and saw her meditation and caught a glimpse of her secret that she tried so desperately to keep hidden. And this person was left in wonder and a longing for more. And would do whatever it took too get what he wanted.
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I got inspired to write. I don't really know all where this story is going or if I'll continue it. I seemed to have lost all interest with my other stuff, writing /posting. Meh, but at the moment some writing therapy seemed appropriate.