Oppisites Attract


Lady's P.O.V.

"Hey Lady! Have you seen the new girl yet?" asked my friend Bree as I walked up to her and Mandy.

"No not yet. Why? Is she hot? What does sh look like?" I asked all in a frenzy over this new girl who I hadn't even seen yet.

Looking at Bree and Mandy sometimes makes me jealous and sad at the same time. Their so in love I can't stand it. Their always together even now and they also can't keep their hands off each other. Right now heir standing here with Mandy leaning into Bree's side as she spoke. Her forehead resting on the side of Bree's neck. Her arms around Bree's waist and Bree's around her neck to hold her close. I was admiring their courage to love in public and not care what anyone else thought when I heard book's hit the floor.

I turned around to see the most beautiful creature I've ever seen standing there. She said in the most beautiful voice I've ever heard "Oopps drop my books can someone help me pick them up?"

"That's her," said Bree from behind me, "maybe you should go and help her pick them up."

I smiled and dashed to her aid grabbing some books and throwing them into a makeshift pile for her. "Thanks I'm Amy and you are?"

"I'm Lady Gaga. Well that's not my real name, but I'm German and my name is really hard to say so eveyone just calls me Lady or GG either one is fine with me." I smiled and she smiled.
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More later I promise.