This Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You

Chapter 4


Bella and I were sitting on my couch, laughing our asses off. I had pulled out all our old yearbooks, and we were making fun of all our pictures.

"Seriously, Gee, what were you thinking with that hair?!" Bella laughed.

I scoffed.

"That looked good on me! Plus... Mom picked it out."

The picture in question was my 6th grade picture.

"Gee, it looked like a black cat climbed on your head and hacked up the worst hairball ever!"

"Hey!" I screeched.

She laughed, and I tackled her, tickling her mercilessly.

"St-st-stop it! I'm gonna piss myself!" she cackled.

I stopped, and looked down at her, my body positioned over her. She was grinning, chest heaving, trying to catch her breath. My face grew serious, and Bella's smile faded. I began lowering myself eyes half-closed, as were hers, and bent my head to kiss her.

"Knock, knock! The party has arrived!" Frank shouted, coming in the front door.

Bella and I jumped up just before Frankie, Ray, Mikey, and Bob made it into the living room.

"Izzy!" they screamed.

I was irritated and disappointed. Why did things always work like that?


Frankie always had the worst timing ever. Just a few moments later, and Gerard and I would have indulged in the sweetest, most innocent kiss. I caught Gee's eye over Ray's head, and he sent me an apologetic look, a weak smile.

I shrugged and returned the smile. What could you do, right? I just hoped that we would have time to discuss what was going on between us later.

Oh, not that I would initiate the conversation. I've always been terribly shy, even when my own shyness irritates the hell out of me.

"How long has it been, Izzy?" Frank asked.

I smiled at the nickname. I was somehow comforted, knowing that Gee would be the only to call me Bella.

"A little over 6 years, I think. You guys took off, straight out of high school, never really looking back. You know, I saw you in concert, once."

A puzzled look played its way across Gee's face.



"Why didn't you come backstage?"

"Oh, you guys were busy and swamped. It was so crowded back there! I tried to tell security to let you know I was there, but they just waved me away. I mean, I was disappointed, but it couldn't be helped. The show was absolutely amazing, though. You guys knew what you were doing without any previous experience. I was proud to say I knew you."

I'd meant the last part for the entire band, but was looking directly at Gee, smiling brightly.

'We'll talk later,' he mouthed.

I knew it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. Now it's time to get serious.

I DON'T write these stories so they can sit here and look pretty. I really don't.

I DO write these stories for YOU, the readers. I write them for your enjoyment and your entertainment.

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