‹ Prequel: Rock Star Father
Status: On hiatus for now, most likely to be left unfinished.

My Teenage Romance


“Anyway, here we are.” Carla announced. My father and I entered the room, Carla returning to her work elsewhere.

“Celeste, hey! I see Gerard told you about my accident….” Mikey trailed off, slightly embarrassed.

“Too right he told me! Mikey, I can’t believe that you actually stuck a freaking toaster in a fork again!” I stopped, considering what I had said, “I mean, fork in a toaster!” Celeste hastily added. “You are such a bloody pillock! Honestly!”

“Do I hear the cries of a disgruntled Englishwoman?” a medium height, dark haired, reasonably young doctor smiled, walking in with a clipboard in hand.

“Hi, Dr. Dorian.” I piped up.

“Celeste! How many times must I tell you, it’s JD.” He admonished happily.

“Always once more, Doctor.” I smiled.

Dr. Dorian, or JD as he preferred to be called, was generally happy, upbeat and optimistic, not to mention professional and usually Mikey’s doctor.
“Well, you seem to be alright, Mr Way but I want to keep you overnight for observation, make sure you have no more electric current running through you.” JD smiled. “See you around, Celeste.” He added as he left.

We talked and laughed for a while and then eventually Gerard and I made our way back to my grandparents’ house as it was getting late.

Back in the house, I hugged him goodnight and retired to my room as he settled down on the sofa. The sofa was large with three seats, and black with white pinstripes.

Back in my room, I lay under my duvet in the same old now ill-fitting pyjamas I wore the night I found out that my life up until then had pretty much been a lie. I had cut the black trousers in to shorts and they had, during the past three years gone from baggy to exceedingly tight. The top was faded and after years of washing was now plain, all writing had fallen off. Still, I wore them as it reminded me of England.

Staring at my Torchwood posters I lamented at the fact that in America Torchwood doesn’t air for another three months!

Soon I fell into a deep sleep, dreaming that my father had pulled some strings and got me an audition to be in Torchwood. I got the part and had a brilliant time meeting the team. It was a bizarre dream.

The next morning I woke up early, and spent half an hour in bed thinking. I then remembered that I didn’t know where or when I was helping Quinn babysit, so I decided to go over and ask him in person.

Having dressed and eaten, I arrived about an hour later outside Quinn’s door. His mother let me in and I made my way up to his bedroom (his parents trusted me, so they didn’t mind us being alone in his room together). I knocked three times on the door to no answer, so I opened the door to take a look inside.

What greeted me broke my heart.

Quinn was sitting on his bed, kissing a boy I’d never seen before. They were both topless and had the other’s hands in their hair. They didn’t hear me come in but must have felt the whoosh of air as I opened the door because they promptly broke apart and looked at me.

“Oh shit.” Quinn breathed. My expression changed from heartbroken to murderous. “Celeste, I can explain-”

“Don’t fucking try it.” I hissed venomously, turning on my heel and slamming the door as he stood up.
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I'm back! Comments are needed/welcome :)