Camp Ring of Fire

Four angry Teenagers. Three Boys. Two girls.

Could it be the crappy cabins? Nicknames on Buttons? or Just the fact its a boy/girl camp that makes Camp Ring Of Fire hell on everyone?.

:) This story was Co-Written by Beanie the great AND BlinkAdiseGothicThug, Dont we make a great team!?

Special apperences from other mibba users include:
Me: Snoopy
Beanie the great: Meep
BlinkAdisegothicthug: Black Agnus

Thanks guys! I couldnt have done it without you!!!
  1. Beanie cap boy
    Roquelle and Juniper are sometimes bitches, but theres some good there.
  2. I dont have a gun
    Nicknames, buttons and freaky cousolors OH MY!
    damn this camp, damn this nickname, and damn these buttons!
  4. Cabin Conflict
    Five angry teenagers trapped in a tiny cabin
  5. Tommy and Jessica
    Rake and Snoopy watch the children. (There will be chapters for you guys too >.<)