Camp Ring of Fire


The kids made their way to the long white table which had a number of iron tan folding chairs nesstled under the plastic table.
Juniper took a seat between Roquelle and Ryan, while Meep passed out yellow pieces of construction paper.
"Now kids, all you do is cut out a circle and write your nickname in it asnd whatever design you want and give it to Snoopy ."
Snoopy gave a huff when her name was called.
When Meep got to Bam, he grabbed her arm.
"Hey baby." he said slyly, winking at her.
Meep pulled loose and flicked him on the forehead.
"Rawr." was all he could say as she walked away.

Juniper was the first one finished with her 'artwork', so she handed it to Snoopy who pressed the button maker down harder than if a medorite had pierced the earth.
Bam made his in incredibly small letters so one would see he got a girls nickname. Johnny followed suit.
The children were all soon done and presented their buttons on their shirts, proudly? Ozzie stood in the middle of the building in front where a campwide meeting was being held with the new campers.

"Ok Campers! This is our first fun filled week here at camp Ring of fire! We will be placing you in troops so you dont get lonely! Since we have a good number of people here, ill divy em up. Ok, Rake and Snoopy you get the kids 6 through 8."
You could here Them both gagging in the back ground.
"Raab and Black Agnus you will get the 10 through 12 year olds."
Just sighs and the unmistakable sounds of foreheads hitting plastic.
"Ok That leaves Meep. Hmmm Hey Meep, You and Finn can deal with the older kids right?
Meep sorrowfully nodded her head.

Another imaciated looking boy was called in. He was very tall and looked about 15. His shiny brown hair fell to his shoulders nearly hiding His large emrald eyes.
The dark purple tank top adorning his his chest was unbearably tight as a contrast to his baggy blue jeans.
His button he tried to hide under his hair, was written in red bold letters. "Finn"