Camp Ring of Fire

Tommy and Jessica

Snoopy sat on the picnic table picking at her black fingernails, she was all but deaf to the world.
"Ms. Snoopy." A tiny voice called. She sighed and turned to her, a little girl with blonde pigtails and a little pink dress stood there with her hand to her mouth.
"Yes Jessica what's wrong now?" Snoopy asked a little annoyed. The answer she got wasn't so pleasing. The kid ended up puking on her converse.
“Uck sick you little… Rake come here NOW!” Snoopy stopped herself before she got into anymore trouble by cussing at the small girl before calling after her boyfriend
“Listen. Tommy. Don’t make call the older consolers over here you-“
Rake!!” Snoopy called out again as the girl puked once more.
“What!?” He yelled back.
“Get over here you asswipe and clean this up!” She hollered cringing with disgust. Some other kids were gagging or gawking at the scene. Another kid was crying near by.
“Rake clean this up I have check out the other brat.” Snoopy said walking over to a boy with short-ish straight black hair, some light brown jeans, and a red sweater. He was bleeding from both his mouth and nose along with some bad bruises. “Holy crap,” Snoopy said eyeing the boy.
"What happened Tommy?" She said with Fake sympthy. He was breathing in sobs and could barely talk.
"oh fuck Oh fuck Oh fuck, Im screwed." She repeated
She dug around in her first aid kit and found bunch of cotton swabs.
She mopped up the blood with the soft cotton. After the boy was better, she walked him over to the troop.
He took hold of her hand. "Thank you Ms. Snoopy! Does this mean were friends now?"
"Uhh..." Snoopy was lost for words. She looked down at the little boy with a small tiny scar on his nose and green eyes. She forced a fake smile.
“Sure thing Tommy now go play with your friends!” Snoopy said with fakely ‘happy’ mentioning him to go on with the others. His face fell.
“Uh… No thanks.” He replied before anyone could say anything else Rake was yelling.
“Oh god what now?” Snoopy asked herself aloud as Tommy shrugged.
“Snoopy!” Rake called to his girlfriend. Tommy waved as Snoopy waved running to Rake almost slipping.
“You won’t make a good maid that is all I am going to say.” Snoopy said grabbing the mop from his hands.

“Good ‘cause I don’t plan to become one.” He said slyly as he watched in awe. Snoopy rolled her eyes.
“You’re like a fucking caveman who just discovered fire for the first time of your pathetic life as a human monkey!” Snoopy hissed.
"Why so mean today Snoop?" He asked noticing The little boy who adorned her side.
She narrowed her eyes and pointed toward him. Rake nodded.
"Hey little guy." Rake said sticking his hand out for the little boy to shake.
He just hugged Snoopy's waist.
"Is the scary man gonna hurt me?" He cutely asked.
"Im not sure, I perfer to stay away from him." She said vigorously brushing the floor with the mop.
When they were done, Tommy was still hugging Snoopy's waist.
"Kid what are you doing?" She asked, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.
"Snoopy will you go to the dance with me?" his green eyes twinkled. Snoopy's buldged.
"Hey Tommy why dont you go with Jessica, I hear she likes you!"
He nodded his head. "No I wanna go with you!"
“But she really, really, likes you Tommy.” Snoopy continued as Rake stared in amazement.
“No… She hates me and that is kind of the reason why I was bleeding.” He said his head low.
“You got beat up by a girl?” Rake asked nearly laughing. Tommy hugged Snoopy tighter.
“No… Her brother thought I liked her and he and his friends hate me so they beat me up.” He said clinging onto Snoopy for dear life.
“Oh… That must suck huge- That must suck!” Rake said quickly correcting himself as Snoopy’s eye went wide thinking he was going to say it.
“Yeah… So Snoopy do you want to go?” He asked again doing this type of non-noticeable-pout- type of look. She looked at Rake. She smirked.
“Maybe you can be a better date than him.” She said gesturing towards Rake who gave her a glare.
“How about you go with our friend Agnus Tommy?” Rake asked.
“Isn’t that a singer or something?” He asked eyes wide.
"No Tommy, That was Angus, he was a famous guitarist in a band called ACDC, and I can find you a date much better than me." Snoopy assuerd the little boy.
"But I like you and your so nice!!!" He hugged her tighter.
Rake gave a joking scoff and Snoopy glared.