The Sun Would Always Chase the Day

One And Only.

Jessica was a beautiful girl. With brown luscious locks, that fell just past her shoulders, and deep brown eyes that sparkled when the light hit them. She was usually a very happy girl, unless her love, Nicholas wasn't there.

You see, Nicholas and Jessica met at a meet and greet early in the Jonas Brothers career. It was love at first sight, or thats what some of the by standers say. One second, Nick wasn't feeling well, and the next he was struck with the love bug, his eyes set upon Jessica, a girl who dreamed to be many thing, and achieve almost everything in her life. I wasn't there personally, but the stories I heard about the time a Jonas fell in love with a fan, explain it all. I heard Nick was even in some sort of relationship with a girl from back home. But the day he saw Jessica he knew that she was the one.

That day was the day Nick got the courage to ask a complete stranger for her phone number, promising to call. He did call, they talked for months, getting to know one another. Then finally, one day, when Nick was in California, he asked her to be his.

The two teenagers, walking along the beach, fingers laced together, as the waves crashed against the shore, and over their feet. Nick's palm sweating slightly as he swung their hands slightly as they walked in a comfortable silence. And then, when the sun was almost completely set, the fifteen year old boy, stopped and turned to her. Jessica tilted her head slightly, confused by his actions. He smiled as the sun hit her eyes in just the right way, that made them sparkle and shine. To him this was one of the things he loved most. He loved everything about her, but those eyes, those eyes were what he saw, what he thought about every day.

He took her other hand and laced his fingers with hers before dropping the other and brushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"Jess, I have something to tell you. Or, ask you. Don't feel obligated to say yes, in fear of losing me, or anything. Just if you want to say yes." He rambled, she giggled, knowing this was a little bit serious, because he had a hard time with the serious conversations, he always said to much, but that was one of the things she loved about him. His eyes, and his dark brown curls that covered his head, and almost the entire back of his neck.

"Okay Nick, what is it?" She smiled as she played with his fingers.
"I just, I love you. And I know that may seem crazy, I was thirteen when I met you, almost fourteen, I've known you for a year and a half, exactly. I fell in love with you the day that I saw you at our meet and greet, I knew you were the one. I knew that I wanted to know you, and right now I know that I love you, and want you to be mine." He paused to take a breath.

"You have been with me through everything. When I was diagnosed with type one diabetes, everything. When I needed you, I came to you, and I didn't have to just be strong. I could cry with you." A soft sigh escaped his lips as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. "This is a promise ring, a ring I wanna give to you. To promise to be yours, to promise to love you and be true. I promise to be faithful, and not lie. I promise to forever be yours. As long as thats what you want.." He said looking down at the ring, he then swallowed, after hearing no response from the girl, he looked up at her, fearing rejection and pulling his hand away from hers.

"You don't want.." He said softly.
"No, Nick, I-I do, I just, no boy has ever said they loved me, no boy has gone through this much trouble for me.." She blushed as she looked down to the sand.
"Well, I don't know how thats even possible, you are amazing." He said slipping the ring on her finger. She smiled as she looked down at the plain ring with the words Promise To Cherish on the ring.

"Nick, I almost forgot.." She blushed softly as she rested her hand on his side, he smiled that beautiful smile.
"What?" His smile turning into a smirk.
"I love you too." She said softly, and then he leaned in. His lips touched hers and fireworks when through both teenagers bodies. Jessica placed her hand on the back of his neck and softly tangled her fingers through his curls that rested there. Nicks warm hands cupped her cheeks as he passionately kissed her lips for the real first time.

Jessica smiled thinking about this memory. Her love, Nicholas was on the road, he has been for months. She knew this was the price to pay for falling in love with a rock star. She knew that time together was limited, but it was cherished even more, because it was so little. Sometimes, Jessica was able to go with her beloved Nick, but not this time.

It was always a bittersweet feeling for Nick. Leaving, I mean. On one hand he got to go play music and do the things he loved, but on the other hand he was leaving the one he loved behind in California, knowing it would be months before he was able to see her again. But one thing always made it better, the look on Jessica's face when she would see him for the first time in months.


Jessica and Nick were standing in her living room, the moonlight shining through the window as they stood there. Making the best of the last few minutes they had together, promising things to one another.

"I promise to call you, every chance I get. At least once a day if I can. Okay, baby?" Nick said softly ask he pressed his forehead against hers, she nodded as a few tears fell from her eyes.
"I love you, baby doll. More than life. You are my life." He said as he wiped the tears with his thumb.
"I love you too, Nicholas." She smiled a little bit.

Nick slid his hand down her arm and to her hand, lacing his fingers with hers, and kissing her lips softly as the headlights to the car Nick was about to leave in, shone in through the window, almost spotlighting the two teenagers. Nick looked up before looking back down at his love, tears falling freely from her eyes. He reached up and wiped them softly, then kissed her lips. He left one last kiss on her forehead, and then another on her forehead.

"I love you, doll. Don't you cry, okay, baby?" She nodded and bit her lip to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall from her brown eyes. Nick let a sigh escape his lips before letting go of her hand.
"I'll be back before you know it. I swear." Nick said as he walked to the front door with her following, she nodded, knowing time would pass slowly without him there.

When he reached the front door he paused just before opening it, he turned to her and kissed her lips, again.
"Please do not stop dreaming." He whispered before opening the door and walking to the car that waited for him. He threw his bag in and hopped into the car, before franticly climbing to the back of the car and saying her name softly, repeating the same phrase, with his velvet voice.
"Jess. I love you. Please don't forget."

Jessica waved as the car pulled away, seeing Nick begin to write words in the window. Jessica, I promised. I love you. He then continued to call her name, a few tears falling from his eyes as her face faded from his view. Jessica turned once she couldn't see him anymore. Her hands shaking she walked into her house and ran up the stairs into her room, shutting the door and laying on her bed, crying softly into her pillow.
"I love you too, Nick." she said softly as she cried herself to sleep.


Jessica was sometimes insecure. She thought maybe he was never coming back. Thought that maybe he didn't love her. But knew deep down she was only kidding herself when she thought those things.

She remembered the times that they laid together in her bed. Now seventeen, Nick and Jessica have been together for a long while. Still just as in love as the first day they met. Waking up with sweet kissed planted along her neck, or arms from Nick, then spending the entire day doing absolutely nothing. Just goofing off and being teenagers, teenagers that were in love. Thats the way Jessica got through the pain of not having him here. Thinking about the times he was here.

Nick always sang, he sang when he was lonely, when he missed her, he would sing and pretend that she was sitting there, making believe that she was there and he was singing to her. That was the way he dealt with things, writing songs, singing, and playing. It was all the way he handled things. Today, knowing he was going to get to be with her in a few hours was what hes been waiting for since the tour started. He loved singing for the fans, be he also knew that he wasn't able to give them his all unless he saw her, or heard her voice before. He did the best he could, but it wasn't the best he could be. Because when he was with Jessica, he was the best.


Jessica was sitting in her kitchen, coloring on her cousins coloring book, just trying to find any way to pass the time. When there was a knock on the door, she got up, not knowing who to expect.

When she reached the door she opened it, and nearly fainted when she saw the boy who was standing there with a single red rose.

"Miss me?" He asked, a smirk playing upon his perfect pink lips.
She squealed and jumped wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug so tight it almost stopped his breathing. He didn't care, he wrapped his arms snug around her small waist an breathed in the scent of her sweet smell. Almost like sugar. He then pulled her away slightly and cupped her cheek in his hand, rubbing her cheek softly with his thumb.

"I Missed your beautiful face, baby." He said softly as smiled, Jessica blushed and kissed his lips, as a single tear fell from her eye.
"I missed you too, Nick." She smiled after they had pulled away.

Nick scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the couch, sitting with her resting in his lap.
"I missed us. This has just been hell." Nick said playing with a few strands of her hair. He kissed her forehead before lifting her chin and kissing her lips, again.

"I promised to love you. I always will." He said softly.
"I know, I love you too, Nick. You're the best thing thats ever happened to me." She smiled as she laced their fingers.

Nick smiled and then slipped her off his lap briefly as he laid down behind her. She smiled and turned to face him, softly playing with a curl that had fallen into his eyes. He smiled at her, as he pulled her even closer and causing her to lay on her back. She continued to play with his hair as he yawned and laid his head on her chest, rubbing her side softly. She wrapped her other arm around him and rested it on his shoulder before leaning forward and kissing his head.

"I am so glad you are back in my arms." She whispered before she laid back on the couch.
"And I am glad to be back with you. I missed everything." He yawned a little, exhausted from the sleepless nights and busy days.
"Go to sleep, Nick. I'll be here when you wake." Nick nodded and shut his eyes as she continued to play with her hair.
"I love you, Jess." He said softly as she closed her eyes, all the nights she didn't sleep, wishing Nick was there to hold her tight, suddenly catching up with her.
"I love you too, Nicholas." She whispered.

They continued to lay like that, until their breathing matched as the drifted to sleep. Holding the one they loved. Jessica loved Nick, Nick loved Jessica. It was simple. The story isn't complicated, the love wasn't hard to maintain. It was as simple as dialing a number. It was just pure, love. Nothing less, but so much more.

'Wasn't it you who told me, the sun would always chase the day? And wasn't it you who told me, angels fly in the air tonight, saying wasn't it just like swimming out on the lake. Stars collide and the airs alive, and was it just like those promises that you made, on our last night.'
♠ ♠ ♠
This one-shot is for 'jonasfan0213'. The lyrics at the end are to a song called Our Last Night by Better Than Ezra. I love this song so much, and its the one I was listening to while writing this. I hope you guys loved it. Jessica, hope you loved it. :]
Thank you for reading.
Love you guys.