I'll Kiss Your Lips Again

Written by two Frerard story fans (so if that's not your kind of match-up, best not read).
No plotline determined, we'll improvise along the way :].
First time story-writers, so no flaming please ;]!
The description in each chapter will say who has written that particular one - Milly being MillyHeartsMCR and Steph being strike-to-incinerate.

Comments are appreciated,
hope you enjoy reading :]!
  1. Games and hairdos
    Gerard and Mikey show brotherly love over a game..as a disaster strikes for Ray. (strike-to-incinerate)
  2. It's all gone
    Ray gets rid of it ALL. is gerard relising somthing? Mikey mourns over mars bar. [Written by MillyHeartsMCR]
  3. The colour of a drum kit
    Frank thinks about the look that lasted too long..(strike-to-incinerate)
  4. interviews, fans and kisses?
    [written by MillyHeartsMCR]