A Battle of Love and War

The Aftermath


Some would say it was the color of love, others recall the color of the evening sunset. Tonight, however, it was the color of the blood that ran across the grounds of the last stronghold of the vampire kingdom, Euanvald, buried deep within the mountains of Eastern Europe. As dark billowing clouds of smoke rose from the spires of the castle, the last freedoms of the vampire world floated away with them against the crimson sky. Screeches echoed across the battle-worn lawns, bouncing off of the stone walls of the fortress and retreating into the forest behind the few survivors who’d managed to escape alive.

News of the demon attacks on the vampire king’s home spread rapidly across the countryside, followed shortly thereafter with the news that the entire royal family had been taken prisoner and brutally executed. King Lucian and Queen Ghanima, Prince Tristan, Prince Tobias, and Princess Gillienne. All of them gone in the latest and largest of demonic attacks the vampires had witnessed in months.

Only six months prior, King Lucian Evans had taken the throne after the murder his cousin, Matthias. Though times were hard, nobody expected such a similar fate to King Lucian and his family so soon. King Matthias hadn't had a family, so the current tragedy of five royal murders exceeded the previous slaying and was devastating to the country.

As the cries of the undead, both vampire and demon intertwined, continued to rage into the approaching night, nobody was nearby to hear the conversation in progress a few steps within the false protection of the forest that surrounded the castle grounds.

“Is it—“




“But I thought –“

“We need to get out of here.” The stern, yet anxious voice of Jonas Alders cut into his sons’ muttered conversation. His dark eyes flickered around the trees before dropping to the topic of the boys’ discussion. A young vampire lay propped up against the large roots of a tree, displaying wounds that, to a human, would have been fatal. Bite marks and scratches detailed every inch of his body, and a small dagger protruded from his stomach. Either the young man’s attacker had been attacked himself, or distracted from finishing off the job, for there lay the helpless vampire in obvious pain.

Whichever the case, the three vampires stood hovered above the motionless body, all senses heightened to the slightest disturbances of their surroundings. They had decided to leave the dagger in for the moment, not wanting to cause even more damage by removing it, especially with it most likely being made of silver, a deadly element to vampires.

A loud rumbling sound formed in the distance, only becoming louder with each passing second. All three heads jerked up in an instant and turned towards the castle that was now engulfed in flames and dark, billowing clouds of smoke. The demons were beginning to sweep the outskirts of the castle grounds for any stragglers and were headed towards the treeline of the forests, which would quickly lead them to the Alders clan and the injured vampire.

“Seth. Micah.” Jonas’s words were sharp and quick. No human ears could have kept up with the speed of his tongue, and yet their enhanced listening capabilities kept up with ease. “Take him and get home. Let your mother and sisters tend to his wounds. I’ll take up the rear and make sure we aren’t followed.”

Two pairs of deep, red eyes stared up at him as his sons nodded their understanding, not bothering to hide their reluctance at the plan. Toting an injured vampire out of demon-infested woods would not be an easy mission. Both boys gently lifted the unconscious body so as not to enhance what damage had already been done. When they were ready to go, Seth looked back at his father, silently conveying his insistence that Jonas go with them.

“No. You’ll need a head start if they catch our trail,” Jonas said, shaking his head. And the demons were sure to catch the trail, so he had decided it was his job to hide their tracks and take out anyone, or any thing for that matter, necessary in that process. “The king and his family are gone,” he said sharply, emphasizing the word gone as he eyed the boys carefully.

“If I don’t return, you’ll need to regroup with the other soldiers and begin training the next leader. He’ll definitely have his work cut out for him.” Jonas’s eyes narrowed as he spoke, his gaze momentarily shifting to the body his sons’ held. His eyes then rose to meet two pairs of eager eyes, a small glint of pride rising in his chest at the sight of the two men before him. Granted, they hadn’t changed in appearance since their turning centuries ago, but that did not stop Jonas for feeling that fatherly pride towards the two ‘young’ men.

As protectorates of the crown and the people, Jonas and his two sons made their living as hitmen for the king’s service. They would travel the human world occasionally to help expand their troops, and then other times, they were sent off to rid their world of enemies. These details of their job were unknown to everyone, even their own family. Micah and Seth were merely viewed as soldiers and Jonas, head advisor to the crown.

There were others amongst their ranks as well, such as those whom Jonas had advised his boys to meet up with should he not return. The new king must be trained so that the vampires can provide a united front with which to regain their civilization. Sure, covens battled against covens for territory, among other things, and even other vampire kingdoms would occasionally start up a war, but they could always be united to fight against a common foe…the demons.

A sudden howl echoing against the red sky suddenly sent a shiver down the three men’s backs. It was a sound they had yet to hear that night, though they were sure of its existence. The demons had the werewolves on their side as well, werewolves being the natural enemy of vampires. It was just one more obstacle they would have to face to regain their power.

With a small nod, Jonas turned his back to his boys and darted off just behind the treeline of the forest as Seth and Micah quickly retreated into the depths of the forest. “You will return,” Seth muttered, knowing that his father’s keen vampire sense would allow him to hear the words. Silence answered him as he, his younger brother brother, and their cargo disappeared into the canopied darkness of the forest.

As the two vampires meandered their way through the trees, a piercing cry suddenly split the sounds of the waning evening. Their hearts, though not beating, dropped like bricks into their stomachs. Fighting every instinct to turn around and return to their father's side, Micah and Seth’s legs continued to press forward out of necessity. They could not turn back now. Their father would return to them.
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And that's the first installation of A Battle of Love and War. I've been writing off and on, but I'm finally trying to put together my thoughts into a story. Any comments, critiques, and/or suggestions are more than welcome. I'd love to hear what you have to say - good or bad. Both will help me to improve my writing, and by critiquing my writing, it will hopefully help you with yours as well.