A Battle of Love and War


Makenzie Alders sat on the window ledge in her bedroom, her arms wrapped around her knees as she stared beyond the glass pane, her keen, crimson eyes scanning the forest line where her father and brothers were expected. Her ebony hair flowed more than halfway down her back, ending in gentle curls and shining a glossy black in the moonlight that crept through the window. It could possibly act as a beacon for those with sharp enough eyes to notice the slight glint. Her father and brothers had that eyesight, but they were nowhere near.

“Would you like something to drink, ma’am?” One of her servants appeared through her bedroom door with a gilded chalice on a tray. Makenzie merely shook her dark locks and continued to stare out her window as she had done for the long hours her family had been separated. Her father and two eldest brothers had gone off to fight when news of a possible demon attack spread throughout the country. They had to stand by the new king and his family. It was their duty.

Makenzie and her younger brother Jesse had been more than willing to join their father’s side, but it was not Makenzie’s place, and Jesse was too young….or so they had been told. Makenzie’s older sister Victoria had merely rolled her eyes at the thought of fighting, much to her younger sister’s bewilderment. Makenzie would much rather be fighting than sitting at home worrying and being out of the loop.

Sure, she’d heard about the murders of the royal family, but that only heightened her anxiety as she knew that her father was particularly good friends with the late king, meaning he wouldn’t have been far from the ruler’s side.

Her eyes narrowed as she continued to scan the treeline that would reveal her father and brothers the moment they returned home. She could see the smoke rising beyond the treetops, and her sharp ears had picked up on the growls and cries of pain. With her father being the king’s advisor, the Alders family did not live too far from the castle, leaving Makenzie far too much within earshot of the death and destruction occurring that night.

Suddenly, some movement caught Makenzie’s eye along the edge of the trees, causing her to dart up from her seat and race out the room. “Mother! Jesse! Victoria! They’re back!” Her cry echoed down the halls as she raced to the front door of the manor and threw it open to see her two brothers making their way across the front lawn, some large object in tow.

Makenzie rushed out of the home, followed quickly by her younger brother, as they met the two eldest sons. When Makenzie first noticed they were carrying a body, after taking note that their father wasn’t present, she let out a gasp, assuming the worst. Her stomach dropped even further when the body in her brothers’ arms was not that of her father, but a stranger. Why would her brothers bother to bring back a stranger but not their father? Did that mean that he was still alive? Or was his body far too gone at this point?

Her probing eyes searched those of her brothers, landing more forcefully on Micah’s deep red eyes. Makenzie and Seth were close, he preferring the role of protective older brother, but there were no secrets between her and Micah. Apparently their bond wasn’t strong enough for the moment, as both men’s faces were stern and blank. She would not be getting any answers anytime soon.

“Oh boys, I’m so glad you’re home safe. Where’s your father?” Melinda Alders exclaimed as they stepped over the threshold of the manor. She then took the chance to finally remove her eyes from her eldest sons’ faces to see what it was they were carrying. She let out a slightly audible gasp.

The boys, on the other hand, decided to sidestep her question for the moment and turn their attention to the wounded vampire. “We need to get him to a bedroom…now.” With no other words and very little effort, Seth and Micah carried the injured man up the stairs and were in a spare bedroom in a matter of seconds, gently laying the motionless body onto the soft mattress.

The family crowded around the bed, but both Seth and Micah put their arms out hesitantly. “Careful! Don’t touch the dagger; it’s made of silver.” The fact that the flesh was already starting to corrode around the edge of the knife were evidence enough, but that didn’t stop the eldest daughter, Victoria, from letting out a small squeal of fear as she took a few steps back from the bed.

Makenzie, on the other hand, merely rolled her eyes at her sister’s reaction. “They were in a battle. What do you expect? A dagger made of daisies?” Letting out an exasperated sigh, Makenzie disappeared from the room and was back no more than a second later, her hands laden with a bowl and very thick gloves. She cast a sideways glance at her sister, who seemed to be in the room more because she was expected to, rather than actually wanting to be there and help.

“Go get him some blood and a bowl of water from the kitchen,” Makenzie ordered, and at that moment, age didn’t matter. Victoria abided by her sister’s order, her delicate, porcelain skin and silver blonde hair, not to mention her disposition, were not made to withstand the sights of war. After Victoria disappeared, Makenzie took her place at Micah’s side, placing the bowl on the bed in front of her and slipping the thick hide gloves on her slender, pale hands. “Jesse. Towels.” Her younger brother dashed out and back, returning with a stack of towels as their older brothers offered to do the job for their sister, but Makenzie only brushed off their offers. She was always the one to look after their injuries, why not those of a stranger.

“You two have been through enough today. The least I can do is to pull a knife out of a dying man.” When her eyes dropped to the injured man’s face, however, she realized the ‘man’ was hardly older than she, though the face of a vampire in no way told their actual age. Still, it seemed a pity. Beneath the mixture of dirt and blood that encrusted his hair, face, and body, Makenzie was able to detect handsome features belonging to the poor vampire. He was too young and handsome to be going through this mess, just as she thought her brothers were. As she carefully removed the dagger from the man’s chest, she dropped it in the bowl she’d brought in and quickly placed a clean cloth on top of the gaping hole.

In the meantime, their mother had cornered Seth at the foot of the bed and was hounding him with questions as Makenzie pretended to not be listening, patiently attending the wounded man. “Is it true the king and his family are dead?” Melinda whispered to her eldest son. Seth replied with a silent nod. “All of the children?” she added, not wanting to accept that they were left once again without an heir. After a moment of hesitation, Seth nodded once more.

Makenzie’s eyes slowly closed at that last acknowledgment, knowing that her country truly was in danger this time. Victoria rushed in at that moment, letting out a small gasp at the large hole in the man’s chest. Letting out an audible sigh, Makenzie dipped a rag in the jug of water and wiped off the forehead of the injured young man. Taking another rag, she dipped it in the jug of blood and brought it down to the man’s lips.

“Come on. Drink. Get some strength back,” she whispered, squeezing drops of blood out of the rag and into his mouth. She could do nothing for the hole in his chest but clean it, bandage it, and wait for his skin to grow back over it, as vampire skin would. Once his wound was tended to, she continued to drop blood on his tongue, hoping he would find consciousness soon.

Her mother and siblings, however, were still whispering at the end of the bed. Whispering was pointless in a vampire’s presence, but it seemed more suitable for the situation to whisper than talk aloud in front of the ailing man, whether he was conscious or not. When she brought her attention back to the group, Makenzie caught them in the middle of a slight argument.

“Boys. Stop changing the subject. Now where is your father?” Makenzie’s mother spoke each word slowly, trying to force back her nerves with each breath. Her eyes, however, were blazing, boring deep holes into her sons’ eyes.

Both boys dropped their eyes to the floor, and Makenzie had not noticed that her hand had frozen, cloth in hand, over the injured man’s mouth. “He stayed behind.”

Makenzie felt a huge tear in her heart, and she bit her bottom lip to hold back a sob. Her mother and sister, however, were not as strong, and both erupted into sobs, each collapsing into one of the brothers. Jesse merely stood by the scene silent and still as a statue.

“He may still be alive,” Micah’s smooth voice whispered, trying to provide some hope. “Father just sent us back here with the p--- with him.” Makenzie wasn’t sure if her mother or other two siblings caught Micah’s stuttering, but she couldn’t help but to look up curiously at her brother. Micah’s eyes caught hers and were immediately diverted to the pile of blonde hair of his sister that was resting beneath his chin.

Makenzie’s attention was torn from that of her worried family, and she let out a gasp, as she felt a cool hand take hold of her wrist.
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There's the second chapter! Updates will be a little slow until this semester's over, but I do have the next chapter typed up and ready for revision. It'll hopefully be up soon. Any reviews are welcome! Hope you enjoyed it!