Your My Afinity

Cypress Eclipse

The sky was gold with streaks of crimson clouds descending with the sun as it edged the horizon. Blane, Bianca, Azury, and me walked from the dorm along a worn trail down the campus to the dining hall.

Despite the tension between us, we couldn't help but be awed by the colors the sun created on the twilight setting.

There were a lot of other teenage figures heading in the same direction as us. Laughing with friends and playfully slinging their book bags at each other. I loved Cypress Eclipse, it was the best school ever.

"Look!" Exclaimed Azury. "Here comes the rugrats."

Then one of the professor's in charge of what you would call a "kindergarten class" started walking in front of us leading a long line of vampire children.

Their smiles glistened, and they were excited to be up and about. They seemed normal enough, except for the fact it was forty-nine degrees outside, and their cheeks and noses weren't a rosy color. They remained pale as if it was a warm spring morning.

A few waved cheerfully in our direction, before going to the dining hall for the younger students.

Cypress Eclipse was a school that accepted vampire children from K-12. Our school system was pretty much the same as normal public schools. We wore no uniforms, the teachers were all beautiful and stopped aging at 27, and the campus had many scattered marble sculptures decorating the rolling green lawn.

The place itself radiated a vampiristic beauty.

We entered the high school dining hall. There were four lines to choose from, and many wooden tables to eat at.

I immediately found Brian, and all of his friends. So did Blane.

"You guys are coming over to sit with me." Blane said and nudged at Bianca and me.

"We don't like your friends." Azury said coldly.

"And Zacky's my boyfriend." Bianca added.

"That doesn't give you obligation to go over there, and my friends are a lot better than your's, Azury!" Blane nearly shouted at the two.

"Blane, chill out." I said and put a hand on his shoulder. "We've been hanging around them for almost forever."

Blane snorted. "You just now started hanging out with the boys."

That was true. We usually just hung around with Valary, Michelle, and Kim. It was just until the beginning of my Junior year here that we started being around with Matt, Zacky, Brian, Johnny, and Jimmy.

"Whatever, their cool." Azury argued.

"You're just saying that because of Matt Sanders!" Blane shot back.

Azury tinged pink lightly. "You know what? Shut the fuck up. And you cannot stop me, Bianca, or Blair from hanging out with our friends!"

Azury stormed off in the direction of her favorite salad bar line.

"She's right, Blane." Bianca said and looked up at our furious brother. With that she walked over to the table where Zacky and the rest of them were at.

"Sorry, Blane. They are my friends, and I'm gonna defend them. I'd do the same for you." I told him and turned to follow Bianca.

"Wait, Blair-"

"You're more than welcome to join us, but I'm sure you'd rather be with your friends." I interrupted him, and walked over to the guys.

I did feel a teensy bit guilty for dumping Blane like that, I mean, I am his sister. I should be there for him, but he was using an equally selfish reason for trying to keep us away from the boys.

"Hey, Blair!" everyone greeted.

"Hey," I replied and sat between Bianca and Brian. Bianca of course, was beside Zacky and currently embracing.

"So, what's with your brother?" Valary asked while she munched on her sandwich.

Bianca and I shrugged.

"He doesn't want us hanging out with you guys." I told them.

"And doesn't approve of my relationship with Zacky." Bianca added and Zacky squeezed her a little tighter, emphasizing he didn't approve of our brother. Or at least his behavior.

"Well, he'll just get over it." Jimmy said and glared at Blane's retreating back.

"Where were you three gonna go anyways, if you weren't going to be hanging with us?" Matt asked.

"Blane and his friends, I guess." I answered as Azury returned to the table carrying two trays.

"Psh, as if!" Bianca and Azury exclaimed in unison and done an identical eye roll.

I swear they were more of twins than Bianca and I ever could be.

"Here, Bianca," Azury said and slid the metal tray of salad at my sister. "I got Ranch Dressing for you."

"Thanks," Bianca replied and threw her bread roll at me.

I caught it and tore a piece off and popped it into my mouth.

Cinnamon butter, its pretty good.

After ten minutes of hearing Jimmy and Matt bicker about who had the best butt, Angelina Jolie, or Jennifer Lopez, an older vampire wheeling a metal cart came by our table.

She gave us a bland smile and laid down a silver tray with eleven small plastic cups on our table. Inside the tiny cups was a huge, brown, powdery pill. An iron pill.

Johnny grimaced as he picked up the cup that had his name on it. He took the dose anyway, knowing the consequences if he was to skip it.

"I really wish they would just give us the blood." Brian said after he had taken his pill.

"You know why they do it, though." I told him.

Brian made a sound in his throat.

"I feel like I have to take birth contol." Matt said, eyeing his plastic cup.

"Yeah, well, I think its good that we only have to take pills." Azury said.

We all looked at her.

"It would suck if we had to go through the trouble of picking victims, and all of that jazz." She continued.

"But the school could supply that for us." Bianca argued.

"Or, we could do, like, fundraising or something." Kim agreed.

"A blood drive?" I asked.

"Oh!" Jimmy exclaimed. "I could just imagine the article! 'Donate Blood To The Local Vamps of Huntington Beach…. Or We'll Come For Your Families'."

"Or maybe something like, 'Keep Us Off The Streets'." Johnny supplied.

Zacky laughed. "What about 'I'm Hunnnnngrrryyyyy!!'."

"I'll tell you what I'm hungry for.." Bianca trailed off and pulled Zacky to her.

"PDA, PDA!" Jimmy shouted.

"People Die A lot." Brian said and I laughed.

Suddenly, a brass bell began clinging. We all began to hurry and gather our stuff to get to class. Class that started at 8 PM.

"Hey! Blair!"

I turned in the moonlight to answer to whoever was calling me, but I already knew who it was.

"What, Brian?" I asked as he ran to catch up with me.

"I was wondering, what do you plan on doing Saturday?" He asked and we fell into an easy stride next to each other.

I shrugged. "I have no plans." I answered.

"Oh, well, I was thinking maybe we could go out."

I gave him a strange look.

"Well, Zacky and I had been planning it, getting out of Cypress for a day." Brian told me quickly.

"What?! Are you crazy?" I exclaimed at his outrageous idea.

"Just for a few hours. And it we won't miss any school, for it being a Saturday and all." He told me.

"Duh, Brian. Saturday means no school, but Saturday! What are you thinking?" I yelled. "Going out of the school without permission, during the day!"

"Shit, calm down, Blair. I thought you would like the plan." Brian asked in a soft voice.

"Well, you assumed wrong." I told him coldly.

I heard footsteps hurrying towards us. I looked and saw Bianca and Azury.

"What are you doing to my sister, Haner!?" Bianca yelled.

"Its okay, Bianca." I reassured her. "He just had a stupid proposition."

"No long words!" Bianca and Azury said in unison.

"Its not stupid!" Brian hissed. "I was wanting to know if you guys wanted to go out of the school with Zacky and me Saturday."

"During the day." I added.

"And out of the school?" Bianca asked.

"Sneaking out of the school?" Added Azury.

"Yeah, stupid, huh?" I told them.

Azury and Bianca looked at each other, then huge ear-to-ear smiles split their faces.

"Its on!" they both yelled and punched their fists into the air.

Sometimes, I was sure Bianca and I were mistakes being twins.
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wow, this was long.

hope you guys liked it.