Your My Afinity

The Great Escape

My annoying alarm woke me from my deeper than the sea sleep. I groggily climbed over the huge lump of pillows and blankets to shut off the loud jeering noise. I groaned at the ungodly time of ten in the morning.

At least, ungodly for a vampire.

Suddenly, the mountain of pillows and blankets shuddered beneath me and I clung to my head board and vaulted off of my bed. The mountain moaned loudly with a yawn and turned over.

“Blair?!” The lump, AKA Azury, called me sleepily.

“What?” I sighed.

“Could you do something for me?” She asked and untwined herself from the blankets until she was comfortable in my bed.

“No.” I answered her sternly and walked over to the bathroom and closed the door.

“By all of the powers unholy and vile!” I heard Azury exclaim. “I command you to make me a sandwich!”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “Make it yourself.” I yelled at her.

“I’m too lazy for that.” Azury scoffed.

“Ask Bianca.” I suggested.

“Okay, BIANCA!” I shuddered at her earsplitting scream.

“Wha?” Bianca yelled worried and I heard a thump as she fell out of bed. “Where’s the fire? Who’s broken in?”

“Nah, it’s just me!” Azury told her. “Will you make me a sandwich?” she asked.

“No.” she said flatly and stumbled to the bathroom and opened the door to squeeze herself in beside me.

“Well, then!” Azury shouted.

“Hand me my toothbrush,” Bianca told me and I handed it to her.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth when Azury opened the door.

“So, guys,” She started and she bent down to the floor to pick up a bag that had the Wal-Mart logo on it. “I’ve got the contacts and stuff. I guess he didn’t bother to get us any sunglasses. Probably assumed we’d already have a pair.” Azury finished and handed us the bag.

“Well, that was nice.” I said and picked a pair of contacts out of the bag.

“Yeah, so who did this?” Bianca asked.

“I did.” We all looked over to see Matt Sanders, sitting on the window sill and sliding the glass down.

“Hey, Matt.” I heard Azury’s breath caught in her throat.

“Hi girls.” Matt greeted us all.

I waved over at him. It still caught me off guard when he decided to do something vampy like that. Well, adult vampy.

Matt was a level higher than all of us, and he was still maturing at a faster rate than the other vampires in his grade. His appearance was definitely marking the difference.

His teeth were already permanently extended now. His hazel eyes had a slanted cat-like pupils all the time, when the rest of us only got that when we were thirsty, or aroused. He was a lot stronger than the rest of us also, but I think might have always been.

He hadn’t found his affinity yet, though. But he did have a few neat adult-vamp tricks. Like scaling a four story building, unlocking a window, and soundlessly climbing through.

Bianca, Azury, and me did argue with Matt, though, about his affinity. We were quite certain it was to be intimidating as heck.

“So, what are we having for breakfast?” Azury asked as we walked down the abandoned, sunlight school.

“Whatever there is on the other side of that wall.” Matt answered her and pointed at the school wall that we had jokingly called it the “Wall of China”. It was just that tall.

Bianca and I stared at each other uneasily. Matt couldn’t eat regular food now. His diet was made up of only blood. Matt seemed to find our look.

“Don’t worry, guys,” he said. “I’m sure there’s a McDonald’s somewhere over there.”

“Yum.” Azury commented.

We made it to the southern edge of the wall near the river. This part was mostly covered by huge trees and thick bushes. No one would spot us down here. Once we got to the rough gray bricks we saw Zacky and Brian.

“You guys got your stuff?” Brian asked and poked at his eye indicating the contact lenses.

“Yep,” We all answered.

“How’d you two get up there?” Bianca asked as she searched for a foot hold on the wall.

“We used our supernatural-“

“Tree.” Zacky answered while cutting off Brian. Brian scowled over at Zacky while Zacky smiled his mock innocence.

“I’ll help you three up,” Matt said to us. He laced his fingers together to make a small for one of our feet.

Bianca stepped up first and he vaulted her to the top. She landed behind Zacky, straddling the wall while he helped balance her.

I was next. Matt pretty much done the same to me, except I land next to Brian and I almost slipped off the wall. Brian caught me upper arm and steadied me.

“You’re such a clumsy vampire.” He told me.

“Shut up,” I shot back.

Instead of just boosting Azury over the wall, he picked her up bridal style and levitated to the top. Then they both flashed us smug smiles and floated down to the ground on the other side.

The rest of us jumped to the bottom, and I accidentally might have sorta landed on Brian.

“Dude!” Brian shouted. “If you messed up my hair, it will be your titties!” Brian swore and feverishly swiped his hand over his head trying to get the strands back in place.

Everyone just snickered at us. Some couple we would make.
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I guess i'll have to explain more on Matt's part in the next chapter.
All for you, my "Azury".