Your My Afinity

Complication: Azury

Over the next few days, all I could think of was Trik. Mostly how I was going to see him again, and when. I had frightened him, he knew what I was, and I was betting that he was gonna haul ass when he caught sight of me again. But all I wanted was to question him: what are you?

Bianca and I were up, getting ready for school. The normal night-to-day routine fell neatly into place.

My head was swimming with thoughts and ideas of sneaking out and seeing Trik again. Suddenly, things got complicated; Azury barged into our dorm. Complication Azury has made landfall.

“Hey, guys!” Azury greeted loudly. I heard her plunk down on Bianca’s bed.

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and I made a half hearted wave at her. Bianca and her began to make small talk as I finished up.

“So,” Azury began, with a more hyper, excited octave than usual. “Have you guys picked out your dresses for the Winter Formal dance yet?”

I choked on the blue fluoride. Shit! I had completely forgotten about the dance that I was being forced to go to. I had been fretting over Trik too much.

“When is it?” I asked fearfully after I had left the bathroom.

“Monday,” Bianca and Azury informed me together.

Tomorrow. That stupid dance was tomorrow.

Our large group made it’s way from the dinging hall to the front lawn. We were still united, but not for long. Soon we’d separate to go to our classes.

“Azury!” Brian called from beside me.

Azury turned, and let her skeptical eyes land on him. “Haner?” she asked, keeping her place beside Bianca and Zacky.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” Brian asked, being much nicer to Azury than he usual was. If he was said to be nice to her at all. Brian and Azury didn’t really get along.

Azury’s eyebrows rose. “Okay…” she answered, unsure, but she followed Brian to a less public route.

My heart jumped. Brian and Azury didn’t socialize. They were opposite ends that didn’t go together. And if they were suddenly getting along and having private conversations, then hell had frozen over. Or something was up.

Yet another complication that involved Azury.

I sighed and tried to push it form my mind. I didn’t have the time or the room in my head to worry, but I still did? I mean, what could those two be talking about that couldn’t be said in front of the rest of us?

Valary and I walked together as usual to our first block class. We didn’t do any real work in that class. Mostly because the professor was one of the people that was in charge of the dance.

So I sat beside Val and talked to her.

“Have you gotten a dress for the dance yet?” I asked, maybe she could come with me to pick one out.

She shook her head no.

My eyes widened. “You and Matt aren’t going?” They usually went to every school function they could. Which is why the rest of us were forced to go also.

“No,” She answered, and fidgeted in her desk. “Matt’s going, and I’m not.”

“Why?” I asked, that was even more unusual. They did everything together.

She shrugged. “I don’t want to go, and me and Matt.. I jut don’t know.” She then trailed off and hopelessly stared down at her worn desk.

It got awkward quickly, and I was happy when the bell rang.

Lunch was the usual joy filled with laughing and playful bantering. Yet I still wondered what Brain could have told Azury.

Val and Matt sat together, but only that. Val paid no attention to Matt, and Kim talked to her and Michelle. Matt looked uncomfortable about it, but said nothing.

I warily watched for signs between Azury and Brian. Maybe I’d see a hint of the topic of their private walk.

Finally, my patience was granted and I saw Azury shoot an evil glare to Brian, who hissed at her in response.

Well, at least I knew things were semi-normal between the two. If Azury could come even close to normal.

We finished our food and left the dinging hall for the second time that night. Our normal formation was still a go. I was beside Brain, Johnny and Jimmy walked behind us joking with Kim and Michelle. Zacky, Bianca, and Azury led the group down the worn stone path.

I broke apart from the group to begin my separate path to my last two classes. I stopped when I heard Azury say my name. I turned to look. She wasn’t calling me, but I was the subject of some talk.

“Have you told Blair yet?” Azury asked at Brian who had also frozen.

“You haven’t? Fine then, BLAIR!” Azury screamed my name while Brian sprang into the air and tackled Azury to the ground.

“Get off me, you motherfucking hick monkey! I wasn’t going to tell her. That’s your job.” Azury yelled while struggling to get out form under Brian.

I walked over to them. Brian looked up and got off of Azury.

“Uh, Blair, I got to ask you something,” He asked as if the conflict that hadn’t happened two seconds ago hadn’t occurred at all.

“You think,” I snorted and I helped him brush himself off of grass. His hand caught mine when I went to pick a twig out of his hair. I tried to flinch away, remembering how over protective he was of his do. But his hand was strong against mine, and he rubbed my palm over his face gently.

“Blair, would you be my date for the dance?” Brian asked. I stood there, frozen, my hand in his, our eyes locked onto each other, and I began to laugh.

Brian let go of my hand and I let it fall limply to my side. I looked at Brian’s face, his expression was shocked and hurt.

I looked over at Azury, who looked shocked too, but was still smiling, at my reaction. She could me so evil.

“You too,” I gasped, “Went through all of that, just so Brian could ask me out to a dance?” I began to laugh harder and so did everyone else.

“So it’s a..?” Brian asked inquiringly.

“Yes.” I answered for him.

He smiled like I had never seen him smile before and he gathered me in his arms snuggly. It wasn’t until then did I realize he I just said yes to a lot more than just going with him to a dance. We were… together.

“Come one, guys.” Azury said, interrupting the moment. “We have dresses to buy.”

“What?!” Azury got a collective screech from all of the boys.

“No, no. I meant Michelle, Kim, Bianca, and Blair. Front and center. We gotta sneak out again to go get dresses.” Azury said.

“I wanna come!” Jimmy yelled and jumped up.

All of us stared at him.

“What? I’ve never been dress shopping before.” Jimmy stated.

“Uh, neither have I, dude.” Said Zacky clapping a hand on Jimmy’s shoulder. “And I don’t particularly want to.”

“Well, we better get going, then.” Kim said, flipping her blond hair. “Everything will be closing soon.”

“Right.” Azury started. “Will you wonderful men mind helping us over that big huge, scary wall?” she said, and bashed her eyelashes at Johnny.

“Sure,” He grumbled and the whole group began at the far side of campus. Then it hit me, where’s Matt? I turned and saw Val, but Matt was no where to be seen.

Brian slipped his hand in mine, and I suddenly couldn’t concentrate on much. I let my head drift in euphoria, and listen to Azury tell blonde jokes to Kim.

“Hey, Kim!” she yelled. “How do you drown a blonde?” We all waited patiently for the punch line. “You glue a-“ Azury stopped talking and froze where was. “I gotta go.”

“What? Why?” Bianca asked.

“Urm, I don’t know.” She said and began to run off back towards a group of trees.

“You better hurry!” shouted Michelle.

I wondered what was up with Azury, because even for her, that was strange.
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you guys need to check out Azury's POV for Your My Afinity.
its made by my cuppycake Starsbreak xx_

please check it out. its hilarious.