You're Cute When You Scream

My Recovery, My Revenge

*Randi’s POV*

Unconsciousness was never something I expected to want. Well then again, I would’ve called you crazy if one year ago you told me what my future held. No one wants this to happen to them, clearly, but it has happened to me and my friends, twice now.

Anyway, my eyes slowly blinked, still feeling heavy as if there were weights pushing down on the eyelids. Ok, maybe I’ll just keep my eyes closed for now. A shiver went down my spine as I remembered what it felt like when those fuckers temporarily blinded me. My eyes shot open. I am not experiencing that again.

Voices could be heard just outside the door, and I saw shadows move around from underneath the door. The voices were faint, so I had to strain my ears to hear what they were saying. After a few moments of analysis, I determined that the Rev, Shadows, and Gates were outside the door.

“How did it go? Did she scream, or just cry?” the Rev asked eagerly.

“Oh, fuck, it was ten times better than last time. You should’ve seen the look on her face. She tried so badly to hide her pleasure, but failed miserably. Twisted bitch actually enjoyed it!” he boasted. Shadows and Rev laughed obnoxiously.

“Next time you do that, you gotta video tape it so we can all enjoy it,” Shadows added.

“So what are you planning on doing with Randi?” Syn asked, totally changing the subject matter.

There was a bump against the wooden door, probably Shadows leaning his lazy ass up against it. “I guess we better take her to the hospital. She won’t be any fun if she just lies in bed all day.”

Syn laughed, “I agree, dude, but what the hell are you going to tell the doctor?”

The Rev replied, “You know how good of a story teller I am. It’ll be a piece of cake. Inspiration always comes to me on the spot.”

Syn sounded surprised. “Oh, you’re going with them too?”

“Well, yeah, I mean you know how crazy she can get. Wouldn’t want to keep all the fun to myself.”

Once again, they all shared a chorus of laughter. And then the door handle began to jiggle.

Something was building up inside of me and I didn’t like the way it felt. From their conversation, I learned that Myra had been raped by that bastard again, and also that they were taking me to the hospital. Are they stupid?

Plans were building up in my head faster than a race car driver trying to win a race. And my creativity was further fueled by rage – from what they did to me, what they’ve done to Myra, and possibly even Katie.

The door creaked open to reveal the two monsters. I was sitting up in the bed now with a glare placed firmly on my face. This must’ve caught them off guard slightly, seeing as their grins fell flat off their faces suddenly.

“Well I didn’t expect you to be up already,” Shadows said, standing close to me.

“I didn’t expect to see your ugly ass face already,” I mocked.

He smirked, “You’re cute.”

I was about to respond sarcastically again, but I was a little distracted by his sudden movements. In a split second, his hand flew out, gripped my charred, stiff hair, and pulled me to my feet. “We’re taking you to the hospital, so don’t try anything clever or else we won’t take the time to heal you.”

I struggled to get out of his grip, but even I had to admit that that was slightly pointless. Besides, they were helping me escape, so I suppose I could be nice to them for now.

*Katie’s POV*

Time seems to have become such an unrealistic concept. How long have I been in this freezer? It felt like days, but if that were the case, I probably wouldn’t be alive. And I think that not knowing time made this lovely experience that much worse.

My hands were frozen to my sides, and my body was trapped in a very uncomfortable sitting position. My teeth wanted to be able to chatter, my nose wanted to be able to run, and my body wanted to shiver, but they couldn’t. It was as if my body was locked down using a padlock without a key. I say that because there is no one to save me. Myra is trapped with Synyster, Randi’s practically in a coma, Zacky’s a two-timing asshole, and all of the other guys, well they don’t strike me as the heroic type.

The bluish ice land, more commonly known as a freezer, that I had been staring at was starting to turn black. The only thing I had left, essentially, was my vision and breathing. If one of them is leaving, then I’m sure the other would soon follow. I can’t believe this is how I’m gonna go – without even being able to put up a fight! If I could cry now, you can be damn sure that I would be, but I couldn’t even do that.

Just as the darkness was about to totally consume my vision, a piercing white light burned my retinas. A figure stood at the end of the frozen tunnel. Could it be that someone is here to save me? The figure approached me and had a pick axe in his hand. He raised it high above his head. Oh, nope he’s just here to deliver the final blow. I wanted to squeeze my eyes shut, but the only thing I could do was stare up at him and wait for it to come.

However, the axe took a different path than what I had anticipated. He hacked away at the ice that kept me locked in place. Then he waved at someone else over in the kitchen. Another guy entered, and together, they carried the block of ice I was trapped in out into the warm air near the fireplace.

Once I was placed on the ground, I saw that my two saviors were…Zacky and Johnny. Why would Zacky save me if he was the one that did this horrible thing to me?! I’ve only been here a day, and already he’s messed with my head too many times to count. When I get unfrozen, I’m going to have a very long conversation with him.

*Randi’s POV*

Matt got into the driver’s seat of a truck that I had never seen before. It was dark blue, and looked fairly new. It even had a row of backseats. “Where’d you get the new ride?” I asked.

Matt smirked, “We stole it after killing the owner in the bed of the truck back there. oh, and you see the window stickers? Those aren’t really stickers…”

I scoffed, looking at the ‘stickers’ that looked like they could make some really cool tattoos. “What the hell else would they be?”

He grinned, “They’re the tattoos that we skinned off her body. The Rev liked them so much that he wanted to keep them for himself. And so he decided to stick them to the windows of the truck.”

My face contorted into a very sickened expression. “You’re gonna burn in hell,” I seethed.

“We’ve been there and back. It’s a nice place to visit,” he replied with such sincerity that I wouldn’t be surprised if he really was telling the truth.

I just rolled my eyes and went to get in the backseat of the truck. Someone gripped my shoulder. “No, you’re up front,” the Rev said, pulling me backward and taking the backseat for himself. Well that’s odd. Ew, that means that I’m stuck next to Shadows then. I tried my best to hold back expressing my disgust.

Most of the car ride was silent, and I honestly spent most of it staring out the window at the civilization I’ve missed so badly. As I was zoning out, I felt the tip of something prick my neck. I was about to turn around and stop it, but the needle had already been shoved into my skin and I couldn’t help but pass out. What’s going on…I thought they were taking me to a hospital?

*Shadows’ POV*

Out of my peripheral vision, I could tell that the Rev’s tranquilizer worked perfectly; Randi was knocked out cold. Of course we are still taking her to the hospital, seeing as it wouldn’t be any fun to fuck with her if she suddenly dies on us before we’re ready for her to do so.

So, as a safety precaution, we decided to drug her. Otherwise, she’d just spill her guts to the doctors and try to get us arrested. We’re doing her a favor in a sense, saving her from the slightest amount of punishment. What can I say, we’re just such kind individuals.

I lifted Randi out of the seat and carried her inside bridal style. The Rev ran ahead of me and got some medical attention. “Help us, somebody! My sister, she’s…she’s dying!” he shouted, earning the interest of everyone in the waiting room as well. A nurse rushed over with a stretcher.

“We’ll send her straight to the ICU. But, you’re going to have to fill out some paperwork.” The Rev nodded and we followed the fleet of nurses until we found the waiting room closest to where she was being treated.

About an hour later, the doctor walked over in our direction. “Your sister, well, she’s been through a hell of a painful trip, from what the nurse told me. Mind explaining exactly what happened?”

Jimmy began the story. “We were having a bit of a rowdy party back home. One of my friends was really wasted and started rocking out to the music a little too much. He practically body slammed into the fuse box in the basement. The power went out, which really was a party pooper. My sis, she’s a bit of a mechanic in her free time, and she thought that she could fix it. However, she had only worked on cars before and not fuse boxes. Her finger got caught in between the wiring and well she was trapped while she was being electrocuted alive, almost as bad as if she were in a damn electric chair!”

The story was pretty good, I must admit, but it wasn’t one of his best. I did like the tiny amount of truth he ended the story with, that was clever. I watched the doctor to see how he would react.

“That’s tragic! Well, it’s a good thing you guys got her here in time. Right now, we’re treating her skin and trying to remove the dead cells. Her worst burns have been bandaged. She won’t have to be here very long, just until we’ve got her on a steady recovery schedule.”

I had to hold in a breath of relief. “Thanks for all the hard work, doc. We’ll just wait here for a little longer.”

“It’s just my job. And, don’t forget, visiting hours only last till 3 AM.”

It was already 2:45 AM. I don’t think Randi will be awake anytime soon. It doesn’t matter, though; we’ll stay here just in case. We are in a position that allots for no chances. No one, especially bitches like Randi, will be able to stop us.

*Randi’s POV*

Rhythmic beeping, coming from my heartbeat monitor, filled my ears as I awoke for the second time today. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I was at a hospital, and that those assholes drugged me, thinking that it would stop me from getting back at them.

The doorknob turned suddenly and a somewhat familiar face entered the room. His nametag read Doctor Manor, and I don’t know why…but I know I’ve heard that name before. He smiled briefly at me when he saw that I was practically staring at him. He sat down on a chair next to my bed with paperwork in his hands.

“How are you feeling, Randi?” he asked, kindly.

I shrugged, “Can’t complain, at least I’m alive.” I wasn’t going to just shout everything out right away. First, I wanted to find out where the hell I’ve heard his name before.

“That’s the spirit. So, Miss…,” he paused for a long time before actually saying my last name, which was odd. “Miss Allis?”

“That would be me.”

“Randi Allis? Huh, I haven’t heard that name in quite a few years.”

“Uh, what do you mean?”

“Well, one of my best friends in college, Randall Allis…we called him Randy. That’s so strange that you have the same name…and you look just like him.”

That would explain why his name was familiar. Alex Manor, aka my dad’s best friend. I rolled my eyes, “Maybe that’s because he was my father.”

The doctor chuckled, as if I just cracked some sort of joke. “You’re kidding! Haha, just picturing Randy having kids…that’s just impossible.”

“Well get used to it. He had a kid and that’s me.”

“Huh, if that’s the case then he had two kids, you and your brother.”

“Brother?” I asked confused, before realizing he was referring to one of the chuckleheads out there.

He gave me a look that suggested he thought I may be a tiny bit crazy. “Yes,” he said slowly, “the tall, lanky guy in the waiting room.”

Oh, the thought of being related to the Rev tempted me to hurl. I guess now’s the time to start up the party. “He isn’t my brother,” I said firmly.

“What are you talking about?”

“You heard me. What kind of lame ass story did he tell you? About how this happened to me?”

“He told me what happened…there was a party and someone knocked out the fuse box. You’re a mechanic, to a certain extent, and you thought you could fix it, but your finger got stuck and you were electrocuted.”

Well, isn’t he just the creative one? “Listen to me doctor. Those two men out there, they’re part of a group of dangerous people. They kidnapped my friends and I and are torturing us at their house. That story was a lie. Do you want to know what really happened? They strapped me down to a chair and electrocuted me until I was on the verge of death.”

The doctor’s face turned deathly pale. “N-no, you have to be mistaken.”

“What’s your problem? Do you not hear what I’m saying?!”

He stood up and was shaking. “You…you don’t understand, there was a girl who came to me back in California. I think her name was Myra. She said the same thing…”

“What the fuck?! You were the doctor who didn’t believe her? Do you know what we went through because of you?! Because you didn’t believe someone asking for help!”

He cringed back, and I could see the guilt in his eyes. “Once I heard the story on the news, about how you all were rescued before there were fatalities, I felt so relieved. All the guilt washed away and I moved on with my new life, transferring here to New York. And now it’s happening again!”

“Damn straight it’s happening again. And if you ignore us this time, you’ll have hell to pay. Two escaped convicts are sitting down the hall!”

“O-ok, I won’t make the same mistake twice, Randi.” He leaped across the room and grabbed the phone, dialing security.

A large commotion could be heard in the hall as what sounded like a whole army of security guards ran to the waiting room. I couldn’t help but crack a smile. Those bastards have no where to run.

“Thanks, doc,” I said as I reclined back into the pillows on the bed, feeling relaxed. He nodded, taking a deep breath.

“No problem. I’ll save you and your friends. I won’t be making the same mistake twice.”

*Shadows’ POV*

Just as I was about to punch the Rev for snoring obnoxiously, a bunch of guys in navy blue uniforms entered from both entrances. What would a bunch of security guards be doing here? Unless…

I whacked the Rev in the chest and he leaned forward, choking on his spit and looking confused. “We’ve got trouble,” I growled.

I’m usually confident in my skills…but there were a shit ton of guards surrounding us. Between the two of us, we managed to beat the shit out of about ten guards. We were outnumbered, and it was evident.

Handcuffs were locked onto our wrists. Where the hell would hospital guards get those? They dragged us down the hall. I glanced up for a moment and looked into the window to my right. Wouldn’t you believe it…Randi was in there. She was smiling and blowing kisses at me. That bitch ratted us out!

“YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD!” I shouted at her. She just stuck her tongue out at me and waved.

If it’s hell that she wants, then it’s hell she’ll get.
♠ ♠ ♠
alright in the next chapter...the doctor helps Randi get back to a7x's hideout, we find out if Zacky is a good guy or a bad guy, and Myra feels sick.

thanx so much for all the reads, comments & subscriptions :D 5+ comments for an update

this chapter is for katie...hope u have a great time in cali!!

oh and if youre looking for some new stories, check out my latest & greatest: No Easy Way Out and Man That You Fear!