You're Cute When You Scream

Crazies On The Loose

“Guards, come quickly! I think I might be drowning,” Ronnie’s voice echoed back and forth between the jail cells down the corridor. He might have been overdoing the whole acting thing, but hey whatever speeds this thing up is fine with me.

A couple of guards came running down to see that Ronnie’s toilet was overflowing. Matt, the fake “plumber,” decided to have some fun sneaking around an hour ago to find an axe that he could use to mess up the toilet. The guards were too dumb to see the huge ass gash in the side of the toilet where even more water was flowing out.

“Alright, there’s no way you can sleep in this bunk tonight,” the guard said, attempting to block the water from pouring out further, but just ended up getting sprayed in the face a few times. The other guard scanned the surrounding cells and saw that the only cell with an open bunk was in ours.

He smirked to himself. “Well, Radke, it looks like this really isn’t your night. You’re gonna be stuck with them,” he said, pointing to us, “all night. Don’t worry, I’ll start planning your funeral now.”

He shoved Ronnie into our cell and re-locked the door. It was almost hard for me to stop myself from laughing. I mean, sure if it had been any other guy that they shoved in here, then they would be dead. But the guard was so stupid he didn’t even realize that Ronnie has been hanging out with us for the past few days.

We waited a few minutes until the guards left and turned all the lights off behind them. “Damn it, I forgot that tunnels tend to be dark,” I said sarcastically, feeling slightly pissed that I forget something so important.

“Not to fear, I also snatched some flashlights from my guard buddy,” Ronnie announced, dropping all two shovels and flashlights onto the floor.

“Whoa, dude, did you have those in your pants all day today?!” Zacky asked, shocked.

Ronnie shrugged, “Yeah, I mean how else could you sneak something in here and not expect it to be noticed.”

“Well, yeah. But that looks so damn uncomfortable.”

We decided to split into two teams, even though we only have one map. That might seem stupid, but there is reason behind our madness, honestly. You see, since Zacky so easily fell through the wall here last week, then we’re willing to bet that all the walls must be dense around here. This calls for an all-out prison break. There’s nothing more sinister than letting a bunch of crazed killers and criminals on the loose. Matt, Ronnie, and I went forward, preparing to dig the remainder of the tunnel, while the Rev, Zacky, and Johnny took care of our cellmates.

Due to this short time we’ve spent in jail, I must admit I’ve gotten ten times stronger. So, moving a bunch of dirt and rocks out of my way wasn’t too hard, especially when I kept certain goals of mine in mind, for example, seeing Myra’s blood splash all over the place once I get my hands on her.

“So, what’s your story?” Shadows asked, striking up conversation while we dug.

“There’s not much to tell. I used to be in a band, Escape the Fate, but then I got caught up in drugs and shit, hanged with the wrong people and got caught up in some deep shit that ended in some dude getting shot. I’ve broken my previous paroles too many times to count, so instead of trying with me anymore, they sent me here for a reduced sentence.”

“That’s interesting. Want any revenge against someone?”

“Yeah actually, the asshole who replaced me in the band and an old friend of mine. But wait, who are you guys after? You never told me.”

Shadows nodded at me, and I gladly began telling the story. “There’s this girl who left me in high school. As soon as she broke up with me, regardless of whatever the reason might have been, I promised myself that I would kill her, since we’d already killed our other girlfriends for various reasons. She returned to California a few years later, and we found her. She almost died, but of course her stupid friends had to get in the way. So, as soon as we get out of here, we’re gonna find her and make her pay.”

“Do you have a plan or anything?”

Now that I think about it, I really don’t have a plan, other than pure pain and torture. But realistically, she’s not just gonna walk right into my arms, willingly anyway. Plus, I love giving her that false sense of security that she clings to so often. Hmm maybe Ronnie could help somehow with this plan. “No, not yet. But don’t worry, I guarantee it will be entertaining.”

“No doubt about that,” Ronnie smirked.

“Hey guys I think I hit something solid here,” Shadows shouted, seeing as he had gotten a few steps ahead of us.

We heard a loud banging noise, and soon the breeze of fresh air flooded the dim and dingy tunnels. “We’ve struck gold,” he said, balancing the shovel on his shoulder and staring out at freedom. All of the sudden, we heard a rumble of voices and we knew that the others have arrived. Time for some fun.

*Zacky’s POV*

Alright, so our job is simple enough: break through the walls andinvite force all inmates to join us. Since there were three of us, we each took a room and ran inside. “What the hell is going on?” the guys asked in the room I just ran into, probably looking like a crazy person.

“We’re sponsoring a mandatory prison break. And if you don’t join us, well I might be tempted to pull out the Rev’s favorite pocket knife and slit your fucking throats. So, are y’all ready to go?!” Damn, I love scaring the shit out of people.

They all scurried out of their bunks and quietly followed the trails to the exit. I walked past Johnny’s room to see that everyone was cleared out, which only left the Rev’s room. Now, most of his room was gone, except for one guy who’s head was being dunked in the toilet. “Aren’t we a little too advanced to still be doing swirlies?” I asked, amused.

The Rev paused for a moment and said, “You’re absolutely right, Vengeance. What was I thinking? Let me cut straight to the chase.”

As soon as he said the word “cut” he pulled out that pocket knife I mentioned earlier and slit this dude’s throat, letting his body fall down into the multiple puddles of water and blood that littered the floor. I followed him out of the room and toward the others, where we all watched Shadows break right through the prison wall.

*Synyster’s POV*

Once I saw that we had roughly 20 guys coming along for the ride, I nodded over to Shadows and he took the first jump, landing easily on his feet. We all followed right after and as soon as we all hit the ground, the sirens started loudly blaring into the silent night. Good, I’m glad they finally caught on, otherwise this would be no fun at all.

Spot lights lit the path for us and the sound of guards chasing after us accompanied us as we all ran like hell to jump over the barbed fences and into the desert. A few guys were shot down easily, but I’m not surprised. Now comes the hard part – jumping the fence. We were all running at a pretty good speed, which helped make our jumps higher. As I was heading over the fence and dodging mid-air bullets, the barbed wire scraped my arms a lot, actually. Blood immediately dripped and made tiny red imprints into the sand. Yes, in case you were wondering, this jail is in the middle of nowhere.

“Is everyone alright so far?” Johnny asked as we continued our run, occasionally being slowed down by the sand.

“Yeah, I’d say so,” Shadows answered, even though most of us were bleeding or wounded somewhere.

And we continued running until we reached the cliff, staring down at all the city lights. Where were we? We were currently standing right next to the big white HOLLYWOOD letters in LA. So, in other words we ran fucking far. Good thing we were in such good shape…actually, we’re in perfect shape to go start some killing.

*Random Guard’s POV*

As soon as the bells rang out, we all knew there was a prison breach, the first one in history here. I ran down the corridor and glanced in each cell to find them empty, except for one. There was a body lying in the middle of the room, and the floor was soaked with blood. It was sick to think that whoever did this was back out in the world now.

God have mercy on whoever those people are after…
♠ ♠ ♠
alright so in the next chapter, synyster finds myra and begins plotting while myra continues her back-to-normal life, until she runs into a stranger. who is it?! find out in the next update!!

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