You're Cute When You Scream

Execution Style

“How long?” Syn asked bitterly, his face scrunching up in disgust at the thought.

Johnny had patched up my shoulder wound as quickly as possible. Luckily, the bullet passed all the way through my shoulder, so I didn’t have to worry about a lingering piece of metal corroding inside my arm.

Things were undeniably tense in the room, and I kept trembling every now and then. Katie must’ve noticed because she slid into an empty space on the cushion and boldly wrapped an arm around my good shoulder in front of them.

“More or less,” I replied scratchily, “since she first got here.”

“How could you keep this secret from us?” Shadows demanded.

I scoffed, “Right, like I’d tell you I had feelings for her, considering that worked out so well last time with Kayla.”

Shadows and Syn exchanged a brief look of what I could only assume was remote guilt.

“Besides,” I added, “Syn and Myra are technically ‘dating.’”

Myra gagged noticablly as she took a few steps back and leaned against the wall for support. “Don’t you dare compare what I’m stuck in to what I hope is really there between you and Katie,” she growled, earning a dirty look from Syn.

“Aw, baby, you’re not stuck in anything. What we have together is nothing but love,” he sneered, side stepping slightly so he could grab a hold of her arm and pull her stumbling forward onto his lap.

“Anyway, what the fuck are we going to do about this?” Shadows asked, pointing at Katie and me.

“I don’t see what’s wrong with letting their love flourish. That’ll just make it better once Zacky has to kill the bitch,” Rev cackled. Shadows smiled in approval. That didn’t really make me feel too much better.

“If that’s the case, then you all shouldn’t mind that Katie and I are heading up to my room – alone,” I announced, grabbing onto Katie’s hand and keeping her close to me as we descended the stairs.

I didn’t care if they were secretly plotting against us downstairs or not. The girls have been working on an escape plan lately and I’m sure we’ll be able to act on very soon.

Then who’ll be the ones laughing?

*Doctor Manor’s POV*

Chris led the entire task force over to his apartment, the very same one that the girls were abducted from, so that we could have a bit of required privacy to form a plan.

A large map of New York was placed on the kitchen table. I used a black Sharpie to trace the path that leads first to my hospital, where they could watch surveillance tapes if they wanted, and then through the winding roads that lead deep into the woods and to where their house may be. From what I knew, there were only a couple houses where they drove off into, so I’m sure that will still be a huge help for the police.

“It’s kind of sick,” Pablo muttered, “they haven’t even been that far from us this entire time, and yet we haven’t seen them since December.”

“Don’t worry, man, now that we got this guy,” Chris said, nodding toward me, “on our team, we’ll probably be able to rescue them any day now!”

“That’s right. I’m rather familiar with the area out there since it’s a small town, so I’ll be able to help determine which house is specifically theirs.”

“Do you have any other evidence we can build our offense on?” Officer Peterson asked.

I paused to think for a minute, wondering if there was anything worth retrieving from my brief case that I left behind in the squad car outside. “Well, if this counts toward anything, I do have a couple pictures that I printed off from the security cameras. Their appearances have changed slightly since the last time this…happened.”

The cop nodded, “That would definitely be helpful, especially once we begin investigating the area.”

“Right, well, I’ll be right back then.”

Being that I am a doctor and generally value good health, I decided to take the stairs down to the back parking lot. It felt so good to finally have this awful guilt lifted from my conscious.

*Ronnie’s POV*

I held an icepack tightly on top of my nose, desperately hoping that it reduces the swelling. Syn had held Myra down in what was clearly an uncomfortable position for her. And that smug bastard probably knew exactly how she felt.

“Despite the fact that we have a bastard child on its way, I think I should head back to your apartment and pick up a few of your old things. Have any requests?”

She rolled her eyes. “What the hell would I need now that I’ve managed to go so long without?”

“Fine, fucking sue me for trying to help you. I’ll just bring back whatever I like the most,” he said, standing up and heading up to his room, presumably to gather whatever was needed for breaking and entering.

The minute he was gone, Myra crawled over to me and gave me a delicate, yet heartfelt hug. “I’m so sorry for causing all of this,” she cried into my shoulder.

“No, Myra, it’s not your fault. Don’t even think about blaming yourself. I…I can still make this right, just give me a chance okay.”

“Ronnie…I just wish we could escape this place together,” she whispered.

“I promise you, as soon as possible, we will get away. But until then I need you to remember one thing. Can you do that for me?”

She weakly nodded her head, glancing up to look at me.

“I need you to remember that I will always love you and that I will never forgive myself for what had to happen to make me realize that.”

“What’s going on down here?” Syn asked, glaring at us from the staircase.

“It’s been a traumatic time, man. We just needed a little comforting,” I replied, sadly leaving Myra’s side and standing up to face him.

“Well, I’m glad you two got that taken care of because guess what? I need a sidekick for the trip, and Ronnie that’s where you come in.” Of fucking course. He’s only bringing me because he doesn’t trust me around Myra, as well as he shouldn’t.

“Where you two going?” Shadows asked as he stepped out of the bathroom.

“We’re going to the city to snag a few of Myra’s things.”

“Nice, dude. No worries, I’ll keep an eye on Myra for you.”

There was something so chilling about the way he spoke those words that really made me even more hesitant to leave her alone. Hopefully, as long as she remembered what I told her, she’ll be okay…

*Myra’s POV*

Ronnie solemnly followed Syn out the front door, closing it with a heavy bang. Shadows took a seat on one of the leather recliners opposite of the sofa I was sitting on. Yeah, being in the same room as Shadows was definitely not something I was going to do.

I stood up and began limping toward the staircase. I had no idea exactly where I was going to go, though. Katie and Zacky were probably still reeling from having their secret revealed. I hadn’t seen Aliza and Johnny since earlier today, and I could only imagine what poor Nikki must be enduring inside the Rev’s room.

So, that just left the spare bedroom that Randi had died in…no.

Shadows room…no.

Or Syn’s room, which I guess would be perfectly fine, given that he wasn’t there currently.

Hastily, I opened the door and tried to close the door behind me, but something stood in its way. I glanced over my shoulder to see Shadows with his arm outstretched, preventing the door from its natural path.

“You heard what I told your boyfriend, I promised to keep an eye on you.”

“Well you can drop your fucking guard then because I don’t plan on doing anything other than sleeping and dreaming all you demons away,” I replied with a mockingly happy tone.

“Oh, Myra,” he sighed, stepping forward and closing the door himself, locking us together in the darkness. “No amount of hopes or wishes could ever remove us from your life. And if you don’t believe me, perhaps I should give you a reminder.”

He reached forward and shoved his palms into my back, pushing me roughly up against the wall. “What do you think you’re doing?” I cried, cringing as I wrapped my arms around my enlarged stomach, hoping that it would be enough to protect the baby.

I heard his pants fall to the ground and that’s when my heart stopped beating. “Matt,” I shouted, sternly, “you better just stop where you are.”

Tears began streaming down my cheeks once I realized he didn’t heed my warning. Sure, he paused out of shock at hearing me use his real name, but it wasn’t shocking enough. His hands slithered around my thighs and up to the zipper on my jeans. My body was shaking by the time he had ripped my underwear off.

“Don’t worry, princess,” he whispered as he ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my neck, “I’m not going for your pussy. That’d be a little awkward if your kid came out with my dick inside you. I think instead I’ll enter through your back door.”

I’d already had the displeasure of experiencing anal rape before, and I was in no mood to want it again. My arms fled from my stomach and instead pushed up against the wall, in a sad attempt to get him off me.

“You should feel special,” he continued as he rested his tip against the entrance to my ass, “this is a new sex position I’m trying out. I’d like to call it ‘execution style.’”

Of course I understood the name. Normally that meant a person being shot in the back of the head – but in this case it meant he was raping me from behind. Stupid name, on his part, but that should be the least of my concerns right now!

“Matt,” I cried, “please don’t do this to me.”

Regardless, I knew my plea fell on deaf ears. My screams of agony filled the room as he slid into the dry hole roughly, using the same speed he would’ve as if he was having normal sex. The hole was far too small to accommodate his large length, and with each unnatural thrust, shreds of skin were being torn from the inner walls of my ass.

Blood began leaking along my thigh and dripping onto the ground. He gripped onto my hips to increase his speed. I know I already experienced something along these lines before, but I was nearly due to have a baby now and that just made things so much worse, and I didn’t even know that it was possible.

But after what seemed like eternity, he finally pulled out for good and shot his load up and down my back and legs, creating a sticky coat of disgust. “Consider that my present for the baby,” he laughed maniacally, leaving me alone in the darkened room.

I crawled over to Syn’s bed, cradling the baby tenderly. The rest of the night I wept sorrowfully, feeling terrible for having to bring this poor baby into this awful place.

*Synyster’s POV*

The ride back to the city was silent, not that it mattered. “Let’s make this quick,” I muttered as we entered the building, heading directly for the elevator.

Just as I was about to open the door to her apartment, I stopped cold in my tracks, almost causing Ronnie to ram right into me. “Alright so now that we have the general location, we can alert the police department out there and organize a team prepared to strike.”

“We can do this soon, right? Those bastards have had more than enough time to do their damage,” a familiar voice growled. It was Chris. I thought that Rev had killed him… What the hell was going on here? How did they manage to stay stupid for the past eight months, and now suddenly discover our location?

“Shit, we’re not going to be able to do this now. We have to get back to the house and warn the others,” I whispered, turning around and heading back toward the elevator.

As we waited for the elevator, I stared out the nearby window, slightly startled once the door to the stairs whipped open, revealing a very frantic Doctor Manor. And then, all the puzzle pieces fit together in my head.

An evil smirk formed on my face as I approached the trembling doctor. “Well, well, well…it looks like we have a traitor on our hands. What the hell did you reveal?”

“J-just the location of my hospital,” he mumbled. Honestly, it didn’t matter what his response was. He violated the terms of our deal, which meant that death was in order.

An entertaining idea quickly formed in my mind. I tossed the gun over to Ronnie, who just barely caught it. He flashed me a confused expression. “Kill him,” I said simply, nodding to the doctor.

“Why don’t you? This doesn’t concern me,” Ronnie protested, extending the gun back toward me.

I laughed darkly, “Right…just like how Myra doesn’t concern you either, but you still try to interfere. Look, Ronnie, if you don’t kill the doc, then I’ll kill your baby once its born right in front of you, then shoot you as well.”

Ronnie’s eyes widened at the severity of the threat. He took a few moments of what appeared to be an internal struggle before turning to face the doctor. “I’m sorry,” he whispered before firing the silent gun.

A bullet entered the doctor’s forehead as his body slumped onto the ground, spilling blood across the designer hardwood floor. I sighed to myself as I retrieved another gun from my pants and aimed it at Ronnie, who stood frozen and wide-eyed.

Boy was this going to be worth it.
♠ ♠ ♠
in the next chapter: myra's pregnancy becomes filled with surprises, the guys are so busy with the new additions to the family that katie, zacky, aliza, and johnny are able to have a "double date" in the kitchen, and the rev finally hits nikki's last nerve, causing her to snap

5+ comments, the next chapter is going to be insanely dramatic