Rubberband Ball

Red Rubberband

May 1st, 1988

I was four. He was not quite five yet. I was just sitting on the swingset at the park, my mom was on the bench, reading.

That's when I first saw him. He was a dorky little boy, messy brown hair and bright brown eyes. I was just drinking my juice; it was apple.

"Hey!" The little boy said, walking over to me. I didn't answer him. "Are you dumb or something?" I just watched him. Then the little boy grabbed my juice. He took a drink. "Yummy! It's apple." I let him drink it all and then he gave it back to me. "I'm Gaspard." I still didn't answer him. "Why won't you talk?" He sounded frustarted.

"My mommy told me not to talk to strangers," I said.

"I'm no stranger! I'm Gaspard, I'm almost five years old and I live at 1124 Holling Road. My birhday's November 25th and I have a pet fish named Kitty." I grinned at him.

"I'm Cameryn Myer, I'm four years old and I live in the stone house on 1125 Holling Road. I turn five on December 25th, that's Christmas! And I have a puppy dog named Lady Beatrice," I said.

"Do you wanna be best friends?" He asked. I nodded furiously. Gaspard grinned.

"Cammie? Cammie!"

"Huh?" I said, standing up straight.

"Cammie, you're day dreaming again," Krista said. I rubbed my eyes.

"I was?" I asked, yawning.

"Yeah, what was it about this time?" Krista was my best friend. She was my age and had long blonde hair and dark green eyes.

"Oh, uh, nothing," I said. Krista put her hands on her hips.

"Yeah right. It was that boy, uh, Gaspard? Right?" She asked.

There was no point in lying anymore, so I nodded.

"This guy must of been something special," She muttered, going back to cleaning the bar.

I was a waitress. My job was at Tony's Pizzeria, my favorite place to eat when I was younger. But now, when I'm 23, it's not exactly a dream job.

We were just closing, when the door chime dinged. "I'm sorry, we're closed," I told the girl who walked in.

"Oh darn!" She said. "I'll come back tomorrow." Then she left.

"Well, see ya tomorrow!" Krista called has she left. I waved.

September 3rd, 1999

It was the first day of school, I was 14 and a freshman. My first year in high school.

I hadn't seen Gaspard all summer. He was visiting his aunt in France. I rocked back and forth on my feet, waiting for the school to let kids in. There was about 15 kids waiting, they had come a little too early. The school didn't let kids in until 8:00. School offcially started at 8:25.

"Hey Cammie," Ellie, a friend from last year said.

"Hey Ellie," I said.

"Have you seen Gaspard?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Not since June. We're exchanged letters, e-mails and we've talked on the phone though," I told her.

"Oh, I haven't seen him either." Ellie looked around. "You and him make a cute couple though."

I was flabbergasted. "Me and Gaspard?" I asked. Ellie nodded. I laughed. "No way, we're just friends. Trust me."

"Who are?" A voice with a slight French accent said from behind me. Ellie was staring, open mouthed. I turned around. My mouth dropped too.

Gaspard had become hot! My best friend!

"Gaspard!" I managed to say.

"Hey Cammie." He grinned. I practically melted. Then he hugged me. I hugged back, not wanting to let go. "How was your summer?"

"Good, good. Yours?" I asked.

"Incredible! You should have seen the scenery Cammie, you would've loved it." Gaspard tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear. I must of blushed a million shades of red.

"I hope you took lots of pictures," I said.

"Oh I did. I took pictures of everything," He assured me. I grinned and he returned my grin.

"Well, you're going to have to show me them later," I said.

"Will do. After school?" I nodded. "Perfect."
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Okay, first chapter. Did you guys like it? Please comment, it lets me know I did a good job.

Thank you.