Rubberband Ball

Magenta Rubberband

"Well what?" I asked, drumming my fingers on the table.

"Iwasinthewitnessprotectionprogrambecausesomeguywantedtokillme." He said it all in a rush without taking a breath.

Stupidity washed over me. "Huh?" I asked. "Speak slower, please."

Gaspard sighed. "I was in the witness protection program," he said.

"Er, what for?"

"I... I saw this guy..."

"Yeah, I saw a guy too." Gaspard gave me a impatient look. I held my hands up. "Okay fine, I'll shut up. Pray, continue."

"This guy was trying to steal something. I didn't know what it was then, and I don't know what it is now. Anyway, this guy didn't want whatever it was he stealing, to get out. So he threatened me. Being scared, I went to the police. I guess this guy was some ex mafia guy or something. I went in the Witness Protection Program has a boy named Lucas Marshall. But they caught the guy and I was released. So I came back..."

"How long have you been out?" I asked, curious.

Gaspard hesitated once more. "Three years..." he mumbled.

"Three years?!" My eyes widened. Gaspard nodded. "Why did you wait so long to come back?!"

"I didn't know if... I wanted to make sure it was the right time." My heart felt a pang. This pang hurt, real bad. "I kept in contact with Elisha."

That hurt worse. "What? Why?" I asked. To my horror, my voice was filled with hurt and pain.

"I couldn't contact you. If my letter got intercepted, and those guys came here to hurt you," he shook his head. "I couldn't risk it."

Elinor returned and set our plates down. My pancakes look yummy. I took a bite and chewed slowly. "Are they still after you?" I asked, swallowing.

Gaspard nodded. "Not the same guy, but... his people are." To my unfortunate surprise, tears stung at my eyes. I'm has much a baby has I was when he left, I thought bitterly.

A finger was placed under my chin. It lifted my eyes so they connected with Gaspard's. "Don't cry Cammie," he whispered.

I shook my head and pulled away, wiping my tears away. "I'm not going to," I sniffed. Gaspard smiled at me.

"You're still strong," he said.

"What are you talking about?" I was confused.

"When you're sad, you hide it so you don't make others sad. You're brave and strong. Sometimes too much though."

"I don't understand."

"Sometimes you just have to let your emotions go. Cry when you're sad, scream when you're mad, laugh when you're happy, hold on when people tell you to let go."

I smiled a feeble smile. The rest of breakfast was just small talk. Gaspard wanted to know everything he'd missed. Every once in a while I'd look up to see him looking at me in a weird way. Like he he didn't quite know what to think of me.

Honestly? I didn't know quite what to think of myself either.


We said goodbye after we were done and Gaspard went off to his hotel. Where ever that was.

My phone buzzed. The calm air was disturbed with the sound of the "Indiana Jones" theme song. I jumped, the music startling me.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Cammie?" Tyler.

"Hey Tyler!" I said, holding the phone with my ear and shoulder.

"Hey, I was wondering if you'd like to go out tonight. On a real date."

I bit my lip. My old feelings for Gaspard were resurfacing... fast. Faster then I expected them to. "Tyler... I don't know."

"Do you already have plans?"

"No, it's not that. Just, an old friend's in town... and I kinda wanna catch up."

"No problem. Bring him along."

This startled me too. I almost dropped the phone. "Are-are you sure?" I stammered.

"Yes, of course. I'd like to officially meet and get to know this guy."

"O-okay," I spluttered, still baffled.

I could hear Tyler chuckle on the other end. "How about we meet Olive Garden's, at say, around 7?"

"That'd be great. See you then." I hung up.

Well, this'll be interesting. Two guys I like at the same table, at the same time, with me. I just know something's gonna happen...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, sorry it's been a while. I have a really weird request.

But something is coming up soon and I need a little help. I need someone to write a sex scene for me. I'm not good at those kinds of things, and I want to add one to my story. (I'll be changing the rating to R), but if anyone would like to do that, I'll make sure to give you credit. And I'll be eternally greatful. And in your debt.

PS: It won't be like crucial or anything. You can skip over it if you'd like. But... I had a sort of idea... And I'm not good at that stuff has I mentioned. So if you could help me, I'll love you forever :D

If you'd like to do this, send me a message or a comment on my page. Thanks =]

Please comment <3