Rubberband Ball

Teal Rubberband

I fidgetted nervously has I looked at my reflection. I was wearing a black dress. My mother always told me every girl should have at least one black dress. That discludes funeral wear.

I had told Gaspard about the whole going-out-to-dinner-with-my-maybe-possible-future-boyfriend and guess what he said! He said, "That's fine, I'll enjoy it." CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! I was counting on him to say no and refuse. But nooo he had to say yes. Just typical guy reactions.

Anyway, back to my lovely black dress. It ended at my knees, exposing my calfs. Can you say 'yikes'? Yeah, me too. My hair was curled and put up into a fancy French kind of bun. I was also wearing heels. Yes, heels. Or has my delightful friend Krista calls them, hells. Cause, you know, they kind of were. Hell, I mean.

The doorbell dinged. Nervous and slightly worried, I opened the door. Tyler was dressed in fancy clothes. Dress slacks and a pale green button up. He looked very handsome.

"You look beautiful Cammie," Tyler said, holding out a single red rose. Blushing, I took it.

"Come in, we're still waiting on Gaspard." Of course we were, right? I'd told Gaspard to be here at 5:30, but here it was almost, I glanced at my watch, 5:31. See! He's a minute late! Isn't that just absolutely rude?

I placed the pretty rose in a vase and took a seat on the couch, smoothing my dress.

"Is there any crucial information about Gaspard, I should know?" Tyler asked, making small talk I assumed. Yes, that or he's sizing up the competition. That thought seemed to disagree with me. I didn't like the thought of two guys fighting over me. Especially when I knew who would win.

"Well, I dated him for a while way back when," I said absently, has though it held no meaning for me anymore. "Um, he's very polite sometimes but can be a real ass sometimes too. He likes girls. A lot. It sometimes embarrasses me." Okay that one was a lie. I didn't mean to lie, I swear! But... it just... slipped out.

August 12th, 2001

I was pacing in my room. My pale pink dress wrapping around my legs every time I turned.

"Stop pacing Cammie, you'll wear down the carpet," Mom said from her place on my bed.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous," I admitted.

"Don't be. Gaspard loves you, it'll be fine." She smiled in a sweet, motherly way. Just like mothers' do.

The doorbell dinged. I jumped, giving a small scream. "I don't think I can do this!" I said all in a rush. This was the first public date Gaspard was taking me on. It was the end of the summer dance at The Clubhouse. I was extremely nervous; more then you can imagine.

"Calm down Cameryn, you'll give yourself cardiac arrest."

"Mom, I don't think I can calm down." I shook my arms out; a weird habit of mine.

"You'll be fine." Mom leaned over and kissed my forehead before leaving me alone in my room. My knees felt weak and I felt like fainting.

I slowly made my way to the stairs. I could see Gaspard. He look gorgeous in nice jeans and a blue striped button up. My pale pink short summer dress made me look a little overdressed in comparison.

"Cammie! Gaspard's here!" Mom yelled.

I took a deep breath and walked over to the stairs instead of just looking over the balcony. Gaspard looked up at me.

The bored expression on his face was replaced by complete and utter shock. "Wow," he whispered. I blushed and made my way down the stairs. When I was down them and over by Gaspard, he smiled. "You're so beautiful." This, of course, just made me blush redder, and cause my mom to go "Awww".

A knock sounded. Time to face the music. I stood and opened the door. Gaspard stood there, freshly shaved and showered. He looked even more amazing then Tyler did. I moved my gaze to the ground, afraid if I looked into his grey blue eyes, I may never look out again.

"Wow, Cammie, you look gorgeous. More so then usual." Gaspard smiled. I couldn't stop myself from blushing has I had that time six years ago.

I stepped aside to allow Gaspard to enter. Tyler stood. "Hey, we've met before, but I'm Tyler," Tyler said.

"I'm Gaspard," Gaspard replied politely. I felt awkward, standing here between these two.

"Well, we should go. Our reservations at six," I said, wanting more then anything to just leave. Leave the apartment, leave the tension filled air, leave and hopefully have it not follow me.

"Yes, of course. I brought my car," Tyler said. I bit my red, lip sticked lip.

"Okay," I answered weakly. Gaspard caught my eye, a worried expression in them. I shrugged it off and moved my gaze.

The drive to the restaurant was silent. Excruciatingly silent.

Once there though, it only got worse.

August 1st, 2001

We were at The Clubhouse. Gaspard was talking to everyone. He seemed to know all the people here. I joined him for a little, but I didn't know hardly anyone and no one wanted to get to know me. I had taken refuge to a small table. I sat with my legs crossed and head resting on my elbow.

"There you are," Gaspard said, sitting down next to me. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Obviously not everywhere," I said bitterly.

Gaspard put a hand on my arm. "Cammie, what's wrong?" he asked.

I looked him in the eye, debating in my mind whether to tell him the truth or make up a lie. I decided on the truth. "You know everyone, and everyone loves you. I'm a lot different. No one loves me. They all know me has That Freaky, Plain Girl Who's Dating That Hot Guy Gaspard Ulliel." My voice was filled with resentment.

"Okay one, you're definately not plain. You're gorgeous and all those other girls are just jealous of you because of that. And two, don't care so much. I love you and that's all that matters."

My jaw dropped slightly. It was the first Gaspard had told me he loved me in so many words. Gaspard leaned in slightly and lightly pressed his lips to mine. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sort of a cliffhanger. Sorry it's been a while. Hope you liked it :D

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