Rubberband Ball

Blue Rubberband

February 6th, 1999

I was waiting outside the school again. After the weekend, I was actually anxious to be back to school. I hadn't seen Gaspard at all over the weekend.

I rocked on my feet. That's when I heard giggles. I turned my head. Gaspard was there was Elisha. She was the prettiest freshman.

My heart slammed against my chest. I felt has if the life had left me. Over the months Gaspard had been back, I had fallen head over heels for him. I hadn't said anything though, just in case he didn't feel the same for me. If I'd told him, it might've ruined our friendship.

Tears sprang to my eyes and I wiped them away. Gaspard was holding her hand. They were laughing and he was smiling down at her. I took slow breaths.

They finally stopped in front of me. "Hey Cammie," Gaspard said.

I forced a smile. "Hey," I said.

"Elisha and I... we're together now," He said.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "That's great," I whispered.

Elisha smiled. "Isn't it though?" She smiled up at him.

I had to look away. The pain of it all was just too much. Gaspard leaned down and kissed Elisha.

My heart shattered, but I couldn't let him know that. I plastered a smile on my face.

I shook that memory away. I remembered that day. I remembered the look on his face when he broke the kiss, I remembered how I'd wanted him to look at me that way.

And he did.

July 4th, 2001

I was watching the fireworks. The lit up the sky in a million different colors. Gaspard was sitting next to me. We were on the ground in front of Tony's Pizzeria. An old blanket was underneath us.

It felt like someone was watching me. I looked over at Gaspard. He was watching me. I smiled. "What?" I asked.

He shook his head and smiled. He didn't move his gaze. I laughed. "What?" I asked again. He did the same thing. "Stop it! You're freaking me out." He grinned and looked away.

"The fireworks are pretty," He said.

"Yeah, they're gorgeous. A million different colors," I murmured in agreement.

"You're gorgeous too," He said. I blushed and looked over at him, my heart thudding in happiness.

"Thanks," I said. Gaspard brushed a piece of hair out of my face. I had curled my hair tonight. Brown corkscrew curls were everywhere. Gaspard's hair was, has usual, messy yet totally adorable.

Gaspard studied my face has if memorizing every feature. I blushed. "I never noticed, but you blush almost everytime I touch you or look at you," Gaspard said, smiling.

I think I must've blushed redder. "Oh?' I asked.

"Yeah." Then he leaned in and kissed me. I was a magical kiss and I fell head over heels again.

I blushed just thinking about that. My apartment building was looming in front of me. I grabbed my keys out of my purse and opened the door. The lobby was empty and I took the stairs since the elevator didn't work.

I was on the third floor, which meant three flights of stairs for me.

When I arrived on my floor, there was someone laying on the ground. A man, he was passed out.

"Oh dear God," I muttered and walked over to the poor guy. I nudged him with my foot.

He groaned. "Lady, can you help me? I need a place to stay," He said weakly.

"State your business," I said, raising my eyebrow.

"I'm here to see my sister, but she kicked me out because I was drunk," He slurred.

"What makes you think I'd take you in? I don't even know you," I pointed out.

"Please, one night. I'll pay you," He offered.

"How much?"

"300 dollars," He said.

"Fine, get up." I helped him to his feet. I opened my door and let him inside. He stumbled over to the couch. "Hey mister, you got a name?"

"Tyler," He mumbled before passing out. Great. I tossed my purse in on my bed and changed out of my jeans and white T-shirt and into my black PJ bottoms and my white tank top. My hair was curled, but was quickly losing it's curlyness. I put it up in a clip on top of my head.

After I washed my make up off, I climbed into bed and fell asleep.
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