Rubberband Ball

Green Rubberband

December 31st, 2001

Gaspard and I had the night alone; our first night alone. We'd been together ever since that kiss. All the girls threw insults at me because of how not hot I was, but I ignored them.

I was happy, and I mean really happy.

We were watching the countdown tonight, just us. He was making popcorn while I kept the couch warm. I flipped through the channels.

"There's nothing good!" I called to him.

"Just pick something then," He called back. I clicked on the show that was on. House. My favorite show. Gaspard walked in carrying a huge bowl of popcorn. He groaned when he saw what was on. "Not this."

"Oh come on why not?" I asked.

"Because! It's stupid anyway," He said. I slapped his arm.

"It is not," I protested.

"You only watch it cause you think House is cute," He said. "Admit it."

I made a face. "Can we just watch the show? Please?"

"Hah! I was right! You do think he's cute! Cammie, he's like in his 40s," Gaspard said laughing.

"So? He looks good for his age," I defended.

"How can you like someone who's 40something and in a television set and not like some your own age, who's right here and madly in love with you?" He asked.

I threw some popcorn at him. "Weirdo, I love you a gajillion times more then House. And you're a trillion times hotter then he is anyway," I said. Gaspard smiled and kissed my lightly on the lips.

"And you're a bazillion times more grogeous then any movie star," He whispered. I blushed.

"The people at school don't seem to think so," I pointed out.

Gaspard sighed. "I wish you would just ignore them. I don't care what they think. I love you anyway," Gaspard said. I kissed him lightly but he held my head in place and pushed me down gently until he was on top of me.

"On the couch?" I asked skeptically. "And in front of House's ever watchful eye?" I raised an eyebrow. Gasprad grinned and rolled off me. He clicked the TV off and picked me up bridal style. The carried me upstairs and dropped me on his bed.

And well... you know what happens.

I awoke to the smell of bacon. I hadn't had bacon in like forever. I got up and walked out to my living room.

Tyler was cooking breakfast. He was much cuter in this light. "Hey, you're up," He said, noticing me. "I don't think I caught your name last night."

"Cammie," I answered, yawning. "The bacon woke me. It smells delicious."

"Why thank you." I took a seat at the eating bar and rubbed my eyes.

"I haven't had bacon in six years," I told him.

His eyes widened. "Seriously?" He asked and he set a cup of coffee in front of me.

I nodded and took a sip.

January 1st, 2002

The smell of bacon wafted into my dream. My mouth watered and my eyes popped open. I got up, the realizing I was still naked, I put on one of Gaspard's shirts and boxers.

The smell got stronger has I walked downstairs. Gaspard was cooking bacon.

"Hey sleeping beauty, sleep good?" He asked. I yawned and nodded. He walked over and kissed me.

"That bacon smells yummy," I murmured, stepping into the kitchen.

"It should, I burnt the other two trys," He said. "Third times the charm." He winked. I giggled.

Gaspard set down two plates of bacon at the table and we both took our spots.

"Cammie, uh, listen," He hesitated.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm... leaving," he whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm leaving," He repeated.

"What? Where? When?"

"In three days and I'm going to LA," He said.

"Three days?" I asked weakly.


Tears attacked my eyes. One traitor rolled down my cheek. Gaspard brushed it away.

"Don't cry," He whispered. I got up from the table and went upstairs. I changed into my clothes and walked downstairs, and without saying goodbye I left.

"Why'd you wait so long to eat it again?" Tyler asked.

"It brings back memories," I said, taking a bite of bacon.

January 3rd, 2002

It was raining, more like pouring. I ran to Gaspard's house. I could see him getting in a taxi. He closed the door and I ran faster, my legs screaming in protest.

"Gaspard!" I yelled. The car pulled away from the curb. I was soaked and tears were streaming down my cheeks. "Gaspard! Come back!" I sobbed and continued to run after the taxi. When the taxi kept going, I stopped. I dropped to my knees and sobbed, right there in the middle of the street.

My clothes were plastered to my body. My heart shattered.
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