Rubberband Ball

Yellow Rubberband

The walk from Tony's to Farrah's was only like two blocks. I took out the bobby pins holding my hair in and untucked my white shirt.

I at least looked like I didn't come from work, even if I did smell like pizza. When I got to Farrah's, I could see Elisha inside. Grumbling, I entered the cafe.

"Well if it isn't Cammie Myer," Elisha said.

"Hey Elisha." I lifted my hand in hello.

"Rumor is Gaspard came back for you," she said.

I tensed for a moment and then let it go. "Yeah, I just got done seeing him."

"I heard you practically blew him off." Elisha grinned.

"Well, he left without a goodbye. And he can't just show up six years later and expect everything to be okay! Elisha, I ran after his freaking taxi! And he never wrote or e-mailed or called or anything," I said.

Elisha bit her lip. "Maybe not to you," She whispered.

"What?" I asked, not quite sure I knew what I was hearing.

"Nothing, nothing," She said quickly. "How many?"

"Two," I said. Elisha smiled and led me over to a table for two in front of the window. "Thanks. My date will be here soon."

"Okay." She closed her notepad and walked over to make sure the other people were doing okay.

Tyler walked in. In regular clothes, he was very cute. He was wearing worn in blue jeans and a red T-shirt with long white sleeves under it.

"Hey." He grinned when he saw me.

I returned his grinned. "Hey, long time no see." I winked.

He laughed. "No kidding. It seems like only this morning I was cooking you bacon," Tyler said.

"It was this morning," I pointed out. Elisha was standing like three feet away and was hearing the whole thing.

"Hi, my name is Elisha and I'll be server. What can I get you guys to drink?" She asked, glancing at the exit.

I looked where she had glanced to and then ducked. "Oh my God! What is he, stalking me?" I whispered.

"I don't know, but for some reason, I think he's just here to eat," Elisha said, trying to hide her face from Gaspard.

"Who?" Tyler asked.

"Oh, uh, n-no one," I said quickly.

"Waitress?" Gaspard's lightly French accented voice floated into the cafe.

"Yeah, uh, just a minute sir," Elisha said, trying to disguise her voice.

"Um, I'll have a Sprite," Tyler said. Elisha quickly wrote it down.

Then she looked at me, still glancing nervously at Gaspard. "And you?" she asked.

"Um, a Dr. Pepper," I said, trying not to look at Gaspard. My back was to him, so maybe he didn't recognize me.

"Elisha?" Gaspard asked. Elisha jumped a little.

Then she turned to face him. "Gaspard?" She asked, feigning shock.

He nodded. "I haven't seen you in ages." Gaspard walked over to her and gave her a hug. I shielded my face with my hands and sent Elisha a silent plea for her to get him away from me.

"I know!" She laughed has he spun her. Knives stabbed at my heart. I cringed in pain and Tyler noticed. He put his hand on my arm.

"Are you okay?" He whispered.

I gave a weak smile and nodded, still hiding myself from Gaspard. No need to repeat what happened in the pizzeria.

May 1st, 2001

Knock knock. The pounding on my door had been consistent for the last five minutes.

"Go away!" I moaned. "I'm sleeping!"

"Get your butt up Cammie!" Gaspard said, knocking harder.

"No!" I groaned and closed my eyes again. The pounding stopped and I sat up. Uh oh. I could hear faint click and then a loud click and my door swung open. "You idiot! You picked the lock!"

Gaspard grinned. "That I did, now come on!" He grabbed my arm and tugged.

"What's so important that it can't wait till noon?" I asked groggily.

Gaspard looked hurt. "Today is our friendship anniversary! We've been friends for thirteen years!"

I smiled. "That long?" I asked. He grinned and gave me a big hug. It was probably the best hug... ever! My arms were around his neck, his were around my waist. I could smell the scent of his cologne. It was a delicious smell.

"So," Elisha said, letting go of him. "How long are you here for?"

"I don't know. Couple days or so," He said. Knives attacked my heart once more and I cringed again. He was just going to leave again, no need to get attached.

"Aw, well, I hope you enjoy your time in this silly, old, boring town of Oakwood," Elisha said. Gaspard smiled and then he noticed us.

"Oh, I'm sorry to keep you from your costumers," He said.

Elisha dismissed it with a wave of her hand. "It's fine, they don't mind," She said.

"Well, okay. At least let me get their names so I can make it up to them," he said. I sighed.

"I'm Tyler," Tyler said, shaking Gaspard's hand.

I took my hand down and looked up at him. "Cammie?" He asked, shocked.

"You bet." I forced a fake smile. "No need to make it up to me."

Gaspard studied me. Then he reached out and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear; just like whe we were little. He smiled and then left.

"What was that all about?" Elisha asked.

"Yeah Cammie, you didn't say you had a boyfriend," Tyler said.

"Okay you know what? One, he did that to me while we grew up. And two, Gaspard is so not my boyfriend," I emphasized the word not and boyfriend.

"Well, he's not anymore," Elisha said. I glared at her.

"Go get our drinks."
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