Rubberband Ball

White Rubberband

Gaspard and I walked to Breakfast Junky. The walk was... less then pleasant. The only sound was of our feet hitting the pavement and the wind whistling.

Elinor, the older lady who owned and ran Breakfast Junky smiled at us has we entered. "Ah, nice to see you two in here again. Didn't think I'd live to see this day after Gaspard left so abruptly." Elinor gave Gaspard a pointed look. He reponded by looking sheepish.

"Elinor, I think we'd rather not dwell on the past. Can we get seats for two?" I asked. Elinor shrugged and led us over to the table in the corner; our table. The table Gaspard and I always sat at.

"I'll give you two a moment to look through the menus." Then she left. I started looking at the choices though I knew them all by heart. I also what I liked and what I didn't like, so the menus were absolutely pointless.

"How've you been Cammie?" Gaspard asked. I didn't look at him, but kept my eyes focused on the food choices.

"Fine, thanks. How 'bout yourself?" I turned the page in my menu.

"I've been good. Any boyfriends in the picture?" Gaspard opened his menu and scanned the choices.

"Nope, not at the present." I turned the page again.

"What about that one guy?"

I glanced up. "Who? Tyler?" He nodded. "Oh, no, Tyler's just a friend."

"Ah, I see," He murmured.

"What about you, any girlfriends? Wives? Fiances?" I turned the menu over and looked at the beverage selection.

Gaspard hesitated. "No," He finally said. "I haven't found the right girl."

"Do you think she'll show up?" I reopened my menu and tried to decided what to get.

"She already has. I just, kind of blew it." Gaspard exhaled.

I looked up at him now. "How?" I asked, curious.

"I... sort of..." He shook his head. "Nevermind." I reached out and put my hand on his.

His gaze slid to my eyes and our eyes locked. "She'll come around. You're a great guy," I assured him. "She'd be stupid not to."

"Yeah," He muttered under his breath. "Stupid." I realized what I was doing and pulled my hands away. This chick would kill me if she knew I had held his hand.

Elinor returned. "So, what'll it be?" She pulled out a pen and a pad of paper.

Gaspard looked at me. "You wanna order first?"

I nodded. "I'll have the smiley face pancake. Chocolate mix with extra whipped cream and chocolate chips." I couldn't stop the smile that grew on my face.

Elinor smiled. "Still like the same stuff, eh?" She said.

I nodded. "Sure do. This is the only place I'll order that stuff though. Only place that makes them right." I smiled at her.

"Well thank you sweetie." Elinor looked over at Gaspard. "What'll it be hon?"

"Two chocolate waffles, extra strawberries and four strips of bacon and two sausage links." Gaspard closed his menu.

"And to drink?"

"Chocolate milk," Gaspard and I said simultaniously. I blushed slightly.

Elinor laughed. "You two are still on the same wave length." She shook her and chuckled to herself has she made her way back to the kitchen.

I looked at Gaspard. "So... now for the big question."

"What's that?" He asked cautiously.

"You have to tell me, honestly, why you left. And not just because you had to. Because no one has to do anything." I crossed my arms over my chest. Gaspard sighed.

"Oh, alright fine." He hesitated. "Well..."
♠ ♠ ♠
And you get to find out in the next chapter!

By the way, this story will go in a different direction then I originally planned. I didn't have a reason why Gaspard left, now I do. And it's a bit different then what I had in mind, but I think it'll work.

Please comment <3