Once Upon A Memory

Butterflies and Dirty Dishes

Jessica Black was looking through her bedroom window, pulling her robe tighter over her chubby 11 year-old body as the morning chill drifted through her open window. It was 11 a.m. and she had been sitting there since 9. Normally on a school day she would have been at school by then but it was a long weekend so she figured she would at least sleep till nine before doing what her mom called snooping. No way was she gonna tell her mother that she had been watching out the window all morning.
Not that it mattered much seeing as her parents both worked all day and wouldn't be back till late. She didn't really care to tell her mother anything anyways. Whatever she told her always ended up being an argument between her parents.
By now you are all wondering why the heck she would sit in front of a window at nine in the morning, when she could be sleeping. Well the deal is she learned a week ago that this day a new family was moving across the street from her and she was dying to know if there were and kids or not. Well she was satisfied with the outcome of her little snooping fest.
There were four little boys and their parents unpacking the moving van. She couldn't get a very good description from where she was sitting. Just that the mom,dad, and three of the boys had curly hair. The other one had straight hair and if she hadn't looked so much like the others she would have guessed he was adopted. what she could see he had a very different personality than the other boys. And from the looks of it he was the second oldest. Maybe even the oldest by the way he was treating all three of the other boys.
She just couldn't stop looking at the boy with straight hair.He looked amazing from where she was sitting.His hair was longish.Wait! were these thought actually going through her chubby little mind?
Suddenly he turned and looked right at her. She moved her 11 year-old body out of that window seat faster that you can say..well anything.Her heart was going so fast it was surprising that she didn't get a heart attack.
This was a feeling she had never had before in her entire life.It was strange and she only had one way to describe it.
Butterflies. Jessica Lorraine Black had the butterflies!
For what seemed like hours she sat on her bed thinking about what was happening with her.This was not like her at all seeing as how she was a tom-boy.
She ran to the bathroom, for some reason thinking that these weird feelings might have transformed her body into a thin stuck up girl.
She relaxed when she saw the same her with her dark brown hair up in a messy bun, freckles spread across her small nose, and her brownish-green eyes.
She decided she should eat something, seeing as how her stomach was growling for it's dear life. She trudged down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. Now if it was you who had walked into that kitchen you would have been majorly shocked at the mess.
But not Jessica. You see the mess in the kitchen was from her parents everyday hustle before work. They depended on her, well more like her mother depended on her, to clean the kitchen every morning. Even on a school day.
This is the life of Jessica Black, a troubled 11 year-old who didn't know what real life was until a certain straight haired boy showed her.
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I hope you guys like my first chapter. I had to re-write it because it was really lame before.
I will update every 5 comments :)