Status: Really slow because my life is crazy...<3

I Hate Everything About You

Enemy No More

"And this is your room Aria." Zacky said opening a door into a gorgeous room. His face was still sad, and it was only him and her, everyone else had already been shown their rooms. "If you have a problem, just touch this buzzer and someone will be down here." He added before turning and starting to walk away.

"Zacky! Wait a minute. Get back here." I said, not too sure what she was doing.

He turned around, bewilderment dancing on his face. "Why?"

"Because I want to talk to you. You look upset."

He sighed. "Why do you even care?"

"I don't know, just get over here." I said walking over to him and pulling him into her room. I led him to the bed and made him sit down. I let out a deep breath before asking, "Zacky why did you get upset when your father called you Vengeance?"

"What? I was not upset."

"Yes you were. And don't lie to me. I know when people are lying."

He groaned and looked at the ground. "I don't know why I am telling you this, but I guess it's just that he's supposed to be my father you know? I feel like he should use my real name. Sometimes, I," He sighed, "sometimes I feel like I'm just another one of his hit men." Zacky said looking up, but not at my face, just so he looked straight ahead and into my stomach.

"Have you told him about it?"

"No, like it would do anything. He'd call me a pussy and shove me out the door while telling me to grow a pair." Zacky said shaking his head. "What does it even matter to you? You hate me."

I sighed. "Zacky, if we are living in the same house, and working together I can't have anyone that is going to be fighting on my side down. It's just a safety precaution. Whenever one of my girls is down, we cheer her up, cause when someone is upset, they make stupid, costly mistakes." I said with a soft smile.

"So, your doing this to save your own ass?" He asked with a sneer.

"No, I am doing this for everyone. You, me, my girls, your guys, and both of our families. I'd do anything to protect anyone that is fighting on my side. And in his current situation, you are on my side. Hey, where is the nearest kitchen?"

"To your left and then a right. Why?"

"You'll see. Stay here." I said running out of the room and to where he directed me. I opened the freezer and found what I was looking for and picked up two spoons. And made my way back to my room, stopping when I passed an entertainment room. I found a stack of DVD's and scanned through them, I found the movie I wanted and went back to my room. The whole time I question my self why I was doing this. I could find no true answer, so I just continued on my mission.

I set the objects in my hand on the dresser in my room and found two blankets, the whole time Zacky stared at me questioningly. I put the movie in the DVD player and handed Zacky a spoon and a blanket, telling him to sit back and relax. I sat beside him and opened up the container in my hand.

"You do realize I'm not a chick, right?"

"Yes, but ice-cream and a good movie are for everyone." I said taking a spoon and digging in, him following my movements.

"This isn't some chick-flick, is it?"

The word Scarface flashed across the screen, and I said. "Does that answer your question?"

"Yes." He said, staring at me, "You confuse me Aria."

"I confuse myself." I said with a laugh, then looked at him sternly, "Now be quiet." I said, before smiling.

He pretended to zip his lip shut, and turned his attention to the movie. Jet lag must have caught up with me, because twenty minutes into Scarface, I feel asleep, my head resting on my enemy turned proponent
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Well, what do you have to say about that?

um, one of my readers said they cannot view my beast and the harlot story, so if someone can check that out for me that would be great, because I have no problem, but that could be because I am the writer. thank-you