Status: Really slow because my life is crazy...<3

I Hate Everything About You

Two Can Play that Game

I rolled over as my eyes fluttered open. I gasped at the sight before me. Zacky lay on the other side of the king sized bed, sound asleep. His mouth was opened only slightly, letting his soft snores escape him. He was in only boxers, which confused me, because when I fell asleep, he was in jeans and a tee. Worried, I quick glanced at myself to see I was fully clothed in the clothes I wore on the plane yesterday. The TV was on the salt and pepper channel, meaning the movie stopped long ago, and the DVD player turned off automatically, leaving just the TV playing. Both blankets were on top of me, and Zacky slept under the covers of the bed. The ice cream carton lay on the floor, its contents melted and the two spoons swimming inside.

I sighed and decided I'd try to wake up Zacky. "Hey Zack." I said while lightly shaking him. Nothing. "Zacky? Come on! Get up!" I began to shake him slightly harder.

"Mmmm, five minutes mommy." He said before flopping over, pulling the covers with him.

"Fine, you wanna play that way?" I asked expecting and receiving no response.

I went into the bathroom and found a small water glass sitting on the counter. I grabbed it and ran the water until it was as cold as it could get and filled the cup with the chilly water. I came back into the room and noticed Zacky had not moved. I quietly made my way over to the bed. I took the glass of water and poured it all over his face. He instantly shot up and started yelling about drowning.

"Zacky, shut up." I said tossing the last of the water at him.

"What? You!" He yelled pointing at me.


"You will regret that," he sneered, jumping out of the bed.

I squealed before running out of my room and down the hall, yelling for help. Suddenly a sequence of doors slamming open and people running echoed through the house.

"Air! What's wrong?" Andrea said running up to m, gun in hand.

"He, he.."

"He what?"

"He's gonna get me!" I yelled when Zacky showed up out of no where. I started to run again, only to get tackled. Andrea left with the rest grumbling, that is, until they realized who was now tickling me.

"What the hell?" Dom asked pissed off.

"G-good morning D-Dom." I said trying not to laugh as Zacky tickled me.

"Aria, what is this?" He seethed. I couldn't answer him because I was laughing too much, so he stormed off.

"Say your sorry." Zacky demanded as he continued to tickle me.

"N-no." I said so he tickled me more. "F-fine. I-I'm s-sorry!" I cried out as he stopped.

"As you should be." He said, getting up and leaving in a huff.

"Well what was his problem? One second he's all goofy, and now he's mad? Mood swings much?"

"Aria what was that?" Angelia asked confused, everyone agreed with her question.

"No clue." I said shrugging before going to my room to get ready for the day.

If that is the game he is gonna play, well two can play that game.
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Any thoughts?