Status: Hiatus.

Maybe You're Gonna Be the One That Saves Me

Orang Aneh

A boy that was sitting next to me during Art put something on my desk. A small paper that was folded. I stared at him before opening the paper and read what’s inside.

Clayde Winters.

I glanced at him before taking my pencil and scribbled a reply.


I folded the paper and gave it to him. He scribbled something on the paper before giving it to me.

Just saying :]

I raised both of my eyebrows and looked back to the white board. Mr. Robinson was explaining about the techniques that we could use when we’re drawing 3D objects.

Few moments the bell rang, syndicating that it was time for lunch. Everyone stood up and left the class. I stood up, putting my books into my slung bag and slung it across my shoulders. I looked up from my desk, and that was when I realized the Clayde Winters boy was in front of me, smiling widely.

“…What?” I snapped.

“Let’s go eat with my friends,” he grinned.

Before I could answer, he took my hand and took me to the cafeteria. People were staring at us, our hands, and then me.

“Winters!” I screamed as he opened the cafeteria door.

The whole cafeteria fell into silence as we went inside. I looked down to the floor as we were walking. We stopped at a table; that was when he finally let go of my hand.

“Hey guys,” he said, sitting on the chair.

“He—“ a boy with brown hair stopped his word as he looked up and saw me. His jaw fell down and my mouth was slightly hung open. Why I never noticed Clayde hangs out with him…?

He nudged the other boy next to him that was eating his lasagna. The black hair boy looked up and it seemed like his eyes were about to pop out.

I looked around, feeling uneasy. Why couldn’t I be a bitch to Clayde? Say something rude, Jamie!

“Jamie Bernadette? What brings you here?” the boy with brown hair snapped.

Good, I don’t need to be a bitch. He’s being a dick to me, like he usually was.

“Your sucky friend brought me here,” I muttered and his jaw dropped, again.

Clayde looked up at me who was still standing.

“Did you say that I’m sucky?” he said and I nodded. “Well I’m thinking that you’re bitchy. Now sit down,” he grinned, patting the empty chair next to him.

I sighed and heavily sat next to him.

“Jamie Bernadette is sitting with the losers?!” a cheerleader across our table screamed. “She can just hang out with us!”

The 3 boys looked uncomfortable and the brown-hair one was stabbing his lasagna repeatedly.

“Yeah, babe, you can just sit with us!” a jock shouted.

I just ignored their shouting and looked at the table where I was sitting at.

“O—Oh, this is Chris. Just kick his pride if he’s starting to be a dick to you,” Clayde said, pointing at the boy with the black hair. “And that is Sam. He’s kinda shy,” he continued, pointing at the other one. “There’s one more person here…”

“She’s late,” Sam muttered.

The cafeteria door slammed opened and a girl with dirt blonde hair came running in. She was about to reach our table when she’s got tripped by a banana peel and fell down. The whole cafeteria was laughing at her. She stood up, cleaned her appearance, and walked to us and acted like nothing happening.

“This is Paigey, she’s really clumsy,” Clayde finished as the girl—Paigey sat next to Sam.

“Introducing me to Jamie, eh?” Paigey said, wiggling her eyebrows. “That is Clayde and he wants to get in your pants.”

I stared at Clayde. Sam smacked the back of Paigey’s head, making the biscuit that was about to enter her mouth fell down to the table.

“Actually I’m the nicest one,” Clayde said.

“Just a trick to get in your pants,” Chris said, receiving a glare from Clayde.

I ignored them and grabbed my juice box from my bag. I stabbed the straw and started to taste the flavor of lychee juice.

Something is telling me that how hard I’m being a bitch to them, that won’t stop them from trying to be friends with me. And for the first time in 4 months, I didn’t spend lunch time alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
d'aw :]

thank you for TodayxIsxThexDay, Wasting Words. <3, and Lucky Strikes<33 for the comments :D and all of the subscribers for subscribing and readers for reading, of course.