Status: Hiatus.

Maybe You're Gonna Be the One That Saves Me


I walked to my locker. I entered the code and opened the locker, stuffing my books into the locker but took the books that I needed to do homework.

“Hey,” Clayde showed up next to me.

I stared at him for a while and turned back to my locker, slamming it close. People were whispering now. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked away to the door. Clayde caught up to me and walked next to me.

“How were the rest of your classes?” he asked, building a conversation.

“They’re fine,” I answered – more like muttering than talking.

I stopped in my track when Jeremy the quarterback stood in front of me, smiling.

“There’s a party this weekend at Joyce’s—“

“Not interested,” I cut him off before he could even finish and walked away from him. Clayde followed me.

“I like you,” he suddenly said.

I looked up to him and that was the first time I noticed his eyes. They were bluish sea green and they sparkled whenever he was talking. They were really pretty.

“Why?” I asked.

“The way you talk and act to the others, it’s really interesting. I want to break the ice doll and change her into the warm flower,” he smiled.

We stared at each other’s eyes for a while.

“That pick up line doesn’t impress me,” I muttered before I continued walking.

“I’m not trying to impress you, and that is definitely not a pick up line,” he said after catching up. “I want to be your friend.”

I bit my lip. “I don’t think that sounds so good.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t need one.”

“Liar,” he said, poking my shoulder. “Everyone needs someone. Everyone needs a friend. I’ve been watching you, you know. You seem so lonely and you loads of friends before this. What happened to them?”

“More like what happened to me,” I snorted.

“Tell me, then.”

I stared his eyes again. “You don’t wanna know.”

“Oh, yeah? Prove it.”

“I’m a stripper and I’ve slept with every guy in the school.”

His mouth was slightly opened.

“But I lied,” I said and continued walking. He, again, caught up with me.

“Please, tell me?”

I stopped in my track and faced the really familiar house. My house. Clayde’s jaw dropped and the color of his eyes changed a little bit lighter and sparkled even more than they usually did.

“Geez,” he breathed. “This is your house? It’s huge!”

I shrugged. He was right, my house was huge. Well, my parents were both basically a rich couple. My dad owned an oil company. My mom owned a restaurant that was always crowded every day and worked as a lawyer. Basically… we were loaded.

“Bye,” I muttered before walking to the gate and opened it.

“See you tomorrow,” he said calmly.

I didn’t reply and immediately went inside, slamming the gate shut. I went inside and walked into my room, throwing my bag on the bed. I sat on the floor with my back leaning against my bed, thinking about what happened during lunch today.

I was so surprised to know that Clayde hung out with Chris; Chris wasn’t a type of guy that would be friends with a guy like Clayde. Chris had a sharp tongue and the words he spoke had knife in it. He was a jerk, but we knew that deep down inside he was really nice. That was why I never thought that Chris and Clayde would be friends, because Chris usually hated a guy like Clayde; talkative and annoying. For me.

Probably you’re wondering why I know a lot about Chris. Well, we dated… back when we were still in the 8th grade. It all started with Spin the Bottle. He spun the bottle and landed on me, and it was my first kiss ever. Electricity ran through my body when his lips met mine and I didn’t believe that I was kissing my best friend at that time. After the party he asked me to be his girlfriend, I had a crush on him too, so I said yes.

Our relationship ended a week after our 9 months anniversary. He was being honest to me that he had been cheating on me with a girl from year 7, which was 2 years younger than us. He didn’t want to hurt me and that girl, so he broke up with both of us. That was what I once really liked in him; he was so nice.

Things between us changed after the break up. We gave each other the cold shoulder and snapped to each other whenever we were talking. It wasn’t his fault, though; I was the first one that did it, and him, being the Christian Anderson, accepted my act and responded to it. We stopped talking a few weeks before our junior high graduation. Today was our first time talking to each other again after 2 years giving glares at each other.
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my favorite chapter so far :]