Status: Hiatus.

Maybe You're Gonna Be the One That Saves Me


I heard footsteps following behind me as I headed home that day. I panicked and began to run, and the footsteps followed – it sounds like they were running too. I took a turn to the park and I immediately regretted doing that. I stopped, trying to catch my breath. The person was behind me now. I could feel it. They placed their hand on my shoulder and I shut my eyes open as they turned me around.

“Gosh… you run so fast!” he panted. I opened my eyes and found Clayde was panting.

“Why are you following me?” I asked.

He raised his hand, motioning me to wait for the answer. His breath was finally even after a while.

“Seeing that you’re really beautiful and I sense that bad guys would go after you,” he smiled.

“You can just tell me that you want to walk me home! You don’t need to follow me like that – it feels like some kind of creepy person is stalking me,” I laughed.

He stared at me. “You… laughed.

I stopped laughing and kept a smile on my face. “What?”

“You laughed!” he said excitedly. “You finally laughed! God, it’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever heard!”

I blushed. He said my laugh was pretty?

“I’ve been trying to make you laugh these weeks but you’re always a bitch it’s hard for me to do it!” he said after noticing that I was confused.

“Oh…” I blushed even worse.He was so cute when he was super excited.

His expression softened and he held my hand. I glanced down to our hands and then to his face. His soft blue eyes were staring down at me, and my heart was racing. It felt like it was going to jump out of my chest in a matter of minute.

“I’ve been watching you these past months, even before you have no more friends left,” he said softly as he took one of his hands to stroke my cheek with the back of it. My breathing started to go fast. Great.

He continued, “I wanted to talk to you but you never noticed me. I’m starting to feel this fluttery feeling inside me when the first time you talked to me – it sounded so sweet and soft. I always thought you were the arrogant, annoying girl that was spoiled by her parents. But you proved me wrong.”

“W- What are you talking about?” I began to stutter. The first time I talked to him was around a month ago, when he gave me a note during art.

“When I dropped my books almost 8 months ago. You were with your friends when you helped picking up the books. Your friends weren’t happy with that – they even said that it wasn’t important helping me. But you scolded them, telling them that it’s really important helping others.”

I remember that kid. The one that always got picked on by the jocks – known as my ‘friends’ back then. The bullying was gone when I told them to stop doing it and they obeyed me. I was pretty much their queen. And when I got no more friends, the bullying returned to our high school. Because there was no one to stop it.

“You were really different from your friends back then, and I love it,” he murmured and kept stroking my cheek. Tears started to well up my eyes but I fought them back.

“You’re even more amazing when I started to know you, and you looked so pissed for the first days I brought you to lunch with my friends. But then you’re slowly changing, you’re slowly enjoying being with us – I can feel that.”

“And your point?” I asked; my voice was cracking by the time I spoke.

“I hope you don’t mind being my girlfriend?”
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i need a banner, so its gonna be awesome if someone would make one :)