The Truth Behind Lies Every Girl Needs to Know

Jess Ross is Ryan Ross' little sister. But when she was ten, her parents divorced and Jess lived with her mom.

Now, seven years later, Ryan insists that Jess comes and lives with him and their dad now, so it's bye bye New York and hello Vegas.
  1. Lie: All guys love eating.
    Truth: Yes, this is very true. All guys eat... too much.
  2. Lie: Eating carrots with give you 20/20 vision.
    Truth: So not true! It improves your vision by like a microscopic point. Don't listen to them!
  3. Lie: "It's not you, it's me."
    Truth: It's ALWAYS you.
  4. Lie: High School is Hell
    Truth: This is somewhat true. Though, some of your best memories will be in high school, some of your worst will be too.
  5. Lie: Guys are incapable of crying.
    Truth: They can cry. They just choose not to most of the time. On rare occasions, yes, they cry.
  6. Lie: Popular girls are better then you.
    Truth: Don't even think that! Every girl is beautiful in their own way and don't let anyone tell you different. People who say "You're ugly," are just jealous and insecure.
  7. Lie: Guys only like airheaded bimbos.
    Truth: Weeellll, not exactly. Some guys like brainy girls. But they don't like to be wrong, and who could be wrong with an airheaded bimbo?