The Truth Behind Lies Every Girl Needs to Know

Lie: Popular girls are better then you.

Jess turned, coming face to face with a very tall, very blond girl.

"Amber!" Brendon said, sounding baffled. Startled even that this beautiful girl was standing before him. Taylor sent a worried look to Jess, who looked hurt.

"Brendon, I'm surprised you remember my name," the girl, obviously dubbed Amber purred. Jess fought the urge to gag.

"Of course Amber, you're, I mean, you're," Brendon sputtered. He had no idea what to say to Amber. Anything he said would be a possibility would probably destroy any relationship with Jess he possibly had.

Ryan walked over to them. "Amber?" he asked just has shocked has Brendon had been moments ago. Jon hesitantly made his way over to Amber. Taylor trailed behind him.

"Ah, Ryan, so good to see you again. And so," she grinned wickedly, "fully clothed."

Jess had a very bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. What was this girl talking about?

"Oh, Amber, so nice to hear something so heartfelt from someone who doesn't have a heart," Ryan retorted, fake sincerity in his voice. Amber glared at him.

"Amber," Brendon said, rejoining this absolutely lovely reunion. "What are you doing here?"

"Me?" Amber asked, her eyes open wide in innocence. "I work here."

Jess watched Brendon's fists clench. "Then I guess we're leaving," he said through clenched teeth.

"Oh don't leave on my account. I'm getting off in ten minutes anyway," Amber said.

"I think we can find somewhere much better to go," Ryan replied coldly.

Amber shrugged. "Suit yourself." She turned on her heel and walked away.

Brendon stalked out of the cafe, Ryan on his heels. "What was that about?" Jess whispered to Taylor.

Taylor shrugged. "I don't know..." she said. "I suppose we can ask Jon." Jess nodded her agreement.

Jess bumped against Jon. He looked at her. "What was that all about?" she asked.

"Oh, that's just Amber. She slept with Ryan and then Brendon. Apparently she was seeing Ryan when she slept with Brendon." Jon shook his head. "Ryan walked in on Brendon and Amber. Brendon, of course, didn't know because Amber had said her name was Elizabeth. It caused quite a fight between those two. They didn't talk for a month."

"Wow," Taylor said. "What happened then? To Amber, I mean."

"Well, after they stopped talking, Amber and Ryan, surprisingly, got closer until Ryan realized that the fault was all Amber's and not Brendon's. He dumped Amber and apologized to Brendon."

Jess stared, completely shocked. Ryan wasn't the type to apologize. He was the type who waited for the apology. "I suppose we should head out there before those two try to kill each other," Jon said, ushering us outside.

"I thought they made up though," Jess said, slightly confused.

"Oh, they did." Jon nodded. "But whenever the subject of Amber or Amber herself comes up, they get all tense and... violent. Sometimes they take those violent... urges out on each other." Jess nodded, totally understanding. Sometimes she wanted to strangle Taylor too.

The three hurried out to the car. Ryan was sitting the driver's seat. A deadly, venomous glare froze in place on his face. Brendon sat in the back, an equally venomous look on his face too. "Well, don't you two look chipper," Taylor said sarcastically, crawling into the backseat.

Ryan let out a low, growl like sound. Taylor raised her eyebrows. "Down dog," she said.

"Shut up!" Ryan snapped. Jon slid into shotgun and Jess took her seat in between Taylor and Brendon.

"You guys..." Jon said. "It wasn't so bad. No need to be at each other's throats. Or the girls' throats for this matter."

"Sorry," Brendon muttered coldly. Jess watched him. Something snapped. These boys were going to be happy or else.

"Enough!" Jess snapped. Venom dripped from her voice. Brendon and Ryan both turned to look at her; their eyes wide. "You both are acting like little kids! So what if this girl hurt you both. You guys are friends! You guys made up. Does that mean nothing now?"

"Well..." Ryan started. "Yes..." He sounded uncertain.

"You have to mean it Ryan. You guys aren't seriously going to let so bitch ruin your friendship? I would think you, of all people, would know that. Besides! You guys made up!" Jess' voice had an exasperated and annoyed sound to it.

"She's right," Jon said.

Brendon sighed. "Of course she is. She's being rational. Everyone's right when they're thinking logically and being rational. Which, is pretty much the same thing." Brendon looked Jess in the eye.

"I'm sorry Brendon," Ryan said. Brendon looked over at Ryan.

"Me too dude, me too."


The rest of the ride had been pleasant. Too pleasant. Jess was quiet, wrapped up in her thoughts. Brendon glanced at her from time to time as well. When they arrived home, everyone announced they were going to bed. Only two of them weren't truthful.

After Jess was sure everyone was asleep, she tiptoed downstairs to the recording room. Her own personal sanctuary. She sat down at the piano and began to play random keys.

The notes flowed from her fingertips, creating a whole new song. A song that awoke Brendon from his slumber seeing has Jess forgot to close the door.

Slowly and slightly off balanced, a groggy Brendon made his way to the recording room to find out who was playing the beautiful music. Knowing somewhere in his sleeping brain it was Jess.

And his sleepy brain was right. A sleepy looking Jess sat at the piano. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes looked tired but still sparkled. Jess was wearing short candy cane shorts and a Santa Clause tank top.

"Merry Christmas?" Brendon questioned, yawning. Jess jumped, startled at his sudden prescence. "Oh, sorry to startle you."

"It's okay," Jess answered.

"What song was that?" he asked.

Jess shrugged. "Just something I made up a few minutes ago."

"It's very pretty."

"Thank you."

"Jess..." Brendon hesitated. "How old are you?"

Jess bit her lip, debating whether to lie or tell the truth. She decided on the truth. "Seventeen," she said. Brendon looked away.

"I'm twenty-one you know," he said.

Jess nodded. "I know," she replied.

"Which makes anything between us illegal," he continued.

"Yes, I know. Those thoughts have been running through my head a lot lately," Jess admitted.

"Yeah, me too," Brendon let his voice trail off.

It dawned on Jess. "You've acknowledged that there might be something between us?" she questioned.

Brendon looked baffled. "Er, well, uh," he hesitated, "yes."

"Well... that's sort of a start, right?"

Brendon shrugged. "I like you Jess, a little too much. But Ryan's my best friend, I couldn't date his underaged sister."

Jess sighed. "Of course, the one guy I like has to be the one who actually cares about my brothers feelings," she said bitterly. Brendon chuckled.

"It's not that... It's just I don't feel like getting the shit beat out of me when he finds out I like his sister. It's bad enough like that. You being a minor merely just adds to my could-be pain."

To her unfortunate surprise, Jess felt tears spring to her eyes. Brendon's eyes softened. "Oh Jess, don't cry," he whispered. With his thumb, he wiped away a tear that had spilt over. "I didn't mean to make you cry."

Jess sniffed and wiped her tears. She gave a feeble smile. "I'm fine, really," she said. But she didn't sound fine. Brendon looked at her. I mean really looked at her. Concern colored his face and Jess could see that. "I just wish it was different."

"Jess," Brendon began. Jess stood and waved him off. She left. Brendon sat alone in the recording room. "I wish it was too."
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Ohmigod! It's been so long! I hope you enjoyed this extra long chapter.

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