Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy

Pool Party

"Nice colors," Brian complimented pointing at my black and white swim top. By the look on his face, I highly doubted he was really looking at the top.

"Thanks, I guess...Do you have any idea were Matt might be keeping some bottles of cold water?" So I didn't really know how to act, especially now that I was trying to recover from the shock I had received when he'd apologized. I was pulled out of my thoughts when he handed me a bottle of water.

"Those fuckers are probably waiting for us. Not that I'd give a fuck," he muttered looking towards the door, as we heard Johnny yell his name.

"Fuckers?" I huffed and he responded with a smile. "Damn, you love these guys."

"I'm just kidding. They're my fucking best friends, how can I possibly hate them?" His angelic tone and look on his face simply got the best of me and I laughed, right when we got outside. It wasSyn's Brian's turn to laugh at the sight of everyone staring at us.

"Holy fucking shit!" Jimmy exclaimed, while Leana winked at me. I turned to look at Cat, who mimicked Leana.

"Wait...what am I missing? Where is the fucking hate between you two?" Zack asked with a raised eyebrow. I sighed.

"Oh come on, Zack, you were the one who told me to be nice," Brian said with a smirk. What he did next not only did it surprise me, but it also confused me. He suddenly extended his arm and placed it around my shoulders. I stood there quite awkwardly and Zacky watched his friend suspiciously.

"Gentlemen!" Brian boomed, "...and ladies...I proudly announce that Ace and I are now at peace." Everyone laughed, whistled and cheered (from some odd reason) and got back to their business. Brian turned to whisper something to me. "Come on, work with me. I can be a nice guy..." he left the sentence unfinished and flashed me a devious smirk.

"Nice guy, huh? We'll see." It was my turn to smirk.

"Brian...nice guy? I know him for so long and I have yet to see that. Watch out, Ace," Jimmy warned as he passed us, holding two beers and heading towards Val and Leana, who were now enjoying the sun. Brian muttered something under his breath which I couldn't catch. I held the water bottle as if it were a base ball and pretended to throw it like I would've thrown the ball. Cat shrieked, covering her face with her hands and I eventually handed her the water gentily.

"Want anything to drink?" Brian enquired, once his laugh faded. I shrugged and muttered a "why not?". He handed me a beer and I thanked him, taking a seat on one of the chairs near the barbeque. From my spot, I could see what everyone was doing.

"I don't think I ever mentioned that your band has some really cool shit going on." I turned my head and was surprised to see Brian sitting on the grass right next to me. I didn't even notice him sit down and expected him to go with his friends. I felt like an idiot staring at his well toned biceps. He smirked, seemingly pleased with himself.

"No, you never mentioned that," I replied calmly, looking away and taking a sip of my drink. I felt slightly nervous around him and I was surprised I even managed to stay so calm.

He took another sip of his drink and watched Jimmy annoy Johnny. "So, is Dom your boyfriend or something? Why didn't the rest of the guys show up, by the way?"

"They had some things to take care of. And as for the first question, I don't see why that would matter." He seemed taken aback yet again by my reply and lifted an eyebrow cockily. He didn't back down.

"Aw, come on. We're friends, right? What harm could it do?" He smirked again and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't have a boyfriend," I replied casually, taking another sip of the beer. I noticed the look on his face showing that he wanted to know more, and he opened his mouth in an attempt to ask something, but I beat him to it. "I've dated two or three guys and it never worked out." He nodded, seeming to understand and laughed as Jimmy threw Leana in the pool.

"Maybe they weren't the right guys for you," he stated casually. Why was I even talking about this with him? He and I hated eachother before today. What changed that? "Maybe you'll find true love soon," he mumbled.

Yeah. Sure. I gave up that chapter long time ago.

"Doesn't matter anymore," I muttered and drank what was left of my Guiness. I turned to look at him and smiled honestly, trying to get rid of that subject. I was surprised by the look on his face. He seemed to have liked my gesture and actuallysmirked smiled back. It was odd how nice his smile was to me. I was pulled out of my daydreaming by someone yelling my name and turned to see Cat wave at me.

"Lexa, come on in the pool!" she yelled in a decided tone and I sighed, knowing I wouldn't get away from that. Once Cate really wanted something, you couldn't say 'no'. Well, at least I couldn't. I attempted to put my bottle away, but Brian quickly took it from me. Noticing the slight amusement on my face, he smirked.

"Give me some credit. I'm trying to be polite here."

I stood up and began taking off my cargo pants and couldn't help but feel slightly embarassed as I felt Brian's eyes on me. Matter of fact, I felt most eyes were on me. I always had this problem. I felt like the whole world was watching my every move. Of course, this was stupid from me, but I felt my blood rise to my cheeks and could only be thankful. You see, you can't really notice when I blush.

Brian's POV

She began taking off her cargo pants. No normal man, be he drunk or sober, could've not looked at her. Therefore, how could I not stare? I had been curios to see the rest of her body ever since I saw her in the kitchen in just that top. She wasn't slim nor fat. Here and there, you could see the effects of working out and it only drew me more to her.

Wait, what the fuck was I saying? Ace? Not a chance. She wasn't my type. Then again, what was my type? I glanced towards everyone. The girls didn't seem to take any interest in this, but the entire male population in Matt's backyard definately noticed. Jimmy looked her up and down discreetely, while Matt and Johnny tried not to stare, but failed miserably. But what bugged me was Zack, who stood there, frozen in his tracks, checking her out like an idiot.

But I didn't need the sight of them, so my gaze quickly fell back onAce her body. She turned to look at me and raised an eyebrow. Like an idiot, I didn't even realized I had been smirking the whole while.

"I guess I'm off to serve my best friend," she commented and I laughed.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm sure the 'slave' role would fit you perfectly...if you catch my drift." What the fuck was that? It didn't sound as well as I thought it would. She gasped and slapped me warningly, but I could see the small smile playing on her lips. She had a really cute smile.

"Watch it, Gates!"

She began walking towards Cate and my eyes fell on her ass. Damn. Matt had appareantly regained his composure by now and was tickling Cate. I had an idea of what he was planning, so I stood up and put my beer down. I then slowly began approaching Ace, who was standing with her back towards me, facing the pool. She wasn't really on the edge of the frickin thing, but it would work. Her laugh pulled me out of my thoughts and I noticed Matt throw Cate in the water.

"You didn't really think you'd get away with it?" I enquired as I grabbed her by her waist in one smooth move and pulled her with me in the pool. Right before we hit the water, I heard her shriek and some laughs from the guys.

"Haner! You're dead!" she warned as I brought her back to the surface.

"Ah, so you know my name. I'm impressed." I chuckled as she hit the water with her hand in a sign of false frustration. "Oh, babe, you loved it just as much as I did!" She laughed and I enjoyed her laugh even more.

Normal POV

I laughed at his comment. True, it was too fucking fun. But when he touched my bare waist, I felt chills going down my spine. Odd.

"Oh, he so got you," Cate stated as we both went in the kitchen to grab something to drink.

"Shut up, kitty-kat!" She gigled at my response.

"Smooth one, Lexa. But you know, I don't think that name bothers me so much anymore. Matt calls me Kitty-Kat." I rolled my eyes as I heard the front door open and close. Then I thought I heard Val's voice and another female voice.

"So when do I get to meet the two--"

She stopped at the sight of Cate and I and Val showed up right behind her.

"This is Lexa and--" Val trailed off as she looked at Cate, or Alexa, obviously not knowing how to call her.

"I'm Cate."

"These chicks are lead singer and lead guitarist in a band. Girls, this is Michelle. She's my sister," Val introduced. True enough, I could see the resemblence. They had really similar features, yet Valary had a different aura around her. Something that told you you could trust her. Michelle....well, she was okay, I guess.

"Oh, uhm...Hi," Michelle smiled. "Nice to meet you. Should we go outside?"

Cate and I stood next to Val as Michelle saluted everyone. I couldn't help but notice some slight tension around. The crazy atmosphere that had been there sort of faded.

"So, ladies, shall we get this party going?" Michelle intervened and Lacey and Leana followed her in the pool. I noticed Brian sitting in the same chair I had sat in.

"You know, it's getting kinda late and I have to visit my mom later on today. Could we spend like one more hour here and then head off home?" Cate enquired.

"Sure." She smiled and headed towards the pool as well.

"Don't mind Michelle, okay?" I was slightly confused by Val's words. "Look, she has her days. She might seem not to like you, but it's only because she's not used to having other people in our close circle, you know?" I nodded.

"Don't worry, Val." She gave me a short hug and wandered off, leaving me alone. But not for too long. Just as I decided to join Brian, someone caught me by my waist and spun me around. I faced a cheery Zack.

"Did I hear that you're leaving in an hour or so?" I nodded in reply, smiling back at him.

"Cate's got some things to...Aw, come on, don't do that!" I sighed at the sight of his pout. "I mean it. It's not like it's gonna kill you." He laughed.

Since I hadn't spent enough time with him, the next hour I pretty much sat with him and talked and had fun.

Once it was time to leave, we hugged everyone and said our goodbyes. Brian and Michelle were nowhere to be found, though, which sort of disappointed me from some reason. As everyone began heading towards the house, I hugged Zacky finally.

He held me tight, pulling me closer to him and his face was inches from mine. The moment, though, was interrupted by Brian.

"Yo, Zack, Jimmy wants you inside." Zack groaned and quickly kissed my cheek and winked. I laughed slightly, feeling my cheeks burn. To my huge disapointment, Brian seemed to notice something.

He led me to the door and offered to walk me to the car. Once we made it there, we leaned against it and I laughed as Johnny waved at me like a crazy man.

"Come visit us again, Lexa!" he yelled and I nodded. Brian was quite silent, but spoke up right as Val and Cate were walking towards us.

"Wasn't that bad after all, was it?" I looked at him confused. "Talking to you...letting the fucking guard down." I smiled.

Brian's POV

I gulped slightly, feeling that stupid thump my heart made as I saw her smile again.

"Honestly, I was fucking shocked by the sudden change," she replied honestly. I shrugged and smirked mischeviously, just as Val ran to hug her and say goodbye. Cate got in the driver's seat.

"By the way, since you said I could call you Brian, then you can call me Lexa." She smirked and I nodded.


"I'll see you around, Val. Bye, Brian!"

"See ya!"

Why was that girl bringing up so many feelings inside me?