Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy

Here We Go Again

Surprisingly, on Monday morning neither of us had a headache when we woke up. I had been so busy talking to Brian and thinking about him being so close to me, I hadn't even had time to get drunk. To be honest, I wasn't even sure about what he would've done if Zack wouldn't have interrupted. Maybe he just leaned over to grab something off the table. Okay, that was stupid. But I was 90% sure he wouldn't have kissed me.

I hadn't spoken to Brian after Sunday night, even though he told me to call him. Neither did I contact Zacky. What was I supposed to do? If I did call one of them, the other would get upset. If I called both of them, they'd still get upset. So I chose not to call.

"What? No hangover?" I asked sarcastically as I entered the kitchen, where Jack was rummaging through the fridge.

"Not really. Just a minor headache, but I'm good. How 'bout you?"

"Same here." He nodded and grabbed some bread from the counter. I could sense there was something going on.

"What was going on with Brian and Zacky last night?" Oh. Of course.

"What do you mean?" I asked, deciding to play the stupid card. He rolled his eyes, knowing me too well.

"I saw the way Zack was looking at you. And I ain't happy with it." I sighed and looked at him. Even though he was two years younger than I was, this didn't mean he didn't act like an older brother. You see, at the kind of life we had led since kids, we had been forced to make it on our own. Just me and him.

"Jack," I stated firmly, "there is nothing to worry about, really. He might have some minor crush, but you know they always get over it."

That statement was true. Athletic, boyish, spontaneous, that had always been me. People were usually curious when it came to me. Especially guys. They looked at me like because I was different than most girls they knew and so they would always come at me and have these silly crushes. Of course, those faded away quickly and they would forget about me as soon as a long legged chick would flaunt her tits in front of them. But I grew up to understand the phenomenon and started to ignore it.

"Just be careful. These guys aren't the boys back in highschool and middle school. And least, do you like him or anything?" I raised my eyebrow in amusement.

"Jack, are we talking about boys?" He let out a small laugh and sat down. I always loved my brother's laugh. It would lighten up the atmosphere anywhere.

"You know what I meant."

"Yeah, I know. And no, I don't like him in that way, dad." He snickered at the name and got up.

"Okay," he said as he got up and went back to the fridge. "Val's really cool." My head jerked up, already knowing where this was headed to.

"No." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What? What did I say? I only said that she's a really cool chick. Besides, Corey thinks Michelle is cute."

"I said no, Jack. I will not let you get Val for a quick fuck and a dump. If you even dare go near her that way, I will cut off your balls, you get it?" He huffed.

"Me? What about Cor?"

"Cor is no ladies man like you are. If hooks up with a girl, it's only because he's actually fallen in love with her. Besides, you know him. You, on the other hand, are one big issue, especially if we're talking about Val. She become quite a good friend of mine."

"Will you just trust me on this one? I told you I'm over the quick fucks and dumps. I swear I want to find the right girl. And so far, I think I dig Val." I sighed. He'd only known her for a day, so there was still time.

"Fine. But don't forget what I said," I warned.

Once that subject was closed, we finally had breakfast and then we got ready to head for work.

"Dickhead, don't forget to ask for permission tomorrow. We're meeting up with Larry and his crew!" I yelled after him.

"Sure thing, hoe!"


"I have a date!" I cringed at Cate's screech.

"Hold on. I'm not sure I got that. I was too busy losing my hearing with my right ear," I muttered as I moved the phone to my left ear. "Say it again," I said, then added quickly "Slowly!"

"I. Have. A. Date." I gasped.

"Seriously?! I knew it! I told Brian that Matt would come around eventually!" I declared victoriously. "When is it?"

"Well he kinda wanted it to be tomorrow, but I told him tomorrow we're meeting up with Larry and stuff and then he remembered all the stuff that had to be done and said that we should fix our date for Friday evening, so I said yes! Oh my God, Lexa, I am so excited!" I tried my best to keep up with her speeding rant.

"Okay. So you have a date on Friday evening?" I asked, trying to sum things up.

"You bet! With one hot Avenged Sevenfold dude!" She chuckled and I sighed, yet smiling as I unlocked the door to my apartment. "You do know this means you have to help me get all fixed up!"

"Cate, I think there's enough time. It's Monday." She laughed.

"I guess you're right. I'll see you tomorrow, Lexa."

"Sure thing. Night, Kit."

"Night, Ace."


"Band name?"

"Blinding Rise."

"Full name, nickname, position in band and what instruments can you play?"

This felt like the fucking Spanish Inquisition. It was now Tuesday and we showed up at the meeting. We were once again in a tidy office, around a large round table. Larry and his friend, among with two other guys were sitting across from us. I was nervous, to say the least and the fact that Matt and Brian had insisted to be here with us didn't help, either. They were both leaning against some counters behind Larry and 'the crew'.

We were all lined up it made me laugh. Corey wore his favorite black and white shirt with his navy blue jeans and worn All Stars. Dom had his Metallica shirt with a pair of black jeans and blue sneakers, while Jack had on his favorite faded grey jeans and a black shirt with the human bone structure printed on its back and front. Cate and I both wore Vengeance University t-shirts (the very ones Zack had sent to me after I'd one the drinking contest). She had matched it to her skinny jeans and a pair of black and blue striped Converse, while I had chosen to wear a pair of sneakers and grey jeans, ripped over the knees.

I couldn't help but snicker at how we all started presenting ourselves as if we were at kindergarden, but did as told nevertheless.

"Catherine Alexandra Danvers. My latest nickname is Kit and I am lead singer. I can play piano and acoustic guitar a bit."

"Corey Simms. Cor. I play rythm guitar."

"Dominic Carter," Dom rolled his eyes, "Also known as Domino. Bassist. And I fool around on the guitar."

"Lexa Spades. Ace or Ace of Spades sometimes. Lead guitar. I can also play drums." I couldn't help but glance at Brian, who smirked proudly and I felt my lips curl into a smile.

"Jack Spades. Yeah, we're brothers," he explained, pointing at me, "Nickname's The Ripper. Drums and guitar."

"Your family name is Spades? Like when you think of the cards?" Jack chuckled lightly and I smiled.

"Yup, like the playing cards. One of the reasons I got my nickname 'Ace'."

"Well, Blinding Rise, my name is Jerry Cavanaugh. My friend Larry suggested me to have a chat with you."

Now, Jerry was much like Larry, only slightly taller and had his short blonde hair ruffled and had a small beard. He had that same business dude look and looked like a severe guy with loads of attitude (which is probably why he's a great manager). He looked up from his papers and watched us with piercing eyes.

"I'll be straight up honest with you, because you're a metal band and therefore you should be used to people being straight honest. I like your music. It's good. But it takes more than just good music and some cool name to get it out there." He stood up and looked at Matt.

"You have Avenged Sevenfold and my best friend on your side. But let me make this clear: I don't give a fuck. Quite frankly, I didn't care if you had my mother on your side." Brian and Matt tensed up and Brian frowned. Jerry sat on the table next to Corey. "If I agreed to be your manager, say right now....what can you do?" His question was simple, but I understood the meaning behind it right away. I looked up at him and cleared my voice. Obviously this guy was thinking of himself as some hot shot and I wasn't going to let him treat us as though we couldn't make it. Most of all, I hated how he tried to intimidate us and I knew for sure that this could have some effect on Cate.

"We can give you a record that will sell," Dom replied. Jerry nodded and stood up, walking through the room. I looked at my feet, already feeling my blood boil. This guy was playing us.

"Ironically, but they all say that," Jerry said, stopping next to me. I felt him look down at me and I raised my head, looking straight ahead. Well, looking at Matt.

"We could give our best, but it depends if you could handle us," I finally said, looking up at him, returning the serious look he gave me. Cate either seemed encouraged by me speaking up, either she saw the threatening tension gathering between me and Jerry.

"Our music will always have the same foundations. And we'll always find a way to fight our way to the top. But to do that, we need someone else, a manager, to back us up. And that someone else has to be capable of handling us at our worst, or they'll most surely be incapable of handling us at our best," she explained and I smirked proudly as Jerry stared at Cate.

"I told you we're not bringing just any band," Brian warned, speaking up for the first time. Jerry nodded and I saw a small smile on his face.

"I have only one condition for you guys," Jerry said, "You will be producing this album by yourselves. I will have a team to help you, but this will all be mainly you guys."

We all nodded and agreed.

"Alright. I'm game if you're game." I raised my eyebrow at the expression Jerry used.

"I didn't know business people had the slang going on," Jack muttered from beside me.

"I'll be your manager." All our heads shot up at this and saw a smiling Jerry beside Larry. "Now, I'll have the contract ready by tomorrow so you can sign it." He then pointed to the two other men next to Larry and him. "This is Craig, he is the engineer you will be working with and this is Gerard, the producer/mixer." He looked at me and shook his head. "I hope I won't regret this."

I gladly returned the look. "We can promise you won't."

I stood up, as he took my hand and kissed it. He repeated the gesture with Cate and I noticed Matt and Brian exchange looks. Jerry then shook hands with Dom, Corey and Jack and we set up another meeting for Thursday, when he had time.