Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy

The Pier


The second meeting went really well. Jerry seemed quite anxious to get working with us once we brought him a CD with some of our songs. Brian and Matt told us we'd have to give them copies of that CD, too.

Of course, dear ol' Jer had made some comments, attempting to intimidate us, but failed miserably. For each comment of his we came up with a smart comeback. I had yet to fully trust this guy. My level of confidence in managers had suffered serious damages after our meetings with Donners.

"Charming guy," I commented as I entered the waiting area, where Matt, Brian, Zack, Jimmy, Johnny and Val were waiting for us. As soon as they noticed us, they all stood up and rushed to our sides.


"How did it go?" Jack laughed at how nervous everyone was.

"We have a manager," Cate declared, jumping around. Her hyperness gained a few strange looks from some of the people passing us. I noticed the secretary watch Brian, although he was too busy talking to me, and I smirked at her, making her turn her head with a huff.

"You just love to torture people, don't you?" Brian asked, chuckling lightly. I watched him with an innocent look, only amusing him even more.

"Only some of them." We then followed everyone else towards the exit. Val then turned around to look at me and Brian and winked quickly. I smiled nervously, hoping Brian didn't notice her.

"So, I was wondering. Do you have any plans for today or something?" I looked up at him immediately, almost knocking into a woman coming our way.

"Not really. I was just going to hang out with the guys." I smiled at him, before Zack once again showed up, interrupting us. I was beginning to think that Jimmy was right.

"What are you guys up to?" Zack asked curiously and I noticed Brian clench his fists next to me. I sighed and positioned myself between them as well as I could, already annoyed by this. Hell, if I was going to die, at least I was going to die by the hands of twohot guitarists.

Brian raised an eyebrow at me, sensing my annoyance. "Just talking. How 'bout you, Z?" I knew Brian was dying to give Zack a piece of his mind, that's why I beat him to it.

"Just figured I'd join my favorite girl for a walk," Zacky exlained and put his arm around my shoulders. "So I wanted to ask you if--"

"Zack! Come over here, please!" Val yelled towards us and Zack huffed, but obeyed nevertheless. As he joined the others, I noticed he was walking between Jack and Val. Uh-oh.

"Little asshole," Brian muttered from my side and placed his arm around my shoulders protectively. I couldn't help but wonder where all this was coming from. "As I was saying, before I was interrupted by my fucker of a friend..." he yelled the last part, so Zack turned around and glared, but was quickly pulled back in the conversation by Val. Damn, that girl had a leash on these guys.

"How about spending the rest of your day keeping company to an extremely hot and talented guitarist?" Brian winked at me and I laughed.

"Oh, I don't know. Spending the day with myself can sometimes be very boring," I replied thoughtfully and he bursted out laughing. Of course, I didn't really have that high self-esteem, but I only said it trying to make him laugh.

"Smooth. But how about keeping company to an extremely hot and talented male guitarist?" This time, he emphasized the word 'male' and was pointing at himself as he spoke. I couldn't help but smile.

"Hmm...tempting." We were now in the parking lot and everyone was saying good-bye. Brian smirked and yelled after Matt and everyone else.

"Matt, I'm taking a day off the writing and shit. I'm off to hang out. And Lexa here is coming with me." Most of them agreed and warned us not to come back drunk, but Zack just gave me a hug and smiled wearily at Brian.

"I'll call you tomorrow," he said as Brian dragged me to his car.

"Now hold on, Haner. I never said I agreed of coming with you." I watched him as he unlocked the car and smirked.

"You and I both know you want this." Ah, the awful truth. I rolled my eyes and we both got in his black BMW at the same time. As he turned on the engine and it roared, I whistled impressed.

"Nice car you got here, Brian," I admitted and he laughed as he pulled out of the parking lot and thanked me. "Well, now that you succesfully managed to kidnap me, where to?" Brian shrugged.

"I don't about the pier? And maybe we can grab something to eat," he added, looking at his watch. I watched as we passed several buildings.

"This is going to sound strange, but...don't you guys have something else to do rather than spending all your time with us?" I asked. I didn't remember any of them talk about any shows or something.

"We don't spend all our time with you guys. Although I wouldn't mind," he winked, "It's just that right now we're kind of in the process of writing several songs and we're thinking of heading in the studio and start recording," he explained. He parked in front of the beach and we both got out of the car. I inhaled the fresh air and put on my sunglasses. Brian did the same and I noticed he wasn't wearing any fedora today.

We began walking towards the pier and kept talking. Friends, bands, details such as favorite color and stuff like that (which made me laugh). He even bought ice-cream for both of us. When I told him I'd have to pay him back for my ice-cream, he refused and joked about it. Overall, I couldn't help but love the way he acted.

"You're favorite color is black?" he asked in disbelieve. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, honestly it's a tie between purple, red and black," I replied sincerely.

"Mine's purple. Okay, let's see....Who is your role model? And who inspired you to play guitar?" I sighed, scratching my head.

"My role probably my brother. And as to who inspired me...seriously, I don't know. But I can tell you that I admire Slash most. That good enough?"

He laughed and began talking about the people he looked up to and I found out we had alot in common, surprisingly.

"You know, I'm starting to wonder if you're bipolar or have some behaviour thing," I declared seriously as I leaned against the railway on the pier. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Because I acted like a fuckhead at first?"

"Pretty much. I just thought you were a rockstar and therefore acted like a dickhead all the time. But I'm impressed," I laughed, looking at the ocean, "last week you were glaring daggers at me and now you're buying me fucking ice-cream." We both laughed as the wind blew and ruffled my hair.

"Yeah, well I'm sorry about that. I just didn't know how to take you," he explained snickering.

"Can I ask you a question, Brian?" he nodded, sitting on the railway next to me. "Is there something going on between Zack and you? Everytime I'm around you guys, I get the feeling that one of you is going to beat the fuck out of the other." Brian sighed.

"Nah, we're just fooling around."

"Don't think so." He gave a raised eyebrow.

"You're really not going to quit, are you?"


"Fine. Look, I know I'm going to sound like an asshole, but I'm trying to keep Zack away from you. I'm just doing this for your good. Seriously, he's only looking for a quick roll in the hay. There, I said it."

I remained quiet after this, not sure of what to say. However, the silence between us wasn't as awkward as I would've thought it would be. Soon, we began laughing again.


Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over
Newborn life replacing life, replacing all of us, changing this fable we live in--

I woke up to my phone ringing and snatched it from the nightstand.

"Yeah?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"Lexa, I swear to God, if you will not help me get ready for tonight I will fucking murder you," Cate's words rang through my head as Jack entered my bedroom with a smile.

"Cate, it's only 10 am," I replied, looking at my watch. Jack plopped himself on the bed next to me, grabbing my beloved pillow from under my head. I growled.

"Exactly!" she yelled. "Matt said he'd pick me up at 6, Lex. 6! When can you get here?"

"I'll be there by 1 o'clock or something. Not any sooner. Got that?"

"But...Okay, whatever...I'll see you then."

I hung up and looked at Jack, who only grinned widely at me. Before I could even ask what was going on, my bedroom door flew open, revealing Dom and Corey. I shrieked and clutched to my black and purple covers as they jumped in my bed.

"What the motherfucking hell are you doing here?!" I yelled, as all the guys were laughing so hard.

"We thought we should drop by," Dom stated nonchalantly as he moved closer to me.

"Today's one big day for our Cate, huh?" Corey asked and I glanced quickly at him, trying not to lose Dom out of my sight. I watched my friend with narrowed eyes as he smiled innocently.

"Yeah, I'm heading over to help her get ready," I explained as I looked away from Dom to Corey. Big mistake.

"Motherfucker!" I screeched as Dom and I both fell to the floor stumbling. I growled and punched him, as they all kept laughing. I stood up and rearranged my pj's. "You know, this is not a fucking nice way to get me out of bed."

"Bulshit," Jack commented, chuckling.

"Yeah, yeah." We all sat at the kitchen table as we began eating. The boys were kind enough to make breakfast themselves today.

"Have you guys quit your jobs yet?" Dom enquired and I looked up from my cereals.

"Not me. I'm still keeping mine. Just in case," I replied and Jack nodded. He too had kept his job still.

"I talked to my boss and he said he'll still pay me, but I can ditch some days if I want to, but only for the band." I chuckled. His boss' daughter was a fan of ours and so he would obviously support us as long as it made his daughter happy.

"Alright, you guys. I'm off to take a shower. What are you planning to do today?" Corey shrugged at my question.

"Beach," Dom immediatelly intervened. "Surf, man."

"Sure thing, dude," Jack replied. "You joining us, sis?" I laughed.

"What? Me? Nah, I'll just let you guys deal with the waves. I'll probably call Val or something." Jack's head immediately jerked up at the mentioning of Val's name and I gave him a warning look.