Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy

Guitar Hero

I got out of Dom's car and thanked him for the ride. He wished me good luck and sped off. One of those days I would have to get a really good car for myself. I didn't even get the chance to knock on the door before it flew open revealing Cate.

"It's almost 2 o'clock!" I looked at my watch and shrugged.

"Will you just chill? You have enough time and Matt will like you no matter what you wear." I paused and smirked. "Actually, he will like no matter what you will not wear." I laughed as she playfully slapped my arm.

"Whatever. Let's go upstairs." I obeyed and once we got into her bedroom I threw my backpack onto her bed and made myself comfortable in one of her fluffy loveseats. "DId you bring everything?" I nodded and smiled as I pointed to the backpack.

"Make up and my magic hair kit," I declared, waving my hands as I said 'magic'. "You make me feel like fucking Harry Potter."

She huffed and pointed her finger absentmindedly as she looked through some clothes. "Be thankful. At least I'm making you feel younger." I threw a pillow at her as she chuckled. "Alright. Let's get started," she added.

While Cate was putting on an outfit, 'Seize the Day' began playing once again and I answered my phone quickly, as I looked at the caller ID.

"Hello, beautiful." I couldn't help but grin at the name.

"Hi, Brian. What's up?"

"Just getting bored over at my place. You?"

"Helping Cate get ready for the big date," I joked and he laughed.

"I was thinking of talking to Jimmy and the guys and ask them to come over my place. But then I thought it would be even more fun if you came, too."

"Really? I would just probably fuck up all your fun," I declared and laughed. He huffed.

"Bulshit. So how about it? You can bring the guys, too, if you don't feel like being alone with four shitheads."

"The guys are all surfing, so it's just me, if it's okay." Somehow, I doubted that was a problem.

"Awesome. Could I come over before Matt shows up and we'll leave once they leave?"

"Sounds like a deal. I'll see you then." I hung up just as Cate came out with her first outfit. I rolled my eyes. "No, no, no! How many time do I have to tell you?" I mumbled as I followed her to her wardrobe.

Three hours later and nearly 50 outfits later, she had finally decided on what to wear for her date.

"Damn, girl. If I knew it would take you this damn long to find something to wear, I would've come earlier." She scoffed and gave me an 'I-told-you-so' look as I began teasing her hair and she worked on her make up. "Don't forget. Stay calm. Relax. Everything will be fine.

The door bell rang and before Cate got the chance to panic, I spoke up.

"It's just Brian." As we walked downstairs, I told her the whole story and she smiled.

"Ooh, someone's got a crush on my Ace," she said in a sing-sing voice and I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Good evening, ladies," Brian saluted as I opened the door. He looked at Cate, who was standing behind me and whistled in admiration. "Damn, Matt is one lucky guy." I chuckled and invited him in.

"Come on. We have some final touches to add and then you can grab my best friend and have your way with her," Cate explained as her and Brian sat at the kitchen table. I stopped to glare at her, while Brian laughed and winked at me.

"I might catch up on that offer." I glared at him as well and gave Cate her stilettos.

The door bell rang and Cate squealed, making me and Brian snicker. He ran to get the door. I heard Matt's voice and I joined Brian in the hallway.

"Well aren't you two a lovely pair?" he joked. Brian immediately swung his arm around my shoulders.

"We are, aren't we?" he replied in a high pitched voice and I laughed.

"Whatever, morons. Matt, I only have one thing to say to you," I explained as Brian withdrew his arm and I approached Matt, facing him. Needless to say, he was nearly twice as wide as I was, but that didn't stop me from watching him straight in the eyes. Thank God I was tall.

"Sanders, if you motherfucking hurt my homegirl, I will castrate you." By now, Brian could've as well been on the floor laughing. Matt raised his hands in a surrender way and I called for Cate. As soon as she stepped out, Matt's face dropped. If he hadn't had a crush on her before, he sure as hell developed one now.

"Good luck and have fun," I whispered to Cate as Brian and I ran towards his car, leaving her to lock her door and go with Matt.

"He's whipped," Brian commented as he drove towards his place. I chuckled.

"Oh, don't be jealous, Bri." He gasped and glanced at me.

"What did you just call me?" I laughed and shrugged.

"Bri. Actually, that sounds nice. I think that's how I'll call you from now on." He smiled, but didn't say anything.

"Jimmy and midget are already here," he said as we got out of his car and walked towards his door. I laughed.

"You're just being mean. For your information, Johnny is one great guy," I explained and he pouted.

"Even greater than me?" I smirked and nodded, as he gasped. "You will regret that!" I squealed as he chased me to the door and I opened it.


"Just the girl I was looking for!" I laughed and quickly ran behind Jimmy. "What's going on?"

"Brian wants to take me down," I laughed. Jimmy shook his head laughing.

"Fucker, stay the fuck away from my Spades Senior!" the drummer warned and Johnny laughed, grabbing a bear.

"What did she tell you?" Johnny asked Brian, who was now watching with me with a smirk as I hid even more behind Jimmy.

"She said you're better than I am!" he explained. Johnny looked at me and ran to hug me.

"I knew it!" he exclaimed excitedly. To much my dismay, Jimmy immediatelly joined the hug and I was caught between the two. Brian started laughing as I gasped for air.

"Alright, leave her alone, fuckheads." The guys obeyed and invited me to Brian's living room. His whole house was painted in warm colors and despite its big size, it seemed really cozy. I noticed some video games lying on the couch and drinks on the table.

"Are you guys playing Guitar Hero?" I asked amused.

"Guitar Hero is awesome," Johnny replied, sticking his tongue at me.

"Babe, don't stick your tongue at me unless you plan on doing something amazing with it," I warned and smacked Jimmy and Brian, who were laughing.

Brian and I sat on the couch and laughed as we watched Jimmy and Johnny play video games and swear at each other. Eventually, Brian walked over and grabbed one of the plastic guitars.

"Alright, Spades, let's see what you got!" I huffed as Brian smirked at me.

"Oh, please, Haner. Don't make me laugh."

He ignored me. "Shall we try Expert?" I nodded and Jimmy and Johnny began cheering as Brian tried to pick the hardest song from the playlist.


"She owned you," Johnny said between laughs and I joined as Brian stared at the screen. Sure, it was only 2 points difference between Brian and I, but

"You cheated! I know you did," Brian accused and I blinked, watching him with wide eyes.

"No, I didn't!"

"Yes you did."

"Ugh, whatever. Like I give fuck," I finally said between laughs as I went to grab my phone from my jacket in the hallway. I suddenly hit something with my legs and tripped.

"Shit!" But luckily, Zack caught me. "Not good. Thanks, Z." He smiled at me and shut the door behind him.

"Not a problem. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just my fucking luck," I mumbled looking around after what I tripped, but saw nothing. Zack laughed.

"I think what you tripped over was Pinkly," he explained as we walked back to the living room.

"Pink what?" My question was asked as I saw Brian holding a small white dog. My jaw flung open, recognizing the white mass of fur. Brian first noticed Zack and smiled forcefully, then did a double take over my ruffled hair.

"What happened to you?" I was taken aback by his tone. I don't know if he meant it to sound so aggresive, but it did.

"Your dog almost killed me," I replied, rearranging my hair.

"She tripped over Pinkly right when I was walking through the door and I caught her," Zack laughed and sat next to Jimmy. Brian's face softened and came towards me. I gave him a stern look.

"Sorry," he muttered and his dog barked at me, most likely in a playful way, but I couldn't help but jump.

"It's okay," he laughed. "I think he likes you. Which is unusual for him," he added slowly. "I didn't know you hated dogs." I scratched my head nervously.

"I don't. I actually love dogs and cats. But my last meeting with a dog this size," I pointed at Pinkly, "ended up really bad. Little bastard bit my leg."

"Don't worry. If my dog bites you I'll send him away," he warned, looking at the small animal with narrowed eyes. I couldn't help but laugh and Zack glanced at me and smiled.

Luckily, the rest of the evening passed uneventful and we had actual fun. Zack and Brian were less hostile towards eachother thanks to Jimmy, who tried to keep the atmosphere peaceful and we formed teams to play various video games. I ended up with Johnny and went against Zack and Brian (bastards won), then Zack wanted to be in the same team with me and we played against Jimmy and Brian and we won. Brian didn't get the chance to play with me and this seemed to bug him alot.

"I should be going," I yawned from my spot curled up against Jimmy and stood up. "I need to use my brain tomorrow, 'cause I'm writting some fucking lyrics!"

They laughed and Brian stood up right away. I watched him curiously as he grabbed his car keys.

"I'll walk," I said simply as he almost bumped into me. He huffed.

"It's almost midnight. Do you have any idea the rapists out there?" I raised my eyebrow.

"How much have you drank?" He shook his head nervously and I had to catch him to prevent him from falling. Zacky immediately jumped and came to my side.

"I'm here with my car. I have to go home, too. Don't worry, Bri, I'll take her home." As expected, this idea wasn't something Brian liked, but I didn't give him any other chance. I hugged Jimmy and Johnny good-bye as Zack went to grab his keys from the kitchen. I went to Brian who was plopped on his couch with a frown on his face. I sat next to him.


"Don't let him do anything," he spoke quickly and I realized he wasn't that drunk. But what made my eyes widen was his tone. He seemed so upset about this, I almost asked him to drive me home instead of Zack.

"Damn, Bri, if I knew just a ride home could piss you off like this..." I trailed off and he shook his head.

"You don' him like that, do you?" he asked slowly, glancing at Jimmy and Johnny who were too busy drinking. I wanted to talk to him about this, from some odd reason. I wanted to make all his doubts about this subject disappear, but I knew I had to go, as Zack yelled after me.

"I have to go," I said and looked at him worriedly as he looked away. What I did next was unexplainable even to me. I quickly kissed his cheek and he snapped his head in my direction, staring at me as I smiled and waved. "I'll see you around, Bri."