Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy

Failed Attempts

"Brian has a big problem with me," Zack joked as he drove and I smiled nervously. Someone had to tell these two to fuck off.

"Yeah. I have no idea what's up with you two," I commented. Zack sighed as he stopped the car. I watched him questioningly as he turned to look at me and leaned closer.

"Lexa, you don't suppose..." he took a deep breath, "I mean...we couldn't..." I swallowed. Oh, how I knew where all this was going. But he leaned forward even more faster and his lips only had time to brush past mine, as I pulled away. It was like an instinct. I didn't even know why I did it, but Brian's face ran through my mind.

"I can't," I stated, looking away. "Zack, seriously, I can't. You' friend, but we can't go further." He looked at me surprised at first, then nodded and sat back in his seat, looking ahead thoughtfully.

"You really got to me, you know." Oh, hell. "I want you, but I would hate to disappoint you." He sighed and paused. "I know for sure we probably couldn't go further than just a fuck," he laughed. "And I don't want to hurt you." I was flattered in some odd way.

"Thanks," I replied surprised and he smiled at me, extending his arm.

"Friends? Like...actual friends?" I grinned.

"Sure thing, Baker." He laughed and started the engine again.

"You know, I like how my t-shirts look on you," he commented cheerfully as he turned on the player and 'leaving Jesusland' by NOFX came on.

"Brian's gonna throw a shitfit if he finds out what I just tried to pull," he joked. I watched him nervously.

"I won't tell him if you don't want me to," I replied.

"Don't worry. I'll tell him either way. I just want to see something." I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "Trust me, Lexa. I think the guy has a serious problem when it comes to you," he declared between laughs.

"What do you mean?"

He wiggled his eyebrows. "A crush, perhaps?" I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.


My brother was the first to notice that something was wrong with me. He always noticed when something was going on with me even if I didn't do anything. Dom was also there, having dropped by for dinner.

"Really, you can talk to me, if something's bothering you, sis," Jack said as he sat at the kitchen table, watching me cook. But I didn't want to talk about it. I mean, what was there to talk about? I didn't know, either.

"Seriously, I'm fine." Dom frowned and Jack nodded. My phone began ringing just as I began placing the food on the table.

"What's up, girlie?" I smiled faintly at Val's voice.

"It's all good, Val." Jack obviously looked towards me and I walked in the living room, not wanting them to hear us talk.

"I just got a call from Johnny. Is Brian alright?" I froze in my tracks.

"I-I don't know. Why? What happened?" My voice was almost desperate. Was he okay?

"I really didn't understand, but JC said he was really pissed off. I take it you left before you got the chance to see him mad." Oh, boy. I began wondering if Zack had told him something. If so, then he had been right regarding Brian's reaction.

"Yeah, it seems so. Did Johnny say anything else?"

"Uhm...I don't know how to tell you this, but Brian was sort of blaming you and Zacky for acting weird or...I don't know, Lexa, honestly. I heard Jimmy's there, though. You could call him and if you could possibly let me know what's up.." she trailed off. Fuck.

"Sure thing, Val. I'm calling him right now and as soon as we're done, I'll call you too."

I hung up and imediatelly dialled Jimmy's number. Fortunately, he picked up fast enough.


"Hey, Jimmy, it's Lexa."

"Damn, you're the exact person I wanted to talk to." I gulped. "Look, Brian is sort of..."

"Yeah, Val told me he got pissed off by something..."

"That's right. Before I say anything, I want to apologize. I was fucked up. Drunk. Forgive me?" My jaw flung open.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Jimmy? Will you just talk, already?" I demanded infuriated.

"Alright, okay. After you and Zack left, I guess I was sort of taking by the wave, if you catch my drift...And both Johnny and I sort of began ranting about how hot you are and how Zack would most likely began hitting on you..." he trailed off. How could they be so stupid?

"What the hell were you thinking, Jimmy?" I hissed.

"Yeah, we'll I guess that was pretty much the problem. I wasn't thinking. And from the way he acted, Brian seemed slightly frustrated after you left. And he was a bit tipsy. So you can probably imagine how he reacted at our little circus. Well, it wasn't exactly hell on earth, but he stormed out of the living room and I heard some bottles break and shit like that."

I sighed and sat down. "And how is he now?"

"Well, I was pulled out of my drunkness and I managed to calm him down. I guess he's taking a shower or something."

I paused. "Okay, Jimmy. Thanks. Tell him I called and that I arrived home safely," I emphasized the word 'safely', hoping that Bri would understand the allusion, "and tell him I said hi."

"Sure thing, doll."

We hung up and I phoned Val to let her know everything was fine. Once I did that, I waved good-night to Jack and Dom and went to get a shower, then headed straight to bed.

I didn't call Cate, assuming things were going good on her side of the barricade. She promised she'd call me once she got back home or if anything went wrong. But, knowing Matt, I doubted things would go wrong and that he would actually leave her alone for the night.