Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy


Brian's POV

"Dude, Mich is talking to Ace," Zack said and I did a double take on where the girls were sitting. They seemed to be doing alright, not that I had anything to worry about. I looked back at Zack and Corey, who were now back in their conversation.

I was pissed at him. More than beyond. He hadn't told me what he and Lexa had done the night before and she hadn't brought up the subject either. Not that either of them had the actual time, but it fucking bugged me because this morning they seemed more than okay with eachother. I was more pissed at the idea of Zack getting to her before I got the chance to do anything. And it was fucking annoying that I couldn't use my usual charm, simply because she wasn't like the other girls and I didn't want to.

"Ah, there's Jack. I'll go help him with those beers," Corey said as he headed to help Lexa's brother to carry the beer.

"You still in a fuck with me?" Zack asked and I looked at him to be greeted by an angry look. I rolled my eyes, my blood already boiling.

"Dude, what do I care? I don't give a fuck if you wanna screw Lexa and then dump her. It's none of my fucking business," I snapped.

"I don't believe you, Brian. Last time we talked you made it sound like it fucking was," he replied. I didn't believe myself either. Zack growled. "You know what? I tried to kiss her last night," he hissed, looking around, trying to make sure no one heard us. My gaze suddenly moved from Lexa, who was in deep conversation with Michelle to Zack. I clenched my fist and narrowed my eyes at him.

"You what, Baker?!" Jimmy and Jack, being so close to us heard me yell and rushed to us. Fortunately, no one else heard me.

"Brian, calm down," Jimmy said and him and Jack began pulling me and Zack towards the building, far from everyone else. I couldn't help it. My heart began pounding in my chest and the sound came up to my ears. I didn't hear anything else, I didn't see anything else, except from a just as angry Zack. How could he? I warned him. Not to fucking go near her. Shit, I asked her not to do anything. I lunged at Zack, but Jack pulled me away from him and Jimmy held my band mate. Damn, Jack was fucking strong.

"I warned you, you motherfucker!" I yelled. Now it was safe for me to yell.

"Brian, calm the fuck down!"

"Calm down?! Jack, do you have a fucking idea what this asshole did to your sister?!" He sighed.

"He told me all about it!" My jaw dropped. He knew? And he agreed to this? At the barbeque party, he clearly said he wouldn't want Zack with her sister, as 'cool' as he was. "Will you just fucking listen to him?!" he yelled back.

"Brian, come on," Jimmy pleaded and I stopped from my struggling, choosing to glare daggers in Zack. He inhaled sharply and I waited.

"Well? Did you have a nice fuck?!" I swore to myself that as soon as I'd catch him alone, I would crack his head open.

"You done, Brian?" he waited and I scoffed. "It wasn't even a kiss, you fuckhead! As soon as I touched her lips, she pulled away. I swear it was like she suddenly remembered something...." But I didn't listen anymore. She had listened to me. No, scratch that. She refused to kiss him because I had asked her. Either that, or she simply didn't like him. But that was good enough.

"Brian?" I looked at Zack. Jimmy and Jack had left. So the bastards had known about this. "Are you still with me here?" I huffed and tried not to show how much this pleased me. I looked at him with a smug look.

"Yeah, whatever, man. I guess this doesn't mean you'll keep your ass away from her?" Although I sure as hell hoped it did.

"No." Great. "I won't keep my ass away from her. Because we decided to be friends. And that's all."

I exhaled and knew for sure that he noticed this, too, because he laughed as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Dude, she so got you," he commented and patted my back. "Come on, let's get back there."

I nodded and followed him. Outside, I knew I looked alright. No worries in hell. But inside, his words kept ringing through my head. She got you...

Did she?


Lexa's POV

I looked around for Brian, but was disappointed to see that he was missing. And so was Zack.

"Damn," I muttered under my breath. I had this nagging feeling in my stomach, probably from two reasons. One was that both guitarists were missing and this was not a good thing, and second because of Michelle.

"The guys have to go. Their manager called them about something urgent," Cate declared as she joined me, but her voice dropped, seeing my troubled face. I couldn't help it. I was like an open book to her, so I might as well just show how I feel in the first place. "You're awfully quiet."

I sighed and nodded, grabbing a ball and shooting at the metal basket. She cleared her throat and gave me a hard look.

"I saw you talking to Michelle earlier." She jumped as the ball hit the panel violently.

"Yeah," I grumbled and she looked at me apologetically.

"Look, do you want me to--"

"I mean, don't get me wrong!" I interrupted. "She tried to look as if she was getting along with me. But I fucking swear, Kit, everytime she said something or smiled, it was as if she was expecting me to read between the fucking lines." I ended my speech with a violent throw. Cate nodded and smiled. I couldn't even describe exactly what she had done to offend me, but I had my fair share of people and could easily recognize when one didn't like me. Michelle talked to me, true. And I acted politely, but I noticed her tone and the way she said some things regarding her and Brian as if accusing me of something.

"Oi! Don't break that shit apart!" I scoffed and looked at Zack and Brian, who were walking towards us.

"Where the fuck have you been? We've been looking for you," Matt yelled as he approached us, as well.

"He tried to fucking rape me," Brian accused, while Zack stuck his middle finger at him and received a slap. I chuckled lightly, the tension that had built up inside me fading. We all followed Matt to the parking lot, and Brian fell into step with me. Once again, the two of us were behind Cate, Matt and Zack.

"So I talked to that shithead...," Brian began. I smiled as he told me that they had made up. Thank God! "I heard you guys will be soon getting in the studio." I nodded. Jimmy had told me this and Cate had talked to Jerry. Appareantly we were wanted in the studio as soon as possible.

"Sure thing. I'm pretty excited, you know. Fuck that, I'm extasic!" He chuckled at this and stopped suddenly.

"Have you ever been on a bike?" I raised my eyebrow and he smirked.

"A bike?"

"Yeah. A in motorcycle. Harley Davidson." I laughed and nodded, letting him know that I understood what he meant.

"No, I honestly haven't been on one. I only drive Dom's car every once in a while." He nodded and kept smirking.

"Could we meet up this week?" he asked sheepishly. I nodded. Truthfully, I really enjoyed his presence and I had gotten alot of that lately. We finally set up to meet on Wednesday as everyone else got in the cars. I hugged him shyly and turned to leave before he caught my arm. He chuckled as I spun around stumbling. And in a blink of a second, he kissed my cheek and smirked.

"Come on, you fuckhead! We have to get there faster!" Brian rolled his eyes at Johnny's words then looked back at me.

"That one was for last night," he declared and I chuckled, but my heart skipped ten beats and my eyes probably went wide. "I'll see you on next Thursday."

As they pulled their cars out of the parking lot, Cate ran to hug me.

"You bitch! He totally digs you," she screeched and I looked to where a pissed off Corey was sitting. I looked at Cate and we made our way to him.

"What's up, dude?" Cate asked and he leaned back on the bench. A grinning Jack and a sweaty Dom soon joined us. Corey rolled his eyes. I had known them for long enough to know when one of them wasn't alright.

"Boy, you better fucking talk to me," I warned as I slapped his hand. He growled, but began talking nevertheless. I had that effect on people.

"She won't even look at me," he said. "I try to talk to her, but she smiles politely and it's clearly that she thinks I'm some sucker. Instead, she glares at you or stares at Brian." It didn't take a genius to realize he was talking about Michelle. We all nodded. He had been trying to catch her attention, but failed miserably. I doubted it was because he didn't look good. Fuck, he was a cutie. It was her the one with a problem.

"Corey, she's a bitch," Jack declared with a frown. "I bet you can do better than that," he joked and Dom laughed. Corey shook his head and decided to let go.

"I don't give a fuck. So are we seeing Jerry tomorrow?" he finally asked and Cate nodded.

"Sure thing. He wants to give us a proper tour of the studio before he finishes all the papers and we start recording." I took Corey's hand as he helped me sit up and we headed inside, to get dressed before going out to get something to eat. Cate, Corey and Dom had brought extra clothes, so they didn't have to go home and grab some before we went out.