Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy

Two Dates

Brian then turned right and left on random streets and thankfully, the traffic wasn't insane, so it was easy for him to speed up. The ride must've lasted for more than an hour, because everytime he tried to stop, I began pouting and begging for him to keep going. He would laugh every time and at some point, he actually invited me to take control of his chopper. So he sat behind me and I nervously began handling it, his hands on mine all the time. To my surprise, I did well enough, thanks to my quick instincts. Although, it was hard to focus with his warm breath against my neck and his hands holding mine.

"Good job, Lexa!" he exclaimed as I stopped in front of his garage. "And you don't have a car?" he asked, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"I have way too expensive tastes," I said and laughed, walking next to him inside his kitchen. He nodded thoughtfully.

"There are alot of things you'd need," he joked and I punched his arm lightly, making him laugh as we reentered his kitchen.

"Well, I'm not complaining," I replied, sticking my tongue at him. He smirked in response and threw me a beer as I leaned against his counter. I opened it and took a sip, watching him as he leaned against the table across from me. When he didn't stop staring at me and I began feeling way too nervous, I looked him in the eyes.

"What?" He laughed at my annoyance and stood up straight, placing his beer on the table. "So..."

I raised my eyebrow. "So...?"

"I wanted to talk to you know, my attempt at the bar...that night." I froze. What was his tone supposed to imply? He was going to say that he was drunk. I knew it. A wave of disappointment took over me. I didn't even undertand why this hit me so hard, but it did. He seemed to try to find his words and looked annoyed. Oh Lord...

"Brian," I quickly interrupted, "It's okay. Seriously. It's not like it fucking matters. You were drunk. Fucking Christ, we all do stupid things when we're drunk." My throat was aching from trying to fight back all the sorrow. Brian looked at me like I was stupid. His face then turned to confused.

"You really should let go of that beer," he commented. I raised my eyebrow. What was that supposed to mean? Jerk. I put my beer down and folded my arms across my chest. "Will you fucking listen to me, please?" he asked, rolling his eyes.

"Sure. Talk." What was I supposed to say? He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Damn, even like that he lookedhot good.

"Zack tried to kiss you." What the fuck?

"I thought we were talking about the bar."

"I asked you to listen to me, didn't I?" I could see that he was losing his patience, but so was I. Why did he have to ruin such a wonderful day?

"You know I wasn't drunk that night. I was only buzzed." Okay. So what? But I kept my mouth shut and looked at him with a calm look. "I know what I asked you that night," he added angrily. I knew for a thing that my face fell. "Tell me this. Did you refuse to kiss him because you just didn't like him or was it because I asked you...that?" I gulped and my heart began beating faster and faster.

"Both." He looked at the floor and nodded. Hey, at least I was being honest. He stepped in front of me and I inhaled his scent as he leaned closer to me, just like last time. Only, his breathing wasn't steady anymore and I realized his heart was beating fast enough.

"Say...if I tried...would you push me back, too?" I couldn't describe how nervous I was right then and there. How weak he made me feel. Me, of all people. I didn't reply and bit my lip nervously. I didn't know what to reply, but before I could say anything, everything around me disappeared.

His lips crashed on mine with power. But his enthusiasm faded as I didn't kiss back at first. I felt him pull away slightly, but I put my arm on his shoulder fast and pulled him back. It didn't take me too much force as he imediately wrapped his arms around my waist and I snaked mine around his neck. He began nibbing at my bottom lip and I shiverred as he pulled me against him more, deepening the kiss. I ran my hands through his long black hair, pulling him against me. He groaned, making me smirk in the kiss. I parted my lips and his tongue began caressing my own.

I wanted to jump around and scream in excitement. After all, this was Brian kissing me. Then again, what if he was in just for a quick fuck, much like Zack? This thought made me stop and I pulled away slightly. He watched me with a confused look.


"I should've done this at the bar that night, but we were interrupted." I narrowed my eyes at Brian, not wanting him to start talking shit on Zack. "I talked to Zack and I know what he really wanted from you, but that's not what I want. And before you start telling me to stop with all this crap, let me tell you that I apologized to the dude." He spoke so fast, I did my best to understand everything. But as his words sank down, that optimistic and cheery part of me won. I bit my lip playfully and smirked.

"Technically, you should've asked me on a date before you did this," I said, reffering to the kiss. A huge smirk grew on his face, obviously pleased by my reaction.

"Technically, I already considered the day at the pier and today as two dates," he admitted in a cocky tone. My jaw dropped. Never once did it fucking cross my mind that those could've been dates. He noticed my surprise and leaned towards me, the scent of his cologne surrounding me.

"And why didn't you let me know that?" I enquiered nervously. He shrugged nonchalantly.

"What if you would've said no? I simply avoided a complicated situation," he smirked and brushed his lips past mine, tightening his grip on me.

The door bell suddenly rang. Brian growled, but didn't move. Another ring, yet this time Brian pulled away from me, although his hands were still on my waist.

"I specifically told those fuckheads to leave me alone today," he hissed, looking towards the hallway. I chuckled.

"Maybe you should see who it is," I suggested and he watched me as I smiled innocently.

"Sure. I'll be right with you, doll." A smile crept on his face and kissed my cheek, then ran to the door. I leaned against the wall in his hallway. This was unbelievable. It felt so unreal, I almost wanted to pinch myself. So he'd been planning this for so long. I was pulled out of my thoughts as Michelle entered the hallway furiously, glaring daggers at Brian.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been calling you all day? And where's your--" her voice trailed off as she noticed me. I smiled the same polite smile she would always give me. This time she didn't return it.

"Hi, Lexa. I didn't know you were here," she said, but instead of looking at me, she looked at Brian questioningly. What was she doing at his place anyway?

"Well, yeah, Brian invited me over. But I guess I should be leaving now," I said as I straightened myself. She smiled widely, but Brian stopped me before I got to the door.

"You don't have to go. She's not staying," he hissed the last part, looking towards her. Michelle huffed and headed towards the living room. "Babe, I'm serious. Don't go." I smiled at the use of 'babe', although I was pretty sure he called alot of women like that.

"I really have to go, I have something to work on and tomorrow I'm meeting up with everyone else to write something down." He nodded, but I thought I saw disappointment in his eyes. He ran a hand through his hair and blew out a breath.

"Please don't leave me here to talk to her," he whispered. "I honestly don't feel like fucking up this day. At least let me give you a ride?" He didn't wait for an answer to that question as he grabbed a fedora and his car keys. He closed the door behind us and I began walking. My head shot up as he snaked his arm around my waist. I looked at him to see him smile widely and I smirked.

He drove slower than usual and this only amused me from some reason.

"So how long 'till they let you start recording?" he asked cheerfully. Honestly, I was even more cheerful than he was.

"Almost a month," I sighed and smiled as Paradise City came on the radio and sang slowly to it. "Take me down, to the paradise city, where the grass is green, and the girls are pretty, take me home.." He laughed, but soon joined me and we both sang until the end of the song.

He stopped the car in front of my building of apartments and quickly turned to look at me. I gave him a small smile and felt my cheeks burn.

"Thanks for today, Bri. I think I'm starting to like that chopper of yours," I laughed and he grinned.

"I haven't taken that damn thing out of the garage for a long time," he admitted. "So what are you doing this weekend?"

"Sleeping," I shrugged and he laughed.

"We're all going to James' bar. I'm pretty sure Matt is asking Cate, Dom, Corey and Jack to come, so don't worry about that, but I just wanted to know if you'd like to join me." My smile grew wider and I nodded.

"Sure." He smiled and he quickly caught me in a kiss before I could leave the car. As we parted, his lips formed a smirk and he winked.

"I'll call you."

"You better."


"Are you sure he's not one of those assholes playing with you?" I rolled my eyes. Of course, it was Friday morning and all my boys were at my place. They sensed something was going on, due to my huge smile and hyper mood.

Hence, I was being interrogated. And to my misfortune, Cate hadn't arrived yet.

"Jack, I really don't know that, but I'm willing to give it a try," I stated as I put my old guitar in my lap.

"Yeah, well we're not sure about this," Dom added. "I mean, the guy has probably been in countless one night relationships and might be looking for some other challenge."

"Dom, do you realize how unproffesional that sounded?" I retorted and Corey began laughing next to me. "I mean come on, you're talking like I haven't dated anyone in my whole life."

"Exactly. And somehow, you always end up picking the worst ones," Jack declared and I sighed exasperated, praying that Cate would show up faster. "Remember Ron?" I narrowed my eyes at him, while both Corey and Dom chuckled.

"Are we seriously talking about Ron?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Please don't tell me you brought in the discution the guy you sent in hospital." At this, Dom began laughing out loud and Jack looked at the floor amused. Corey sighed.

"He deserved it, Lexa," Dom intervened.

"Oh, please. You two need to get laid. That," I said, sitting up and pointing my finger at them, "is the fucking bottom line." Corey cracked up as I smirked deviously at my brother and Dom, who were now watching me with wide eyes.