Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy

Kisses & Glares

"Panic not, for I have arrived!" I bursted out laughing at Cate's sudden yell as she entered my apartment. We all watched her and Val enter our living room. My brother's eyes lit up at the sight of Valary and she waved in his direction, smiling.

"Val's here to listen to check us out," Cate explained as Val hugged me and sat next to me.

"And I decided to take you two girls shopping tomorrow!" she exclaimed.

"What about us boys?" Jack pouted and we all laughed.

"You boys are going to get something nice if you'll let us girls have fun," she replied. I couldn't help but snicker at my brother's behaviour. Val followed Cate to the kitchen to get some drinks, while I threw my guitar pick at Jack. I waved him to lean closer and he did, as did Dom and Corey. I leaned towards them with a very serious look on my face, which slightly worried them. I looked Jack in the eyes and silence took over as everyone waited for me to speak.

"You're whipped," I stated simply, in a hushed tone. Corey and Dom started laughing, but tried to supress their amusement once the two girls reentered the room. Jack glared at me and threw a pillow in my direction.

"Bombs away!" Corey yelled and I laughed.

We all eventually sat down, Jack taking his usual spot at the drum kit and began rehearsing. To much my surprise, he missed several notes in the beginning. He blamed it on the kit, but I knew him enough to realize that Val was making him nervous. Fortunately, she began cheering and soon enough, Jack was back on the line.


My phone began ringing and Corey passed it to me before either Jack or Dom could get to it. I lifted my leg and pressed it against Dom's chest, who was trying to get the ringing object. I flipped it open and answered just as I received a punch in my arm from Jack.

"Fuck you! Hello?" I was greeted by laughter and smirked, recognizing the voice.

"I hope this isn't the way you'll be greeting me every day," Brian laughed in the phone. I chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Dom is being a dickhead," I said, stressing out the word 'dickhead'. Dom stuck his tongue out at me. "Hold on a bit," I said as I pushed Dom off the couch and he fell on the floor on his ass.

"Alright, now that I got a huge problem off of me, literally, I can talk."

He snickered. "Matt's being a baby and he whined and bragged about how he wanted to get another barbeque party going on tomorrow." I stood up and walked to the more silent kitchen. "And we pretty much all agreed and decided to do that and party at his house all day and shit and leave the clubbing shit for Sunday. Are you guys up for the task?" He said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Oh, you bet."

He laughed. "So...are you ready to keep me company tomorrow?" I chuckled.

"I don't know, I might have to think about it," I replied in a fake thoughtful voice. He gasped and I knew his smirk had faded. "But what if you'll get drunk?"

"Don't worry, you'll like me drunk. I'm twice as fun. But not as entertaining as Johnny." I began laughing.

"Oh, now I'm convinced. I'll see you tomorrow, Bri."

"Fuck yeah. You bring that pretty ass of yours with you, too," he added before hanging up. I gasped at the phone and shook my head.

"Who was that?" Val asked as she appeared next to me.

"Brian. Matt's inviting us at a long barbeque party." She chuckled and I grinned.

"So...this means we have to go shopping Sunday morning," she decided thoughtfully.

"Val, do we really have to go shopping? I'm sure I can find something to get dressed." She shook her head.

"Come on, Lexa, it'll be fun. Besides, Lacey and Leana insisted on this, too. So it's all set." I nodded and we went back in the living room. I plopped on the couch next to Cate. She winked at me.

"I head some rumours about two certain lead guitarists," she sang and I smiled sheepishly.

"Uhm, yeah," I replied.

"Don't be shy! You go, girl!" she exclaimed and I laughed. "I knew Brian would go for it at some point."


"Blue ones or grey ones?" Jack enquired as he lifted his two pairs of boardshorts. I combed my hair while looking at him.

"The grey one looks cooler on you," I replied professionally. He nodded and ran in his room to get dressed.

We both walked to Corey and Dom, as they leaned against Dom's car.

"What's up, Domino?" He shrugged and hugged me.

"Is all good. You're driving." I grabbed the keys and sat in the driver's seat. I drove to Matt's house, already knowing where it was. We would sing along to random stuff on the radio and talk. I parked the car next to Cate's and we got out.

"Here we are, ladies," I declared as we walked towards the entrance. Jack and Dom mumbled something, while Corey laughed. The door opened, revealing Matt. He smiled widely and hugged me. We entered his house and Matt and I walked slower behind the rest of my guys.

"I noticed Cate's here earlier," I stated supressing a smile. Matt chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

"Uhm...she kinda...spent the night over," he replied and I couldn't help but grin widely.

"Oh, you lucky man!" I winked at him and he smirked.

"I'm not the only lucky guy here. I heard something about Brian..." he trailed off and my grin dropped as he began laughing. I looked down sheepishly and he flung his arm over my shoulders. "Don't worry about it, though. I'm not gonna make fun of you."

I laughed. "Gee, thanks, Matt." We walked into the living room and I hugged Cate, winking at her. She blushed.

"We'll talk about it," I warned and we both laughed. I scanned the room for Brian, but didn't see him anywhere. Instead, I noticed Michelle talking to Lacey. She glanced at me and smiled arrogantly. When I didn't return the smile, she turned around.

A pair of strong hands were set on my waist and I grinned.

"Couldn't stay away from me too much?" he whispered in my ear and it took all my strength not to turn around and jump on him. Instead, I turned around and leaned towards him.

"I would be tempted to ask you the same thing," I stated as he eyed my sleeveless black shirt with skulls all over it and my cargo shorts. His eyes paused over my cleaveage and he smirked. I snapped my fingers at him, indicating him to look me in the face.

"I appreciate that you look me up and down, but it's not one of the things that make me comfortable," I declared and Brian laughed.

"Let's get the barbeque working!" Johnny yelled and everyone followed him. I turned to walk outside, but Brian grabbed my hand, pulling me against him.

"We're not going outside?" I asked sheepishly and he smirked.

"Just one more thing," he stated. "I feel like I forgot something," he added, putting a finger on his chin thoughtfully. I waited patiently while looking at him with a small smirk. He eventually grinned widely and snaked his arms around my waist. I brought my face closer to his, which only made his smirk grow. Brian didn't waste any time and quickly crashed his lips onto mine. My heart rate increased as I kissed back. His tongue began demanding for entrance and I parted my lips. At the same time, Brian slipped one of his arms slowly under my shirt and I shuddered, not expecting it. I began to get really into it and Brian seemed in the same situation.

"Oh, hell no! I didn't need to see that!" I quickly pulled away from Brian to see Johnny covering his eyes with his hand and laughing.

"Fuck off, midget," Brian growled and Johnny grabbed a beer from the table.

"Alright, alright, I can see that you're busy." Johnny winked at me before rushing out of the living room. I felt my cheeks on fire and I looked down in embarassment. A smile crept on my face as Brian put an arm around my waist.

"Fucking idiot," he mumbled, but smirked as I turned to face him. "Just so you know, you're a hell of a fucking cute when you're embarassed." My cheeks were yet again on fire and he smirked at my reaction.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Let's go outside, shall we?" I nodded. "We'll finish that later," he whispered in my ear and I bit my lower lip.

"There you were!" Lacey squealed and waved at us. "I thought I lost you guys."

"Hardly," I replied and Brian laughed. I looked over to where Cate was talking to Matt and then noticed Michelle glare daggers at me.