Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy


I woke up the next morning and glared at my digital watch. We were supposed to go shopping today.

"Oh, joy," I mumbled as I walked in the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the shower. It wasn't that I hated shopping, I just had a hard time finding something I would actually like and that would fit me at the same time. Most things were for skinny models without curves and sweet pink stuff. The kind of stuff I hated with a deep passion.

I threw on a pair of black cargo shorts and a blue v-necked t-shirt and I grabbed my flip-flops, too lazy to search for my sneakers.

I noticed Jack was still sleeping, so I left him a note explaining that I had gone shopping with the girls. I grabbed my phone and my wallet and threw them into my bag, which I flung over my shoulder.

By the time I was downstairs, Leana, Lacey, Cate and Val were already waiting by what I assumed to be Val and Lacey's cars. They hugged me and smiled.

"I offered myself to be the driver, but Val and Lacey here insisted not to," Cate said lifting her shoulders. I laughed and all of us got in the cars. As Val drove to the mall, we began singing to the random songs on the radio. Val pulled her car in front of the mall and we got out. I put on my sunglasses and so did Cate.

"Alright, ladies, it's show time!" I chuckled as Val threw her hands around her dramatically. "Now, we don't have too much time, but I think we'll do just fine."

And so the shopping morning started. We entered several shops to first find an outfit for dearest Cate. We sat on the couch in one of the stores and waited for my friend to come out of the dressing room. She emerged wearing a light pink dress with straps. Val, Leana and I tilted our heads to the side at once and examined the outfit.

"No," Val decided.

"Definately not," Leana added.

"You already know my opinion on that," I said, pointing to how Cate was pulling the material on her hips, since the dress was too short. I didn't see her dance in that thing. Lacey began laughing next to me.

"Okay, next," she declared. This went on for several other outfits, until she finally decided on a short dress.

"Now we have to find some matching shoes to that," Leana decided as Cate paid for her dress.

We entered the next serie of stores and while Cate was looking for some shoes, Leana began trying on various clothes. Val, Lacey and I sat back and gave our opinions.

"So, Lexa, you don't think I could...I don't know, maybe...go out with your brother?" I looked at Val, who was fidgetting with the material of a blouse.

"Val," I huffed, "why are you asking me this? Of course you can. But be warned, you better keep a short leash on my bro," I said and she laughed. Leana came out and posed. Val was next to choose an outfit, her having already seen the right thing for her. Lacey was the same case. And of course, I was last.

"Alright, miss. Let's see what we can do for you," Leana said, putting a finger on her chin thoughtfully. I smirked and followed them into the stores they suggested. Dare I say, shopping with those four was quite a challenge.

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. Sure, the silver skirt was pretty and all and so was the tank, but it just didn't look good on me.

Val looked at me sadly. "This is such a bummer," she stated. "Isn't there a normal skirt out there?" She asked, looking at the clerk, who just scratched the back of his head. I went back to the changing room and changed to my own clothes. I threw another look at the silver outfit. It was definately too revealing and I didn't feel like myself in it.

"You know what?" Lacey suddenly jumped from her seat and grinnned at the rest of us. "I think I know the exact place where we can find something. And if we really can't find a cute and hot dress or skirt, we'll just have to manage with a pair of jeans," she decided.

All five of us walked through the mall, until Leana finally stopped in front of a store and smiled widely. I looked up at the panel. It read Affliction. We entered the shop and a girl, probably 19, widened her eyes as she saw us. I assume she must've recognized Val or Leana or Lacey.

"Hi," Cate smiled at the girl and she blinked twice. "Could you help us a bit?" She nodded vehemently.

"Of course. What can I do for you?"

"Well, this lady over here," Val intervened, pointing at me, "needs an outfit for a night at a club." She winked at me and I couldn't help but snicker.

"I think I know something you might like," the girl said.

We followed and true to her word, she handed me several clothing items I really liked. So I quickly went to try all of them on. Oddly enough, I began to worry alot regarding Brian's opinion on the clothes. Would he like the way I looked? It was funny how much his opinion counted so much to me now. I wanted him to like the way I looked.

"Alright, Lexa, let's see that pretty ass of yours!" Leana cheered and I laughed as I emerged from the changing room. Cate gasped, Leana clapped her hands enthusiastically, while Val smiled widely and Lacey winked.

"Brian is going to be all over you," Cate declared through giggles. I couldn't help but bit my lip and smile. The tank the girl had picked was long and rather vaporous, revealing a small part of my back. It was black with red roses all over it and I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw that on the lower back of the tank laid written 'Sinful'. The skirt Val had picked was a darker color and embraced my curves well enough.

"Don't you think it looks kinda odd...tattoos and a skirt?" Cate quirked her eyebrow at my words.

"Are you fucking insane? You look awesome. Now shut up and let's pay for this." I bowed in obedience and the girls all laughed.

We also went in several other stores I really liked and bought some new stuff from them. We bought some shoes and of course, I wanted some really cool accesories to go with our clothes and then headed off towards the food court to get something to eat. Shopping turned out to be rather fun.


"Did you get me anything nice?" Jack asked from the living room as I took my bags in my room.

"Sure," I replied. "How about a skirt? Will that work, darling?" I heard him huff and I snickered.

"No, that will not do! I specifically told you I wanted stilettos," he complained in the gayest most high pitched voice I had ever heard in my whole life, which threw me in hysterics.

Eventually, we decided to start getting ready. I honestly couldn't wait to see Brian. I got dressed in my new skirt and tank and looked in the mirror. I arranged my fringe to the side and brushed my hair. I applied a bit of eyeliner and some lipstick.

My brother whistled in admiration and smirked as I put on my black heels. He wore a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with red and blue splatters on it. Of course, he had attached his chains to his jeans, while his hair was ruffled and spiked up.

"Like it?" I asked, smiling and pointing to my outfit. I had forgotten how much his point of view mattered in such ocasions.

"Sure thing. Only, there's one problem." I narrowed my eyes at him and he laughed. "I'll be busy keeping all the assholes away from you." I laughed and he put his finger on his chin. "Although, I have a feeling Brian will take care of that."

We both snickered as the door bell rang and I went to open it. Cate, Dom and Corey were laughing about something, looking at one another. The guys froze in their tracks as they saw me and their eyes went wide as they looked me up and down. Cate was giggling all the time.

"You look hot," Dom declared sincerely. I laughed and Corey smiled, kissing my cheek.

"Damn right she does. Did you forget you're talking to Ace of Spades here?" He turned his attention to Jack and waved at him. "Are we all ready to go?"

"Sure," Jack replied. I grabbed Cate's arm and we all headed towards the parking lot and got into Dom's car.