Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy

No Funny Stuff

I waved everyone good bye and punched my brother's arm lightly before taking Brian to the car with some help from Corey. The entire drive was hilarious. Well, Bri was hilarious. He sang, banging his head like a mad man. Or he would open up the most random of all subjects and would discuss random shit. He was such a clown.

"Stay...still..," I breathed as he nuzzled against me, while I tried to open his door. Finally accomplishing that, we entered his house and he leaned against me as I dragged him upstairs. I huffed as he finally plopped himself on his bed. He had a really nice room, with a huge glass door that lead to the balcony and gave an amazing view to the ocean. That had to be the thing that caught my eye first. Then was the master bed, with black and purple sheets. I shook my head, smiling.

"You're s-smile is f-fucking amazing." I didn't even notice when Brian walked over to me and put his face in the crook of my neck. Obviously, he couldn't keep his balance and therefore I turned to look at him, only to have his lips a few inches from mine. He smirked and in a blink of a second, he pushed me on the bed and he was lying on top of me. I gulped and opened my mouth to say something, but he took advantage of it and quickly slid his tongue in my mouth. His hands massaged my hips and I let a moan slip. He smirked mid kiss and got rougher. That was when I realized where this could go.

"Brian, stop," I said firmly as pushed him off of me, which was alot easy due to his drunk form. Although, a part of me kind of wanted him to go on.

"Why?" he slurred as he pushed a pillow under his head. I tried to respond him, but sighed as I noticed he had already fallen asleep.

"Great," I muttered and made my way downstairs. Pinkly ran up to me and I chuckled as the tiny dog barked playfully at me. I patted his head and sighed, glancing at the stairs. I heard the shower being turned on. This meant Brian had finally decided to return to his sanity. So maybe ahuge fucking part of me wanted Brian to go on, but come on, he wasn't even in his right minds. I froze.

"Shit," I swore and put Pinkly down, before looking for my bag. "Fucker." I left it in Dom's fucking car. That meant I had no phone, no money. Hence I had to walk home. That wasn't something I really liked (walking around Huntington Beach during night in a freakin mini skirt and tank, but I didn't have much of an option. I waved at Pinkly and took off.

It wasn't cold outside. Rather perfect for a walk.If only I had Brian with me. I doubt I had walked very far from Brian's house when I heard some drunk snickers behind me. I didn't recognize them, so I kept walking.

"Doll, slow down, will ya?"

Like hell I will. I kept walking faster and the footsteps got louder. This was so fucking wrong. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't afraid of kicking the guy's ass. Hell no, I knew how to fight and that was no problem. I was more petrified by the thought of several men drunk off their asses, looking for some fun. Those could've been a problem.

"I said slow the fuck down!" Right then, someone grabbed my arm and I turned around, facing three guys, older than myself, looking at me with angry eyes. They were drunk, if it were to state the obvious.

"Fuck off," I barked before roughly pulling my arm away from them. They circled me and the one to my left scoffed. I shrieked as I felt one of their hands on my ass and they began laughing. I clenched my fists, ready to punch.

"Don't be like that, babe." I cringed at the word. One of them suddenly grabbed both of my arms and I began to struggle.

"Let go! I said--"

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF HER!" All of our heads shot in Brian's direction as he walked up to us.

"Dude, come on, it's all in good fun," one of the other guys said, while the one next to me me pulled me against him. Brian's eyes never left him and his nostrils flared. I swear I could hear his blood pumping through his veins.

When the guy behind me began smelling my hair, it seemed to be the last drop for Brian. In a second, he was holding the guy by his shirt. His muscles were all tensed up and were easy to see due to his sleeveless shirt. By now, the two other guys took off, leaving the third behind. I instinctively put my hand on Brian's chest hopefully, trying to calm him down. And to my enormous surprise, he did.

"I said, get your motherfucking hands off her," he hissed and the douche bag instantly let go of me. Needless to say, the fucktard took off like a fucking bullet down the street. I stared back at Brian.

"Thanks," I mumbled, looking down. "I don't think I could've handled all of them." He snickered.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" My head shot back at him and I watched him with a quirked eyebrow. He narrowed his eyes at me. "What the fuck was going through your head?! Walking out at this motherfucking hour in that?!" He threw his hands in the direction of my skirt.

"I forgot my fucking phone in Dom's car!" I retorted. "What the fuck, Brian?" I really couldn't understand why we had to argue about this. Come on, it could've happened to anyone. "I thought you were drunk," I added flatly. "And why are you all sweating?" It was true, he had been panting and he was sweating.

He rolled his eyes. "I took a fucking shower and took some pills for the headache. And I'm sweating because I ran two fucking blocks after this crazy chick who went walking alone through Huntington!" he yelled and I took a step backwards. I really didn't want us to fight and to be quite honest, all I wanted was tokiss hug my hero.

A moment of silence followed, before I spoke up, "So you ran two blocks?" He nodded, running a hand through his hair. Damn, that was hot. "At least you're not as drunk as before." He cracked up a smile, but groaned.

"My head hurts like a mofo." I began laughing at the word and he smiled. "Come on." I stopped from my laughing and I looked at him questioningly. "Well, I sure as fuck ain't gonna let you on your own again."


"At least let me give you a ride," Brian argued.

I huffed. "Your head hurts like a bitch and I doubt you're really capable of driving." Ah, the voice of reason within me. I tried to open the door from his house and get out, but Brian slammed his hand against it, closing it.

"Then I guess you'll sleep at my house," he suggested and smirked at me in a way that told me he was up to no good.

"I'll call someone to pick me up."

"It's late."

"Corey's not sleeping."

"He doesn't know where I live." I groaned, making him smirk. He quickly locked the door and before I could even reach for the key, he placed it in his pocket. I narrowed my eyes at him, making him laugh. I followed him upstairs.

"You really have only one thing on your mind, don't you?" I said, while watching him pull out some clothes out of his closet.

"Will you just chill? I'll sleep on the fucking couch." I straightened myself and looked at him as he grabbed a pillow. That was unexpected and it sort of impressed me. "And I'm sorry for jumping at you like that. You know...before you left," he added, scratching the back of his head embarassed. I got it, he was talking about what almost happened in his bedroom. But why the fuck was he embarassed?

"Uh, it's okay."

"Yeah, kinda have that effect on me. But sure as fuck wouldn't have wanted anything and then not be able to remember it in the morning," he explained, winking seductively at me. I felt my cheeks burn and chuckled. He smirked and threw me a t-shirt. "You can sleep in that."

I smirked expectantly at him. "And I don't suppose you'll give me some frickin shorts or something." He began laughing.

"Damn, I was hoping you wouldn't notice." I walked up to him laughing and he handed me a pair of black shorts. I smiled. "I'm off. If you need anything, I'm downstairs."

"Brian? I, don't have to sleep on the couch," I mumbled. He sighed.

"Baby doll, I'm not gonna die from that."

I chuckled. "Baby doll? That's a new one." He grinned as he leaned to kiss my collarbone.

"And I like it. So it stays," he said, with a chuckle of his own. He kissed my lips and I sighed.

"I'm serious. I don't want you to sleep on the couch. I can--"

"Hell no. You're not sleeping on the couch!" I chuckled. I honestly didn't want him to do that. I felt too bad as I watched him head towards the door.

"Well...You're bed's big enough." At this, he froze in his tracks and quickly spun around. Brian watched me with a bewildered look. "And I don't mind sharing...I mean, what can be that bad?" So maybe deep inside, I got that butterfly feeling maybe I really wanted him to be next to sue me!

Brian leaned against the door frame and watched me with a smirk. "I don't mind, either." He was easy to convince. "You can change in the bathroom over there...that is, if you don't mind changing here..." he smirked deviously and I chuckled as I closed the bathroom door behind me. I slipped out of my clothes and put on Brian's t-shirt and shorts. They were larger, obviously, but didn't look that ridiculous on me. I remember wearing Dom's clothes once, when he used to hang out with some gangsters. He wore some larger clothes at the time and when I tried them on, I looked like a homeless druggie.

I walked out of the bathroom and gulped at the sight of Brian. He was texting something on his phone and didn't notice me stare. He only wore a pair of shorts. Period. No shirt.

Oh shit.

He did a double take on me and smirked. "My clothes look fuckable on you," he noticed. I scratched the back of my head and laughed nervously.

Brian's POV

I smirked at Lexa. I purposely gave her the really small shorts I had and they looked really good on her.

"No funny things, Brian," she warned, seeing my smirk.

"Aww, come on," I pouted.

"Thank you, but I'll pass," she decided with that cute chuckle of hers. I watched her as she laid down on the bed. She had hot legs. Fuck that, everything about her was hot. Damn, I'd tap that, but I didn't want her to think I was obsessed freak with only one thing in his head. I sighed. I never actually cared of what women might think of me after just one night, from the simple reason that they were just one night stands.

I got under the covers as well and inhaled slowly. I got closer to her and wrapped my arm around her tiny waist. I felt her tense, but she didn't push me away and I smiled to myself. Soon enough, she relaxed and seemed to be extremely okay with it and I fell asleep next to her.

***Normal POV***

I woke up in the morning in un unfamiliar bed. I opened my eyes and as I saw the black and purple sheets, I remembered. Brian had wrapped his arms around me last night. Dare I say, it was fucking awesome. I looked at the watch on the nightstand and sighed. I went into Brian's bathroom and took a quick shower before getting dressed in my clothes from the night before. I grabbed my shoes and headed downstairs.

Right as I got to the bottom of the stairs, a bark reached my ears and I shrieked, completely unexpecting it.

"Pinkly!" I accused and the little animal looked up at me with...well, puppy eyes. Someone started laughing and I looked up to see Brian leaning against the kitchen door frame, watching Pinkly and I with a clearly amused look. Shirtless, still.

"Morning," I winked. He nodded with a pleasantly surprised smile.

"Why, hello. What's the rush?" he asked, pointing at my dressed self. I shrugged.

"I should call Jack, he's probably freakin out. And I assume you'd like your house to yourself again," I replied with a laugh. He rolled his eyes.

"I called Jackie and told him I'll take you home whenever you're ready. And from what I've heard," he chuckled, "he had quite a lovely night." My jaw dropped. I think I could guess what had went on. Brian began laughing, probably because of my bewildered look. "If you're thinking of something involving Val as well, then you're right."

I sighed. "Why am I not surprissed? I guess it's kinda good I slept here," I said with a laugh and Brian's eyes lit up as he came to wrap his arms around me. He gently kissed my forehead and I couldn't help but smile.

"Told ya it was a good idea," he replied and snickered. " about you come and grab something to eat? It's not like either of us has anywhere to go, right?" I pulled away to look at him and nodded. He grinned and we walked in the kitchen, where there was already some food on the table.

"You cooked?" I enquired suspiciously. Brian scratched the back of his head.

"I'm not the greatest, but I guess I kinda needed to learn how to fucking cook...mainly because I don't really have a female figure around here," he added the last part slowly and I looked down.

"How about Michelle?" I blurted out and immediately regretted it as I looked back up at Brian with wide eyes.

He sighed. "Yeah, she...used to come around and shit, but..uhm, we had some arguements and split up at some point," he explained and laughed as he saw my embarassed figure. "It's okay," he added and put some plates on the large kitchen table. An idea seemed to suddenly strike him. "How about you? Other relationships and stuff..." I shrugged. "I mean, I'm expecting a fine piece of ass like you to have guys at the tip of her finger."

I sighed and shook my head. I was flattered by this, but at the same time, I kinda disliked the idea.

"Not really. I only had one serious relationship...which ended up really bad. Everything else was...fooling around and one night stands," I explained and quickly added "not that there were many."

"I know how that's like. Same here, player!" I bursted laughing and he did the same. "So...let's see what you think of my cook skills," he said, winking at me. I chuckled and sat at the table.