Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy


Brian kept his word...well sorta. He 'kindapped' me (to put it in his words) and only brought me home in the afternoon, after we had a long and fun breakfast and then went to the beach. I somehow envied the dude for living right next to the beach and I even told him this, making Brian throw me in the water, although I was wearing a sleeveless shirt and a pair of Affliction boardshorts, both belonging to Brian.


"Oh my God!" Cate screeched. I sighed. It had been almost one week since I spent the day (and night) at Brian's, yet Cate was still making it sound like some awesome shit everytime she got the chance.

"It's not that big deal."

"Yeah it is."

"No, it isn't."

"Yeah it fucking is!" Dom boomed as he joined us in Cate's kitchen. I began laughing at his randomness. He didn't even know that we were talking about me spending the whole day with Brian, but he just felt like intervening.

"Do you have any clue what we're talking about?" Cate enquired, cocking her eyebrow. Domino scratched the back of his head and shrugged sincerely, making us both laugh. He came to my side and hugged me.

I chuckled. "Where is all this love coming from?"

"From the bottom of my fucking heart, rockstar." Cate 'aww'-ed at Dom's sweet reply and I hugged him back.

"Yo, me too!" We bursted out laughing as Corey suddenly appeared in the doorway and rushed to my other side to hug me. Hence, I was crushed by the two, while Cate was in hysterics and the two boys were having an arguement regarding which one of them was hugging me tighter.

"Alright, fucktards, let her go," Jack ordered as he walked in and Dom and Corey obliged.

"So what are we up to today?" Corey asked, grabbing an apple from the table.

"Well, Val's got some things to take care of, so I'm all yours, fuckers," Jack replied, checking his phone with a grin. I smirked right as he looked back at me and wiggled my eyebrows at him. He blushed ten fucking shades of red, while the rest of us laughed. We walked outside in Cate's frontyard. It was our favorite spot on her whole estate, mainly because we could check out all the people passing by or shit like that.

"I can't wait to get in the studio," Dom stated and watched a blonde chick pass us, dressed only in a bikini top and the smallest of all motherfucking skirts. She winked at him, making Dom gulp. But as soon as she laid eyes on me, because I was right next to Dom, she scoffed and took off. Everyone laughed and Dom rolled his eyes then put an arm around my shoulders.

"That's right, slut. Run away. I got me here some hotter stuff than you!" he yelled.

"So what did you say Matt and the guys were up to?" Jack asked Cate as her phone suddenly began ringing. She excused herself and answered it.

"They had some interview or shit," I replied in Kit's place. "Fuckhead," I growled as my brother captured me in his infamous headlock.

"That's no way to talk to your little brother," he replied in a very motherly tone, expecting me to obey.

"Dude, I wouldn't fucking listen to you even if you were my mom," Corey commented, drinking his beer. Jack scoffed.

"Dude, your mom's a hottie," Dom stated randomly. I began laughing.

"Not as hot as Cate's mom," Corey said and Jack wolf-whistled, while I fell on the grass laughing my ass off.

"Damn, no! Cate's mom's one fine piece of meat!" By now, I was in hysterics. You see, Cate's mom, Diane, had Cate when she was pretty young. And trust me, like mother, like daughter. They were both extremely beautiful. Like, not the skinny type, but the curvy and really hot type. The guys always made jokes about Diane, in the good kinda way, but we all knew that her, being the cool mom she is, never minds.

A loud smack pulled me out of my laughing and I looked to see Cate glaring at Dom, who was rubbing the back of his head.

"Hey!" he whined. She only shot him another glare, before looking at the rest of us.

"Matt called," she said excitedly. "And...I have amazing news!" she squealed. Silence took over, everyone waiting for her to go on. She chuckled. "They have a show at the end of this week and they want us to be in the opening act!"

My jaw dropped, much like my brother's, while Dom and Corey stood up, high-fiving eachother. We eventually stood up and began cheering for Cate while she was laughing.

"This is fucking amazing, Kit Kat!" I exclaimed, hugging her. She chuckled.

"I talked to the guys and they'll be out of their meetings and shit in about an hour. Zacky suggested we all meet up at the skate park. How does that sound?"

"Hell yes!" Corey boomed. He was a huge fan of skating. First time I met him, he was this typical skater punk. So Jack and I ended up asking our cousin to teach us how to skate, because we thought it would be interesting and we kinda wanted to keep up with Corey. Once Jack and I learned some tricks, Dom became interested again, him already having some experience in skateboarding, and we all taught Cate how to skateboard. It was pretty much the only sport she would practice every once in a while.

Dom laughed. "Alright, do you have your skateboard?" he asked no one in particular.

Jack shrugged. "We can stop by our places and grab them."


We grabbed our boards and watched Corey try various tricks, only falling once. He was like a kid in a candy shop, to be quite honest.

I readjusted the purple cap that completed my outfit before hearing some whistles from behind me. I turned to see Zack running to me, skateboard in hand.

"ZV!" I yelled before setting my skateboard down and running to hug him.

"What's up, gorgeous?" he replied and I chuckled.

"Is all good," I replied and let go to see the rest of Avenged Sevenfold walking towards us.

"Good morning, miss," Johnny greeted with a bow, making me laugh and Jimmy sighed.

"It's afternoon, you retard."

Matt gave me a big hug before I glanced at Brian and felt my breath catch in my throat, while he watched me with that smirk of his. I tapped my foot lightly.

"You ain't gonna say hi to me?" I accused and he chuckled, before walking over to me and pulled me against him.

"Are you kidding me? I was just checking out this hot chick..." his voice trailed off and he chuckled at my quirked eyebrow.

"Well...she has a cool hat," Brian explained, touching my black and purple cap. I smiled widely as he pulled me in his warm embrace.

"Yo motherfuckers better check this out!" Everyone suddenly turned to look at Jason Berry, who jumped on his board and took off like a bullet down the ramp.

"Oh shit! Jason!" Cate and I both yelled as he reached the other end and tried to make a trick. Cate covered her eyes, while I just stared at him dumbfounded. Like expected, the board literally disappeared from his grasp, like running away from him and he fell on his knees down the ramp. Brian and Jimmy were trembling from laughing, while everyone else was muttering "fuckhead" or "dude, he's such an idiot" or anything among those lines.

Fortunately, Jason had been smart enough to wear knee-protectors or whatever you call those things. Hence, he didn't really get bruises. He was more like shocked by the impact. Brian waved towards Matt and they both headed to help JB.

"Great job, Jason!" Zack encouraged from next to me and I laughed nervously as I looked at Jason. I exhaled as I saw him laugh with Brian. "Chill, Ace. Ol' JB's like a rock," Zack explained, patting my back. Relaxed, I averted my eyes to Brian and watched him walk back towards us.

I took in every detail. The way his muscles flexed, the way his jaw would tense when some maniac would cross their path speeding on a bike, how--

"Someone's checking out Brian," Jimmy sang in my ear. I stumbled and scratched the back of my head nervously.

"What?" Brian enquired with a confused smile as he flung his arm around my shoulders. Jimmy grinned deviously at me.

"Someone has a cru--" But before he could finish that sentence, I quickly Jimmy in the shoulder. He yelped, making Dom glance at us with a weird look. "Damn, woman! You hit like a man!" Brian started laughingnervously and I glanced at him, with a slight chuckle.

"I don't hit that hard," I declared with a shrug and he watched me with a smile and a look....a look I hadn't seen on Brian's face before and I couldn't really understand it. "What?"

He lifted his shoulders and chuckled. "Nothing, babe." In a blink of an eye, he stole my purple cap and took off. I yelled his name and Jimmy laughed.

"Get his ass, Legs!" I glared at him for the nickname, but ran after Brian. I was glad my black hair and red highlights were tied in a ponytail, so they didn't get in my eyes while I ran. I praised the few years of sports in my life as I quickly caught up on Brian and tackled him to the ground. He fell on his back on a portion of grass and began laughing as I took my cap from his hands and victoriously placing it on my head.

"You're just like a kid!" he exclaimed, laughing. I stuck my tongue at him and chuckled, but it soon faded as I realized the position I was in. I was in fact straddling Brian. He stopped laughing and took in this as well. I gulped and let out a nervous 'huh...'. I swear I never felt more of a moron than I felt right then. I instinctively started pulling myself back to my legs, but something stopped me: his firm grip on my hips. I became aware of my burning cheeks and looked at Brian, to see him smirking. I tried to keep a cool face.

"I think should get up," I stated simply, yet even I could feel the gigglish tone. Brian, of course, noticed everything first and smirked even wider.

"I don't think you should get up," he mumbled bluntly. I chuckled as he eyed me up and down.

"We're in a skate park, Bri. People are watching," I pointed out, while looking around at several teenage girls who were giggling. My words seemed to bring Brian out of some kind of daydreaming, as he suddenly became aware of our surroundings.

"Oh...yeah...right," he stuttered and I began laughing out loud. He snickered before I stood up and helping him up as well. "Though...I don't mind having you on top of me...under any circumstances..." Brian added, winking. I chuckled and looked down at my shoes, while he eyed me with a smirk.

"Will you stop eyeing me?" I exclaimed in an embarassed tone. He raised his hands in defense.

"I can't help it!" he defended. "Not my fault mother nature made you hot." I bursted out laughing at the simplicity of his tone. I smacked his shoulder lightly and he snickered.

"Whatever, weirdo. Now that I got my cap back," I paused and stuck my tongue at him, "let's get back to the retards." It was his turn to laugh and mine to smirk. He quickly wrapped his arm around my waist as we began walking back. I sudenly felt...bold...and so, I leaned against Brian, trying with all my power to control my insane nervousness and the butterflies in my stomach. In reply, he tightened his grip on me and I glanced up at him to see him smile widely as he held his head high and looked ahead with a pleased look on his face. I chuckled silently as I looked ahead myself.

"You nervous about the show this week?" he suddenly asked.

"No...okay, maybe a bit." He cocked his eyebrow at my hesitation and I laughed. "Okay, I'm not that nervous right now, but when the time will come to get on the frickin stage, I will be a fucking nerve wreck." He laughed bewildered.

"You've done it before. Trust me, our fans will love you." I grinned.

"Thanks," I mumbled with a smile. He stopped and turned me to face him. I eyed him playfully as he reached for my cap again and he laughed. But he only turned it around, then leaned in to kiss my lips, as he brought his hands to my back.