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If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy

Now Meet The Real Deal

Don't ask me why, but the next day I ended up going out with Alexa and the rest of the band. She wanted to get some new clothes, while the rest of us just wanted to go out. I, for one, couldn't wait to show off my new sleeve.


"Are you ready for this, fuckers?!" I screamed as Jack and I entered the bar. There weren't any people there, apart from us, the bar owner, a bartender and James, our 'connection'. He was actually a ventriliquist or something. Bottom line, he held some shows and made people laugh their asses off. We greeted each other and I smiled at my band members and best friends. Alexa was wearing her black skinny jeans and a grey and blue dress shirt with a huge funny skull on, with matching blue Chucks. She chose to let her brown hair loose and her dark purple locks sparkled in the light.

Dom and Corey wore their favorite jeans and Misfits and AFI shirts, while Jack opted for black jeans and his signature 'Jack The Ripper' T-shirt. He was obsessed. All the boys had their hair spiked.

I wore some ripped jeans and a black sleeveless shirt with skulls all over it and I arranged my hair so that my bangs wouldn't bother me while I played, but wanting the tattoos to show.

"Okay, so...I was right. Some big people are showing up tonight and I heard there are lots of younger kids showing up to some after party. There's some concert in town, I think," James explained.

He gave us the final indications and we started practicing a bit, tuning our guitars and stuff. I could've sworn the time flew by faster than normally. Soon enough, people started showing up and we wished James good luck, right before going backstage, to wait for our turn to play.

"Well, you know...I have to thank you for being such a great audience tonight so...I've got something for you. Especially for you rich assholes in the back!" We all laughed as we heard the audience cheer and laugh as well. "Now hold on. I got something backstage."

"You guys ready? Ace, show 'em who's boss. Follow me, guys."

Alexa grabbed us all and we hugged eachother, shouting our band's name, Blinding Rise and quickly followed James to the stage. We all took our spots on the stage and Alexa followed James to microphone. The crowd was cheering and wolf whistling, probably directed to Alexa, who introduced our band. To my surprise, there were a couple of kids who knew us, probably from our previous shows. I inhaled sharply. There were plenty of people in that bar, which was pretty damn big.

"Alright, let's get this shit started!" Dom yelled in his microphone. Corey winked at me and I hit the first note to our first song. We started our first rock song, trying to see what the general reaction was. I waited for her to finish her part, then I took over the chorus. I could tell my voice got everyone pumped up. It was always the same reaction. Unlike the rest, I could do the screaming parts easily and make them sound 'melodic and shit', if I were to quote Alexa.

The crowd started clapping to Jack's rythm and Corey and I went in front, on each side of Alexa, doing our thing. He stopped and allowed me to do my own little show, which got everyone screaming and raising their hands. If they were excited, I was excited.

When we finally finished our songs, Alexa patted me on the shoulder and smiled. We all yelled 'thank you!' which only got the crowd more ecstasic. James took on the mic as we all went backstage.

"Fuck yeah!"

"That was awesome!"

"Ace, that shredding was mind blowing!"

I hugged everyone and we all congratulated each other. If there was one thing I loved more than my brother, it was being on stage and playing in front of all those people. I grabbed my guitar and sat on one of those bar chairs. James told us to wait for him, so we obeyed.

"Great job! Loved the picking!" Dom congratulated me and hugged me tightly.

"Thanks. Come on, it's not like it you haven't heard it before," I mumbled against his chest.

"It's not like it can't amaze me everytime I hear you play."

"Alexa!" All our heads turned to look in Jason Berry's direction, who was already hugging Alexa. She greeted him with just as much joy. She introduced Jason to the rest of our band and I noticed how tensed Cory got. But Jason wasn't alone. Behind him were five guys, all muscle and tattooed and with arrogant faces. Jason pulled me into a sudden hug and I had to quickly place my guitar down, before it got squashed between us.

"Your solo, Ace! I think I can see where the nickname comes from." I gave him a smirk and he returned it happily, but it faded when one of the guys patted his shoulder and winked. JB turned and frowned at me. "These are my friends. You have their name tattooed on your arm." Alexa giggled next to me and I immediatelly knew why. She obviously recognized them as Avenged Sevenfold, because she had actually googled them. I, on the other hand, hadn't listened to their music for a very long while. I gulped and muttered an 'oh', which got them laughing. Jason then began introducing them.

Johnny greeted us with a simple "Hi" and a smile towards us, girls. Matt seemed more talkative and expanded the salute to "Hello", but flashed an amazing grin in Alexa's direction. It melted her. Zacky seemed really cool and shook Jack's, Corey's and Dom's hands, while kissing mine and Alexa's. Jimmy...well he stroke me as the most funniest and I couldn't help but burst out laughing at his sudden outburst. Although he wore tight jeans and leather jacket, he did a kung fu move and shook hands with Jack, saying that he 'really knew how to fuck those drums'. As for...Synyster Gates...he seemed the most arrogant one. Attractive, yes, but dumbfuck arrogant. All the while we talked to the other guys, he kept that fucking smirk on his face, with his hands crossed and hidden behind his hat.

"You've got some fucking skills,'am...uhm..." Jimmy stuttered and I laughed.

"Just call me Ace." He winked and muttered "It fits.". Everyone seemed to get along really well. Matt had cornered Alexa. Johnny and Jimmy began talking to Corey and Dom, while Zacky saluted me and complimented me on my guitar skills.

"You know, I shouldn't be telling you this, but I seriously believe you are as good as...if not even better than my friend here," he whispered to me, pointing at Syn, who was standing right next to us. Of course, he heard it and slapped Zacky over the head.

"I guess I should thank you," I smirked.

"I guess you could," Syn chimmed. "It's a big compliment. Do you think we could find out the name that hides behind 'Ace'?" I wouldn't have bothered a guy like him telling me that, if it wouldn't have been for his tone.

My turn to smirk, asshole...

"I don't think so," I muttered unnecesarily and turned to walk to James, leaving Zacky laughing silently and Syn staring. James hugged me and saluted the guys from A7X, asking them what they thought about us. They replied with cheers...well, all of them apart from Syn.

"Ace and Corey ruined all possible competition with those guitar skills." I tried not to see the hint Jack was throwing towards Syn.

"Excellent performance. Blinding Rise, isn't it? I'm Jonathan Donners, a friend of their manager's," another guy intervened, pointing towards the A7X guys. "From what I hear, you're still searching for a proper manager."

Silence took over and the whole band went still, while the guys from Avenged sat on the couch. I coughed, trying to make Alexa talk. She caught the hint.

"Yes, we're hoping to find someone as a manager," she explained shortly and I sighed, taking over the conversation.

"We're looking for someone really good as a manager, if you get what I mean." He smiled widely. I liked the guy.

"I'm here to make an offer--"

"Yeah, yeah, get over that part! Can you take us to Taste of Chaos and shit like that?" I chuckled at Dom's sudden question.

"I can take you way further than that."