Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy

Some Piece of Advice

"You didn't!" Cate gasped, watching me with wide eyed as I was searching for my Guns 'n' Roses t-shirt.

"Seriously, that fucking piece of shit was somewhere in this room," I muttered under my breath. "Oh, and to answer that, yes, we fucked." Somehow, everyone knew that 'Ace and Syn had something going on' and the ones who found out about the night after the bar were Cate, Jimmy, Matt and Jack. But I could almost swear that everyone else found out, too, only they were being silent about it.

"Oh my God!" she screeched. “So how was it? Like, was he good?! And did you use protection?” I froze in my tracks and turned to give her a weird look.

“Of course we used don’t really want me to tell you about…that…do you?” She paused for a second, realizing what she had just said and bursted out laughing.

“Ugh, no, I don’t think so,” she laughed. “But still, I do want to know if it was at least worth disappearing two days with Gates.” She shot me a glare and I laughed.

“Trust me, it was one hundred percent worth it,” I muttered under my breath, making her laugh. “And I did not disappear for two days,” I retorted before returning to the mystery of the disappearing GNR t-shirt.

“Oh yeah you did. But Lexa, I’m telling you, you have twisted that man’s minds,” she snickered and I rolled my eyes. “You know I’m right. Aw, come on, he took you to his house, fucked you and spent the whole following day with you at the beach. Then he lets you sleep at your house for the following night, only to kidnap you for the rest of the next day. Girl, you had amazing sex with Synyster fucking Gates, and I only get to find out about it two days later?!”

I bursted out laughing at her rant and she fake glared at me. But my laugh was cut short when the door flew open, hitting my back full on and a loud thud was heard as the door collided with my back.

“HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT!” Jack walked in the room, looking at me with a dumb look. "JACK!" I boomed. "Fuck!"

"Shit!" Cate swore, running to my side.

"Oh shit...oh my...fuck...shit, Lexa! Are you okay?" I growled while biting my lip, preventing myself from screaming as I tried to reach my back and rub it. Jack instantly ran to me and pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back for me. "I'm so sorry, sis, I didn't mean to."

Corey and Dom suddenly appeared in the doorway, looking around. Dom was holding his plate with pancakes, which made me chuckle.

"What happened? What did we miss?" Corey blurted.

"Yeah, what's with all the fucks and shits?" Dom added and then tilted his head to the side as he saw my pained face. "What's up your ass?" I glared at him and he raised his hands in defence

"Dumbfuck Jack literally slammed her with the door," Cate explained and Jack growled.

"I said I'm sorry!" he defended. I nodded as the pain in my back slowly faded and I exhaled relieved. I pulled away from my brother's hug and did some stretching.

"It's okay. I ain't dead. I take it you didn't like my pancakes, Jack?" I asked with a quirked eyebrow and the room was filled with laughter.

"That's right, that's why he hit you with the door," Corey rolled his eyes. Jack grinned and gave me a critical look.

"About that, Spades senior, we might have small problem," Dom warned, taking a bite of the pancakes. Cate laughed.

"Dude, you're still at those pancakes?" she asked in disbelief. Dom swallowed and glared.

"What the fuck were you expecting? They're good!" he argued back and Corey sighed.

"Yeah, Dom's point was that..well, we ran out of pancakes." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh Lord, the pancakes are gone! What shall we do now?" I muttered sarcastically and made my way to my wardrobe. Jack coughed.

"Ugh, we are not doing anything. You, on the other hand, are making us pancakes," he stated, following the guys in the living room. I glared at their backs.

"I ain't doing shit. Fuck you!" I retorted and my head shot up as I realized what I had just told my own brother, right before hearing him yell "Ewww, incest!". I rolled my eyes while Cate laughed.


I am telling you, Johnny grew a fucking inch. I bursted out laughing.

"Wait...You mean Johnny grew an inch in height or did his dick grew an inch?" I heard Zack and Jimmy burst out laughing on the other line. "Nah, I'm just kidding. But dude, give Johnny a break, will ya?"

Are you kidding me?! Jimmy yelled in the phone. What would Avenged Sevenfold be if it wasn't for Johnny fucking Christ and him being constantly annoyed by us?

Yeah, whatever, Jimmy, Zack intervened. But do tell us, fair lady, what happened between you and Gates here who is refusing to tell me any juicy details? I bursted out laughing.

"Oh my God. Brian is there?"

Sure thing, rockstar. I bit my lip, realizing how much I enjoyed the sound of his voice. I also realized that I was on speaker.

"Well, Z, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not going to fill you in on any details," I said with a laugh and I heard Jimmy and Zack sigh, Brian let out a triumphant 'Ha, fuckers!' while Johnny was laughing his ass off.

You're a mean person, Zack accused and I heard Brian huff.

Dude, you deserved it. It's my phone and I'm not even fucking allowed to talk to Lexa in private? Fucking hell... I began laughing just as I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Gotta go, you guys. I'll talk to you all later." I heard Brian mutter profanities and I assumed he was grabbing his phone and trying to take it off the speaker mode, due to the noise on the other end.

Fucking idiots.'re still coming over my place like we planned? he asked cautiously, though I could picture the smirk on his face.

"You bet," I replied with a smirk. We both hung up and I ran to open the door. I was currently alone at my apartment. Cate was gone with Matt, Jack had gone to see Val and Corey and Dom went to help Dom's cousin to get the fuck out of town finally. I opened the door quickly, expecting to see my brother, but when I saw the person at my door, my jaw dropped.


"Ugh, yeah, sorry for dropping by so unexpected, but I needed to talk to you," she explained softly, while I stared at her dumbfounded. She seemed so different, somehow. She looked tired and obviously sad, and her face clearly showed that she had been crying.

"I...," I stuttered and shook my head. Get yourself together, woman! "It's not a problem. Come on in." Might as well act civilized if she's going to. She nodded timidly and I closed the door once she entered my apartment.

"You want some water or something?" I asked oddly, scratching the back of my head. Awkward didn't cover it enough. She nodded and I brought two glasses of water, sitting down on one of the armchair, opposite to her, who was sitting on the couch. "What is it you wanted to talk about?"

"Brian." My heart skipped a beat and I watched her cautiously. "I...I noticed you two got really close." Ugh, yeah, that was an understatement. I sat back in my seat and nodded, not quite sure of where she was going with this. She looked down, trying to pull herself to tell me something, which gave me worries.

"Michelle, is something wrong?"

"No. Ugh, I don't know how to tell you this," she groaned. I furrowed my eyebrows, getting impacient and she must have noticed that, because she looked back up at me. "You have to be careful," she finally said and I shook my head, looking down. I didn't understand a thing.


"You don't know how Brian is. You won't realize his true personality until it's too late." I looked at her questioningly. "He'll use you. He'll use you, then get rid of you right away and act like nothing ever happened. He always does that!" she pleaded. My jaw dropped.

"No offence, Mich, but you can't know this for sure," I retorted flatly. She watched me with a blank face.

"Yes I do," she squeaked. "He's done it before. That son of a bitch has done it to me, too. He moved in with me, told me he loved me, and for what?! Only to find him making out with a random slut at our party and then pretend nothing happened. And then worse things happen. He began inviting girls over, telling me they were friends, then fuck them behind my back. He didn't care about us anymore. He broke me and didn't give a flying fuck." By now, tears were building up in her eyes and I could feel a nod in my throat.

"I tried to talk to him, he told me he was busy. He loved the band more than me. So I started hanging out with other guys, too. And he didn't care. He broke up with me, claiming that it was all my fault. I tried to make things work between us so hard..." She began sobbing while I stared at her in shock. What was I supposed to tell her? That I was sorry? Or that I was seriously scared to fucking death now?

She stood up abruptly and I did so too. "Michelle, I don't know what to say," I said following her to the door. She spun around quickly and I almost bumped into her.

"You know what? It doesn't even matter. I hope you and that douche bag have a happy life. Oh, wait, he's not going to even be with you for the rest of his life." Before I knew it, she grabbed my right arm and took a firm grip of my new bracelet. "He's already giving you presents and shit. Wait 'till he acts like himself," she barked and it wasn't until then I realized that her sharp nails had literally scratched a small portion of my forearm.

I snatched my hand out of her grasp and glared. "I'm really sorry about the shit that happened to you, and thank you for the fucking advice, Michelle," I retorted right as she left with a huff. I slammed the door shut after her and began swearing as I looked at my scratched forearm. I went to clean the drops of blood and wrapped a bandage around the portion. The bandage honestly looked like fuck put onto all my tattoos, but there wasn't much I could do.

I grabbed a hoodie and got dressed in it, then sat back at my guitar right before the door slammed open and Corey and Dom appeared.

"You will never guess what we just did!" Dom boomed excitedly and I noticed a laptop in his hands. Dom sat next to me on the couch, while Corey stole my acoustic guitar and began playing in his own little world.

I watched as Dom opened a webpage and a grin crept on my face.

"Is that our Myspace profile?" I chuckled. Corey and Dom snickered.

"It sure is," Corey replied. "We still have to do that photoshoot--"

"But it's basically done," Dom interrupted and grinned. "We'll show this to Cate and Jack later," he added and I nodded.

"Dude, it looks awesome." This made both of them smirk deviously and high five each other. I grinned at the excitance of my two friends, although my stomach was churning due to Michelle's words.