Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy

Let's Get Drunk!

"Fuck yeah! We've got a seriously good band with us tonight, gentlemen!" Matt boomed as we all sat at the bar. Dom came from beside me and caught my sides, making me giggle. I caught a glimpse of Syn staring at us, but he immediately turned his head. I stood up, letting Corey sit next to Dom and I sat between Jack and Jimmy, who was one hell of a guy, making me laugh my ass off. Alexa was on the other side of Jack, while Matt (from what I'd noticed) was trying to stay as close to her as possible.

"Alright, fuckheads, let's get drunk!" I yelled over the music.

"Someone get us some shots of tequilla!" Alexa added and Matt and his band mates stared at us widely.

"God damn it! I love the way you drink!" Jimmy declared proudly and I laughed. "I'll drink to that!"

Everyone began ordering various drinks and Jack began looking around for...skirts. "Don't you even think about it, asshole. You stay here with your grown-up of a sister and get wasted. Only then you can go screw whatever whore you find!" Corey said, grabbing Jack's arm, who was getting ready to leave. Everyone started laughing around us.

"Come on, Jack, stay with us at least tonight," Alexa begged.

"Are you fucking serious?! Have you seen that chick?! Have you? That girl is unique." he hissed in despair. I looked to where he was pointing.

"Damn. You're right. Definately unique. Blonde hair, long legs. Just like the other three chicks you fucked this week," Corey stated thoughtfully. "Definately unique."

I downed my drink between laughs and got up, stretching my legs. "Just let the guy have fun. It's not like he's breaking anyone's heart," I explained in a sarcastic tone. "You need a girlfriend, lil bro."

"You two are brothers?" Zacky asked increduosly. Jack huffed and I rolled my eyes.

"Dude, I think I can totally see the resemblence now, " Matt added and I laughed, earning a slap in the arm from my brother. "See? You can just feel the love around them."

"What-the-fuck-ever, Shadows," Jack mumbled, earning another slap from me.

"You know what, Jack? Let's get this out of our minds. First of all, I would like to toast to fucking contract we just signed...and to our very talented guitarist for making our band better than it already was," Dom said, raising his glass.

"Why, Dom, you shouldn't have...." Corey chimmed in, acting really gay, making us all burst laughing.

"I wasn't talking about you, you fairy. Ace, baby, come here! Let me give you a hug, girl! You too, Alexa!" He extended his arms and hugged us both girls and I took advantage of the moment, stealing his drink and making it disappear in a matter of seconds. Everyone raised their glasses and cheered.

"And what's secondly? You said 'first of all'," Syn questioned and I was surprised he even talked.

"Secondly...let's go take down some suckers!" Dom screamed and jumped in Corey's back.

"He's already drunker than I am and he hasn't even had two shots," I mumbled to Alexa and she laughed. I sat down between Jimmy and Zacky, leaving the more immature members of my band fight. Syn was sitting on the other side of Jimmy, while Johnny sat on Zacky's other side. Matt and Alexa were two chairs away from Johnny, but seemed really deepened in their conversation. Syn was in a 'conversation', as well....with the same whore Jack had noticed earlier.

"So, Ace," Johnny started, "How 'bout boyfriends? You got any of those? Or is Dom?" At this, Syn looked at his drink, ignoring the poor girl for a while.

"Dom? No," I laughed."I'm just best friends with the boys in the band."

"Babe, that's perfect. You don't need those assholes, anyway. If you ever want a man around you, call 0-800-The Rev Line." This made Zacky, Johnny...and Syn...chuckle.

"Thanks, Rev. I'll keep that in mind." I laughed and waved for the bartender to pour another drink.

"And you're not drunk already?" Zacky asked mockingly.

"Please, Alexa and I could drink for ages. It takes something really strong to take us down."

"I'd like to see that."

"Is that a challenge, Vengeance?" He smirked.

"How about drinking contest? If you win...." he paused thoughfully.

"If I win, you give me one of them Vengeance University t-shirts I've been hearing about. No,wait... make it two t-shirts." He nodded.

"Fair enough." Jimmy and Syn were already standing and standing around us, while Johnny was laughing. "If I'll leave this bar holding my hand and claiming to be my girlfriend." I gaped at him.

"You what?" Alexa yelled.

"Here are your drinks, fuckers," Corey cheered, placing some glasses on the bar.

"Fair enough, Zacky V."

"I have to see this," Syn muttered, though he was already drunk, from what I could see.

The first three shots were piece of cake. Both Zacky and I downed them in seconds. The fourth had been slightly harder to down, though I had no problems in taking it. By the tenth shot, I was slightly dizzy, but Zacky was worse than me, though he didn't stop. However, after fifteen shots of tequilla and God knows what else they gave us to drink, he called it an end and said he couldn't drink anymore...well,more like slurred rather than said.

The Avenged Sevenfold boys were all pretty drunk, apart from Matt, who was really focusing on Alexa. My brother had disappeared with some chick and Dom and Corey were still there, cheering for me. I stood up and patted Zack's back.

"Two t-shirts, Vengeance," I mocked.

Alexa got up and smiled at me.

"You're drunk."

"That, my friend, is an understatement," I slurred. "But don't let them find that out."

"Okay. Jack headed to your place with some girl. Do you want to sleep at my place tonight?" I nodded and heard her tell something to Matt. I said my good-byes to Corey and Dom and to my surprise, Jimmy, Johnny and Matt gave me some hugs, while Zack was only capable of waving and Syn...well, he was too busy flirting with some chick.

"Two t-shirts, Vengeance!" I mocked.

As we got in Alexa's car and she drove to her place, I somehow doubted I would ever get to see the Avenged Sevenfold boys again. Especially since their lead-guitarist hated my guts.