Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy

Surprise, Surprise!

I plopped on the couch in Alexa's living room and turned on the tv. Best thing I could possibly do about Avenged Sevenfold was to forget about them. We got signed, I had been extremely happy about it, and we had ran into them, because they were Jason's friends. That was it. A sudden knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I got up and walked to Alexa's entrance.

"Miss Danvers?" I looked at the guy, probably no older than 19.

" I'm her friend." I noticed a note in his hands and could've sworn I saw my name written on it.

"Are you Ace? The guitarist from Blinding Rise?" I blinked twice. Wow, he knew who I was.

"Yeah, sure. What can I do for you?" He smiled widely.

"Oh, yeah. I was told to give you this." He handed me a medium sized box wrapped in some brown gift paper. "And...would you mind if I asked for an autograph? I think I had a pen somewhere here." I ended up signing his arm, which was kinda odd if you asked me.

"Who was that?" Alexa asked as she walked downstairs, wearing an AC/DC shirt and some jeans, which reminded me I had to get changed from my tanktop and shorts.

"Some guy...I got a package." She sat down on a chair and remained quiet while I ripped the gift paper, revealing that the box was inside was alot cooler than the paper. It was a black box, with a 'ZV' logo on. "What the...?"
I opened it and saw a, two Vengeance University t-shirts. Alexa began giggling.

"Look, you've got a note!" she shrieked and took the folded piece of paper at the bottom of the box. Of course I had to chase her to get it back and when I finally did, I pushed her on the couch and walked away from her, reading it.

The Rev swore he'd kill me if I wouldn't write this following phrase. I admit that I totally sucked at last night's contest and you owned me. We chose two of my very best t-shirts and payed some punk to deliver them. (Shithead wanted more than we initially offered.)
- ZV

I hope you like the t-shirts we sent your way. Also, Jason Berry told us you girls used to listen to our first albums and we all noticed your tattoo, so we sent you a disc with some new songs. Enjoy, Ace!
- Shads

This message is to the hot guitarist that took Zacky down. haha, cheers to that! Can't wait to see you again, rockstar! (Syn's being a bitch and doesn't want to write anything.)
- The Rev & Johnny Christ

Of course he hadn't written anything. Why would he? I decided to ignore the aggravation that was taking over me again and decided to focus on the part of me that was doing a little dance inside because the Avenged Sevenfold guys (well, only a part of them) actually bothered to keep in touch and were hoping to see us again. Not to mention that Zacky kept true to his word.

"Oh my God! You lucky bitch!" Alexa shrieked. "You are so sharing those with me," she said, pointing to the t-shirts. I smirked egotistically, causing her to glare at me. But we both burst out laughing.

"How did they fucking know your adress?"


"Bitches, what the fuck are you doing here?" I yelled as Dom, Correy and Jack entered Alexa's living room area.

"We thought we dropped by this lovely yound lady's house," Correy explained, kissing Alexa's hand in a curtially gesture. Dom and Jack whistled and Jack sat down next to me on the couch, his hand around my shoulders, holding me against him tightly. Too tightly.

"Jack, can you please not" I choked out and he chuckled, loosening his grip.

"How did you sleep last night? You drank so much, I thought I'd see you lying in bed right now," he stated, looking at his watch.

"It's noon, dummy," I mocked, ruffling his hair. "And I'm perfectly fine. In fact, I even got some ideas for a new song." Jack groaned and we all headed to the basement. Alexa, being the one with bigger funds, obviously had a whole basement set up for us so we could practice whenever we were at her place. Jack had been the great brother he was and had brought my guitar with him.

We spent like two or three hours doing solos and fooling around, but at the same time coming up with some cool new songs, too.

But the day pressed on like crushing weights
For no man does it ever wait
Like memories of dying days
That deafen us like hurricanes
Bathed in flames we held the brand
Uncurled the fingers in your hand
Pressed into the flesh like sand
Now do you understand?

I sang as I led Dom to the door. He had to leave, due to his part time job. He hugged me and kissed my cheek, then left.

"Good luck at work!" I yelled after him. I looked at the watch and remembered my week of holiday was over. I had taken a week off because I had to go to Miami.

"Fuck this," Jack mumbled once Alexa, Correy and I joined him. "I have to go to work too, Ace." I rolled my eyes and sighed as I took out the CD I had just received. Jack, being the asshole he is, grabbed it from my hands and questioned me about it.

"They sent you a CD and two t-shirts?!" Correy yelled, then looked at the CD closely. "City of Evil..."

"Well, yeah, dumbfuck, the shirts were part of the deal Zacky and Lexa made last night," Alexa intervened. I understood imediately why he was so stunned and hid the fact that I was actually just as amazed by the gesture. Before I knew, the CD was playing throughout the whole house. I listened to every lyric and every sound and decided that I really did like it. Alexa seemed more thrilled than I had ever seen her.

Syn was really good. He was a jerk to me, but he was an amazing guitarist....and hot.

As another song ended, the bell rang yet again and Alexa went to open it, while Jack and I sat on the couch, now listening to Seize the Day. The music was so loud, we couldn't hear anything Alexa was saying to the person and little did we care. Jack was obviously amazed by the drums, while I listened to Matt's voice and Syn's solos.

"I forgot how good these guys were," I muttered. Jack scoffed, looking at my tattoo.

"You know, you could surely sing like Matt. I mean, scream somewhat like him," Correy added thoughtfully. I could bet that somewhere inside that head of his, a new song was being born. He definately seemed inspired by Shadows' voice.

"Now easy there, we wouldn't want you stealing our fame." Jack, Correy and I turned our heads to look at the persons we would never expect to see in Alexa's living room.