Status: Waiting for editors...

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy


"Matt! Dude, are you fucking serious?" Jack jumped and went with Correy to say hi to everyone else. Alexa giggled excitedly as Matt hugged her tightly, which drew Correy's attention and I chuckled.

"Ace! My biatch! Get over here and show yo pimp some love!" Jimmy yelled as he rushed to hug me. I tried to stop my laughing, but it was impossible.

"Alright, enough of that, Rev. Can't you see she's not interested in you? After all, we do have a special bond, don't we, babe?" Zacky winked at me and Jimmy huffed.

"No offence, honey, but I think I'll take Johnny," I explained as I hugged JC, who began laughing as the other two stared at us. I high-fived Matt and noticed Syn leaning against the door frame. He looked at me and nodded. I smiled slyly.

"Where's Dom?" Matt asked.

"Part time job," Correy explained and he nodded. Jack, Correy and I took our spots on Alexa's huge pillows on the floor.

He nodded. He noticed me. He came here...Well maybe they made him come. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Jack's protective arm around me. As I looked at him, I noticed him stare at Syn, who was spread on the armchair in front of us. Smirking. Jimmy came next to him and they began talking and laughing.

"Thanks for the t-shirts, Zack," I said as he sat next to me. He placed his arm on my leg and winked.

"I bet you weren't even expecting to see them, huh?" I laughed and nodded.

"Come on, why wouldn't we keep in touch with you?" Johnny asked.

"I don't know. I'm glad you did, though," I stated.

"We rarely find bands so open minded and...different like you. And you're all really fucking cool, so why not be fucking friends with you guys? Besides, no one here in this room will blow the chance of hitting on one skilled chick guitarist and her singer friend." I laughed at Matt's explanation, but my laughter was cut off by Syn.

"Well, almost no one." I could've sworn I saw Zacky and Matt glare coldly at Syn, while Rev tried to lighten the atmosphere with his unique carisma. He was succesful, thank God.

Zacky and Jack were discussing my weaknesses, which only pissed me off. Of course, Jack explained how ticklish I was and shit like that, making Zack laugh. I warned my brother twice, then really got pissed off when he tried to get me in a headlock. He was in for it.

"So...did you have fun last night, Jack?" Matt questioned through laughs.

"Actually, he had loads of fun. Megan had him busy all night," Correy intervened. By then, Jack and I were caught in our wrestling match, while Don't worry, be happy began playing on the music channel everyone was watching. Everybody laughed at the scene, since Jack was the one immobilized and uncapable of moving.

"Who's Megan?" I enquired and stopped what I was doing the moment he told me that she was the woman he brought to the apartment the night before and she had made quite an impression on him.

"We're going out tonight," he added. I looked at my brother patiently and a sudden silence took over. Though I noticed Zacky was trying to hide his laugh, just like Alexa and Johnny. Jack suddenly looked at the watch and smirked. "Actually, I should be going, sis. Care to walk me to the door?" He batted his eyelashes and I stood up, following him to the door.

"Ace, mind if I ask you to get me something to drink?"

"No problem, Zack!" I yelled back then turned to say goodbye to my brother. "I guess I'll be seeing you home."

As I opened the fridge to get something to drink, I heard footsteps and turned to see Syn leaning on the counter. I tried to control my heart rate, which grew when he kept watching me, his eyes sparkling mischeviously. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Do you ever have moments without that idiotic smirk on your lips?" I questioned calmly and his face dropped for a few seconds, then returned to the initial state.

"I really don't see why that would interest you," he spat back. I tried to say something, but he cut me off again. "I have to congratulate you for having all the guys at your feet. And just so you know, I really have nothing against you, it's're not really my type, y'know? But it's not like you don't have your fan club. I'm sure there's lots of guys out there who think you're...nice." That tingled my nerves. Why was he even talking to me eitherway? He smirked like a moron yet again and waved towards the beer in my hand. "How about you give me a beer, too?"

"Uhm...yeah, you know what? I think you might have to get one yourself." With that, I walked out of the kitchen and went in the living room. The next hours we spent with the guys were living hell to me. Syn kept looking at me, while I tried to cool my nerves off. Everybody else noticed, but they didn't say anything. It wasn't the time, nor the place to discuss it.

As we walked everyone to the door and said our goodbyes, Jimmy and I kept talking and he was impressed when he found out that I knew how to play drums, too.

"And what are you up to tomorrow?" he asked as we stopped near their cars.

"I'll probably be at work. I had a week of vacation and now I'm going back." Matt laughed.

"Job, huh? You won't be needing that after you get your first album out." Alexa laughed and Zacky came to hug me.

"What time do you finish work at?"

"Around 5. Why?" He smiled widely.

"Mind if I drop by?" My eyes widened at his proposition and I nodded.

Everyone got in their cars, while Syn and Zacky headed to Syn's BMW.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 5!" Zacky finally yelled and I laughed. As everyone left, Alexa came next to me.

"Did I just see Syn glare at Zacky when he yelled that?" I shrugged. Did he?


I took a shower and got dressed in my favourite Misfits sleeveless shirt and some jeans. Jack hadn't come home all night and I assumed he had slept at Megan's. I had to admit I was slightly worried about her. Jack really didn't know how to pick them.

"Morning, Senior!" my brother saluted as he walked in the kitchen.

"Hi, Junior. How was your night?"

"It was awesome." I looked up from my plate as I heard this.

"Is she really that good?" I asked sarcastically. He sighed.

"We didn't sleep together. We just had dinner and went for a walk," he blurted out and I laughed. He grabbed something to eat. "You off to work?" I nodded in reply. "Tell me again...Exactly why do we have to do this?"

"Because, Jack...we have bills to pay. Besides, what do you have to complain about? All you have to do is sell clothes." He huffed. I kissed his cheek. "Be good, Jack."

"Yeah, mom." I laughed bitterly.


As I walked through the doors of Dean's Guitars And Drums, my boss Dean greeted me cheerfully and told me he was glad to see me again. I smiled and took my usual spot as a seller. I sighed as the first customer came in and put my smile on.

"Hi, welcome to Dean's Guitars and Drums! What can I do for you?"

*Brian's POV*

"Dude, what the fuck was that?" I looked at Jimmy, sitting on the couch in our studio.

"What was what?"

"Yesterday. You told something to Ace." I tried to deny, but he cut me off. "Don't fucking lie, Syn! She was perfectly fine before she went to the kitchen and then when she came back, she was so fucking tensed....You were the only person, aside Jack, who could've said something to offend her." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You done with your little speech?" I spat and imediately regretted it. He was my best friend. I never talked to my friends like that. But this was a delicate matter and I didn't want to talk about it. He knew that...didn't he?

"Whatever, Brian." A moment of silence followed and I muttered an apologize. "Zacky's going out with her tonight." My fingers slipped on the strings, making an annoying sound. I tried to remain cool and seem uncaring. What was going on with me?

"I thought he was just picking her up and driving her home," I said. Jimmy shrugged.

"Don't know, man. Now come on, be honest. What did you tell her?" It was my turn to shrug.

"We just...couldn't get a conversation going."

"She thinks you hate her. I found that out from Alexa." I shrugged and thanked God Matt, Johnny and Zacky showed up right then. Zack had been really bubbly all day and would check out his watch very often. I had a feeling I knew the reason for his behaviour.

She thought I hated her....I didn't hate her. There was something about her that just made me put up this wall and I had no idea why. The girls I had dated...they all had their way of thinking, their own behaviour, but at the same time they were all the same. Ace wasn't like that. She wasn't like anything I knew. I couldn't understand her like I did the rest of the girls. She intrigued me and that I couldn't handle. She was spontaneous, she was misterious, she had this aura around her...there was something about her that I did like.

But she wasn't want me like other girls. She didn't beg for my attention. Matt had warned me that I had acted like a jerk the first night we met Blinding Rise and everyone else told me to go talk to her when we would next see her. I tried. Well, I wanted to, but I couldn't let my guard down for a fucking second. I wanted to slap myself right after she left the kitchen. The things I told her...I sounded like a bitch.

"Brian, you alright?" I looked at Matt and nodded, pretending to be tired.

"I better get going." I couldn't help but glare at Zack. What the fuck did he want from Ace? He was flirting with her without a trouble. I didn't even know why it pissed me off some much, but it did. Matt decided to call it a day.

"Have fun with Ace," I mumbled towards Zacky, as he got in his car. He smirked and I shook my head once he left. Zack was my friend and I was so pissed at him for a reason I couldn't understand. Matt came up to me and patted my back.

"I've been thinking about inviting the guys from Blinding Rise to a barbeque this weekend. I wanted to talk to you about it first, though. I know you and Ace have some issues, so..." He couldn't possibly be serious. I sighed as I got in my car.

"Sure, man, I don't mind. I'll be there." I started the engine and watched Matt walk away.
I had to talk to her. I didn't know how I'd do it, but I had to speak to Ace.